Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
05 Dariel, Become a part of the village
"Uh, so..."
I was supposed to be introduced to everyone in the village.
Suddenly gather all the villagers together.
"Dariel, you're new to this village of Lax."
Marika's father banged me on the shoulder.
"It's him, isn't it? as shown."
The mystery is that your father himself boasts of something.
"Duh, guys...?
I tried to be as loving as I could, but the villagers' gaze was directed at the 'rare beast' no matter how they interpreted it.
"Ask him to work as an adventurer. The request will be accepted in bulk by the eagle as usual, so if you have any problems, come and tell the eagle who is the village chief."
I was the one who reacted most to it.
Against Marika's father.
"Were you the village chief, you!?"
"Ooh, didn't I tell you? I'm the village chief! He's also an Alliance Master."
What do you mean?
"It's a small village. The mayor of the village is the guild master."
A small village, but thus seeing all the inhabitants of the village, can be seen that it was not a grand expression.
There are only about thirty people at most.
Is this the total population of the village?
Nor does the guild have a formal branch, the scale at which the village chief can function simply by assuming the role of guild master...... makes me convinced.
... by the way.
So Mr. Marika is the village chief's daughter?
"... I left it for you to introduce Darriel"
Introduce yourself from yourself for now.
"I'm going to work as hard as I can with members of the village. It exists. We hope you'll get along."
Hit it as soft as possible.
Thinking about "don't let it lick you" doesn't make it rock.
"That's polite..."
"I was worried at first when I heard it was someone from outside..."
"And he's not an outgoing man...?
Looks like we got a good impression from the villagers.
Not bad as a slip out......
"Heh, I don't like it."
... It wasn't like that.
One of you is stripping me of my hostility.
"You think you're an adventurer? Why are there two adventurers in Lax Village?
He was a young man.
Around twenty from the looks of it.
She was fit and seems to move well, but her face was busy and still left teenage young.
"... what about you?
"Don't talk to me like that, Osama!
The reaction is young.
Well, I'm definitely Osama.
Thirty years old passed so long ago...!
"... what about him?
I can't help it, so I shake it to the village chief.
Marika's father, the village chief.
"... say Gacita. Now you're not a valuable young man in my village."
The village chief also gets a slightly light-hearted look.
"Do the Adventurer"
"And so is he."
"I mean, there's only one adventurer in my village. I don't know what else to do."
You're more negligent than listening.
What is a village with only one adventurer.
"That's why I'm so glad you came. You joined and the adventurers in the village of Lax went from one to two. This smoothly exposes requests from villagers"
I knew I couldn't turn it around by myself.
"Get the fuck out of here! I am the only adventurer in this village!!"
It was a young man named Gashita who ate and hung on to it.
"By and large, does this Osama work as an adventurer? Adventurers are tough jobs, aren't they? Doesn't work for idiots or weaklings, okay?
It openly sets a challenging tone.
"I'm so tired of Osama. Do you have the strength to run around in the woods? Can you fight monsters?
"I'm only going to feel confident about my health."
"... what level are you at?
"It's an adventurer's grade! Don't you even know that, amateur!!"
Even so, I'm an undisputed amateur who recently became an adventurer.
"... Darriel, take a look at the back of your hand"
The village chief I saw gave me a helping boat.
"The back of your hand?"
"There would be a crest floating there. It's a seal to be engraved by the Alliance subscribers."
If you ask me.
You floated around when we did the registration ritual, didn't you?
"This is the crest of an E-class adventurer. Adventurers have a rating from E to A."
"E-class!? Isn't that the bottom line, pity on Osama's cunt!
Gacita didn't even try to hide the look of mockery.
"And you, by the way?
"Class D!
One on top.
"That's why you honor me, Osama! Don't interrupt even if we meet at the crime scene!?"
When I said so, I shook my shoulder and left.
What the hell is he?
"I guess I was relieved for a moment to find out I was winning by rank. He's the one who confines himself to something really small. So the vessel won't spread forever."
The village chief sighed deeply.
"It's only a precious young man for this village. But I don't care about that. The world you live in is growing too narrow."
As village chief, as guild master, or more simply as village elders?
Spit out a rigorous assessment with dissatisfaction.
"As the only adventurer in the village, he has a special job to do. Actually, that's not true. The bigger you go to a guild, the more you sweep and throw away," said the Class D Adventurer.
In the industry of adventurers, that's what E-class is, a runaway de newbie.
Everyone, without exception, makes two quests at a time and goes up to level D.
"Something like a temporary exemption, such as level E, for adventurers. Class D is the true lowest level. I didn't expect to make you look that proud to be that D-level. Pitiful and embarrassing......!
The village chief has his head in his arms.
"Darriel, yeah. If you work as an adventurer, he will also be able to compare subjects and understand how immature he is. Can I count on you in that respect?
"I'm an E below him, though."
"Anyone starts with an" E. "If you're smart, it's not a dream to become an A!
Don't be such a jerk.
I'm going to grow.
"So why don't you get to work quickly?
"Quick or helpful. This is such a small village, though. It's like picking herbs in the woods or getting rid of monsters."
What other requests do you have? I thought so, but I didn't ask because it seemed out of line.
"Especially when it comes to collecting herbs. I got in trouble because some idiot from Gacita wouldn't accept," It's not my job as a class D adventurer. "Darriel would be very helpful if you could take it on."
"Let's do it"
It's just an easy job to pick grass, but there's a lot of danger in the woods.
He said it was Theory who asked the adventurer to be careful.
"Our Marika just went into the woods and got caught in danger. If Gacita had taken on the herbal removal quest without saying anything busy, that wouldn't have happened either......!
You mean when I met her?
A weak woman was in the woods for such a reason.
But because of that, me and Marika met, it's complicated.
"Dariel, be very careful when you go into the woods, too. Because now Ethemone is gone."
"It's a monster of monkeys unique around here. He's a frenzied guy, and when he gets his sightings, the villagers won't be able to get into the woods."
So the village chief showed me a single painting.
It seems to be a sketch of Etemorn and Ya.
I recognize this monkey painting...!?
"Gacita is on a crusade quest, but she still can't defeat that bong cla over half a month. As long as you defeat Etemorn, you won't even go pick up a little firewood, something that's really troubling you......!
"Oh, this...?
Marika glanced at the sketch and said.
"Isn't this the monkey in this painting, the one Mr. Darriel knocked down?
I thought so too.
In the woods, a monkey was about to be attacked by Mr. Marika.
The ape's appearance was twofold with the figure of Etemorn in the sketch.