Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
11 Village Chief, I miss the old days
The village is still peaceful today.
Some minutes have passed since this me, Dariel, fired the Demon King's Army and started my second life in a human village.
"Aniki, no! Hiccup!"
Easy. Easy.
Notably, does that mean Gacita totally missed me?
He had barked like a mad dog since that war with the serpent, too, completely round his tail, to the point of confusion that he was someone else.
"Aniki, no! I'll think of a new special! Look at that!
"Work before you do."
I also honestly ordered a quest for herb picking that I had previously refused, so that I could split it it with me to cover a wide range.
Thanks to this, the health of the village is maintained without running out of constant medication.
Plus Marika's......
"Mr. Darriel! Atashi Handmade Lunch Box! Please eat without leaving! What shall we do then!? Hugs!? Are you a mundane hug that I hope you return safely!? Nice! Be sure!!"
Gougly coming.
Has she always been like this? and even remember the war, but the village was generally peaceful if it also accepted
The endless wars between the brave and the demon kings will not affect even such a rural village.
Sometimes that idyllic......
"Mr. Village Chief, Mr. Village Chief"
Neat time after dinner.
In the village chief's house, where I was in trouble, the shabby me and the village chief were neat.
"I was just wondering..."
"What is it?
I was curious, but I don't even have to ask again.
It was about time I dared to ask what I didn't care about.
Marika and her mother are in a different place after washing dinner.
Really, what's this leisurely time?
"I feel like this village has a lot of vacant houses if I do...?
Hinabi secluded village......, it was heard from the beginning.
When I actually live there, I feel with my skin that the introduction is true.
The number of residents is small and the average age is high.
This, then, and in less than a few decades it will have to disappear naturally. Undisputed limit settlement.
So the question I spoke of.
The fact that 'there are many vacant houses' also seems extremely straightforward.
Because fewer people live there year after year.
But the number of vacant houses lined up in the village of Lax was unusual, minus those circumstances.
I tried counting without any concern before, but there were seventy houses.
Plus, the mansion where people still live is added.
A little about the size of a city.
It just seems more and more unnatural to be a crushing cold village.
Wasn't this village a time in the past that I couldn't even imagine?
"Ho ho ho ho... That's Darriel, I'll take a good look."
I don't know what it is, but it seems my reputation from time to time is high.
Thank you.
"It's a good opportunity. You should also let Dariel know as a resident of the village. The bustle that the village of Lax once experienced…"
Is it going to be a long story, the village chief called on the kitchen to "bring me some tea -"
"Brew yourself," Marika's voice returned.
"Darriel, please!
Marika, I want some tea too.
Marika rushes with a tray instantly.
Even tea and confectionery.
The conversation began as I rinsed the tea.
"I miss you now, though. There was a time when our village was busy."
"Thirty years..., no. Forty years ago, I wonder? There was an important base, beyond this village."
"What's an important hub?
According to the village chief's story, there is the only Mithril mine in the world.
From the territory of the human race, of the village of Lax where we are, over there again.
Mithrills are metals with strange properties that are neither iron nor copper.
The weapon that is made of this material seems to have very high performance.
High demand as a weapon material, the mine was very busy.
The village of Lax here was also very busy as a relay site in order to transport the excavated Mithril steel to various locations.
"Lots of vacant houses are remnants of that time..."
"That's the thing. At the time, it was so busy that I misjudged it to be a big city.
Carriages with misthrilled steel come and go.
Horsemen serving as transport and miners falling into avalanches in search of work stopped at the village of Lax as a rest stop on the way.
As an accomodation town, the village of Lax said it had extremes of luxury.
"But that buzz wasn't forever either."
"What happened? You know, the mineral veins are dead or something?
"No, there must still be gunshot thrills dug out of the mine."
Then why did Lax Village lose its function as an accomodation town?
"Because they took it, they took the mine."
"To whom?
"To the Demons."
According to the village chief, the Mithril mine, which will not wither forever, is important to both the human race and the demon race.
Hundreds of years after the usurpation took place, ownership of the mine has come and gone between demons and humans.
And now the owner of the mine was the Demon Nation.
...... hmm?
"When I was ten... Was it? Until then, the demons will attack the mines where the humans were. They took it as it was."
"Naturally, the flow of people coming and going through this village stopped. I was more and more lonely. There were several moves to take it back, but it all failed. Now it's totally moody to give up."
"Ha ha...!?"
Have you noticed how strange my reactions have been since earlier?
For what reason?
Because there was a verse that came to mind.
The mines that produce Mithril are being taken from each other by Demons and Humans.
There was such an important base.
It was heard when I was still working for the Demon King's Army.
No, on the contrary, I even went in and out of that mine.
As a mining officer for the Demon King's Army.
That's what Assistant Four Heavens has to do.
Go directly to the mine to transport the minerals you produce or to labor the workers who work locally.
I was doing that.
"In the beginning, a lot of adventurers came to try to reclaim it. But no matter how many times you attack him, he's better at it and can't take it back..."
In time, the human race side will also give up and change its policies.
"As long as we defeat the Demon King, we can take it all back! 'He said he focused on the Demon King crusade by the brave.
"I'm totally lonely by the time I get to work. The only way to eat it was to become an adventurer and earn money. I met my wife there."
Such a past...!?
"Even for me, the bustling village of Lax is a distant memory of my childhood. The generation that will know the buzz of the day will be the last with the eagle. If the eagle dies, I guess it will be a complete thing of the past..."
The loneliness of the village chief is not a great deal.
In fact, the population of the village of Lax continues to decline.
Even on days when it will be completely zero, it is not about such a distant future.
This village, whose journey to the Mithril mine has been closed, is doomed to die slowly.
So I thought.
I haven't been there in a while.
I was once in charge as assistant to the Four Kings.
To the Mithril mine, which is now ruled by the Demons.