Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life

33 Brave man, getting his milk rubbed

"The brave are coming?

I'm confused by the news from the guild executives.

In my arms, my love gran is raging fine.

"That's right! That's right! Finally, a brave man descends upon this village!!"

Mr. Guild Executive is super excited.

Nowadays, this man, the chief of the Mithril mine, is based over there, but they come and go with each other to keep in close contact with the village of Lax.

So, while I'm surprised about what I came here for today, this lunatic.

It's time for a long relationship with the guild executives, but I've never seen them float over so many degrees.

"Brave man! Brave man! He's a brave man, Mayor Dariel!!"

"Calm down, I know you're a brave man.... are you a brave man?

It was time for the brave men to begin the collapse of Gestalt.

Speaking of brave men, it is array.

A killer who targets the Demon King.

"Speaking of brave men, you're a hero!

Subtly different perceptions.

"He's a heroic candidate to be chosen for the sorrow of the human race, the Demon King Crusade! The most promising are chosen from the adventurers belonging to the Alliance, giving them the mission to defeat the Demon King and all the conveniences involved in it"

"I know."

"I guess! There's no such thing as a human race that doesn't know about brave people!!"


All I know is that the Demon King's Army fights brave men.

... It was over a year ago that I joined the Demon King's Army.

I miss everything.

So I assisted the Four Heavenly Kings (my predecessors) and fought more than once against the brave men attacking the demonic realm.

Well, he's an assistant.

I left it up to the Four Heavens King to bump right out of the front, and all I had to do was back up from behind.

Still, in fact, on the battlefield, I've witnessed brave men.

He was a dandy Osama with a mustache.

At that time it was the time of the predecessor Four Heavenly Kings, but its shapes wielding blades at Lady Granburza and other Four Heavenly Kings opponents seemed like demons.

I was super scared.

Is that guy coming here? Ah...!

I'm scared, I don't...!

I never got out on the arrow side, but I had some urchins on the battlefield, so maybe they remember my face?

Then they could kill me the minute we met......!

"Me, can I be absent?

"What are you talking about, Mayor Dariel!? You must be the representative of this village!?"

Yes, but.

It is now......

"Isn't it a good place to disrespect you for not welcoming the brave! I'm buying you! I want you to show that talent even in front of the brave!!"

I don't care if they expect it that way.

"The brave man has just been replaced last year, but he still has an unknown side. I'm relieved to be escorted to talent as carefree as you are."

"Huh? Did you replace it?

"Yes, Master Aranzil, a former brave man, was severely wounded in the battle against the Demons and was abruptly retired. After that, Mr. Contemporary Lady is responsible."

You're retired. That Osama.

That's right.

Grand Barza, who consulted with Osama, was also forced to retire due to serious injuries, so can he stay on active duty only with Osama?


Then don't you have to worry about my face finding out problem or something?

"Okay, let's do it"

"That's Mayor Dariel!!"

I'll do anything I can for this village of Lax.

That is my duty as a member of the village of Lax and now a representative of the village.

I am not willing to be lazy.

And my son, who is still a baby. Stop putting cancer on the guild executives.

"So, what exactly can that brave man come to?

"Well, it's decided to discern our proud Mithril weapon!

I guess.

When it comes to spare people being interested in this rural village, that's about it.

Was it just stupid to ask?

"The brave are those with a mission to defeat the Demon King. I can tell you are the one most in need of a powerful Mithril weapon! It can be said that it is our duty as a race to provide the brave man with the best Mithril weapon!


I'm apathetic, definitely because of my previous job.

"If the brave man loves the Mithril weapons we produce, his reputation will blow to the sky! Mithril, you can declare that the weapon is fully revived! This is supreme for us, too!


"I should have sent you the invitation meeting a long time ago, but you never replied, so I was hissing if it was ignored! But finally, the opportunity has come! Let's be uptight for ourselves and for the whole race!!"

My affection for the exciting guild executives is still cancer.

What's the matter, Gran?

Oh, are you sleepy?

That Odysan's so annoying, you can't sleep, can you?

That's how Lax Village was set to welcome the brave.

"This is the brave Lady."

"I'm Darriel, village chief of Lax. Welcome aboard."

The new brave guy I met was a cute girl with a crush on her.


Another blatantly different impression from my predecessors.

"... something?

"No! No!


Don't stare at the detour. Even though it's like a world where Osama like me just stares at a young girl and makes a case.

"... brave man!... greetings, greetings!


An even younger girl is whispering in her ear, refraining behind her back.

One more man with a tired impression behind his back.

A total of three are contemporary brave parties?

"... I can't thank you enough for accepting this sudden visit. As a brave man, I deeply engrave your village's cooperation."

"... and what is it for this time?

"I came interested in a weapon made of Mithril that is manufactured in your village. He said it might help us to crusade the Demon King."

I knew it was coming......

As a former Demon King Army, it's no fun for her to defeat the Demon King, but you'd better have the best weapon for the village.

Whatever you do, there's no way the Demon King is going to lose, so stay.

"Anything, he said, will make a bespoke weapon that suits us. Increased weapon performance will greatly help the Demon King crusade."

Who, did you suggest that?

I didn't ask.

I'm not the village chief!?

I can't say 'I don't know', and I just have to keep the flow going?

"Anyway, you'll be tired from a long journey, so let me show you to your accommodation first. Why don't you take a break there and then get down to business?

"It hurts."

The brave men have come a long way. They will be staying for a few days.

Dear guest brave man, we mentioned the village and discussed where to get you to sleep, but in the end we decided to have you stay at the village chief's house.

Because that's still the most luxurious building in the village.

There are many empty rooms and people live there so they are well maintained.

Now I'm the head of the village for a long time. It could also mean that I'm always attached as a host.

"I'm afraid in the country mansion, think of it as our home and relax"

"I'm afraid you'll be able to stay at the village chief's house on purpose."

The one at home - greeted by the elder husband and wife of Mae Mura, who have now become aunts, and my wife Marika, my son Gran, born in the meantime, and the family at large.

"Well baby!?"

In it, Mr. Brave paid attention to my newborn son.

That's just girls and you like cute stuff?

"Cute! So cute!?... Um, can I hold you?

"Yeah? Yes...!?"

Something brave has made me look like the first girl of my age.

Cute stuff lets girls land out?

"Well, you don't have to be so careful with your neck anymore."

"Thank you......!

Marika, her mother, also deposits her dreaded son with Mr. Brave.

"Wow, cute......! Lovely......!...... hi-chan!?"

That's where the incident happened.

I haven't even got my mind on it yet, my son.

Eagle the tits of a strange sister holding herself up.

"Soo, excuse me! Excuse my son...!?"

"Yes, fine. Because it's what babies do......! Hi-chan!?"

Don't be obsessively mommy!?

This is how our son earned the title of "The Baby Rubbed the Brave Boobs".

Are you going to be a big shot in the future?