Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
38 Darriel, scum instantly punches
When I heard "Someone came from Center Guild," I finally responded with a temper to see if every compulsion letter related troubles had started in earnest.
But it wasn't what I thought.
The messenger from the center guild approached the brave without looking at me.
The brave man was making his eyes black and white when he saw it.
Apparently I know a visitor......
"Are you..., Nortya!?"
I knew him.
I don't know what it is, but thanks to you, I'm totally off topic.
Can I be happy or outraged?
"I didn't know you were coming as a messenger..."
"You got it. It's a country village. I didn't know I had to come to such a civil settlement, even though I was instructed to do so by the center guild."
"That and all this, because you have plundered the throne of the brave. Lady, did you realize that you were the brave man chosen by mistake?
"You and I have been since the Brave Choice. You haven't changed a bit since then."
Face to face. Looks like there's a cause. Those two?
What the hell kind of relationship is that?
"Nortya is a very nasty guy...!
Lined up next to me... isn't he one of the brave ones?
The shieldman's name is Satome?
"When the previous brave men retired, a selection meeting was held to determine the next brave man. And it was Lady who was chosen, but it was that Nortya who competed with that Lady!
Then he said that in some cases that Nortya might have become a brave man.
"Are you that strong? Him?"
"Strong is strong...... My personality sucks! I didn't end up being chosen as a brave man because I also had personality problems over ability...... Because the brave men who represent the human race have to be respected...!
I see.
Turns out he's a pretty nasty crook.
Why did such a troublemaker come to this village of Lax?
"And anyway, if you're a sent messenger from Center Guild, you mean you brought me the compulsory collection letter I applied for? Give it to me quickly."
"No, I didn't bring it"
"What the hell!?"
"Because you don't have to. The Center Alliance has declined your request."
Then I'll be saved, but isn't the brave in big trouble?
The guild should help the brave, so why the mean mane?
"Lady, your impression is getting worse. You have to work for the brave man."
"... what do you mean? I serve as a brave man day and night!
"Not at first. First he defeated the Four Heavenly Kings of the Water, then the Four Heavenly Kings of the Wind, and won with the momentum of the Bamboo. But at the heart of the Rasparda Fortress, the advance has stopped, and since then, we have been attacking late."
"So, that's why I'm raising my bloodpath to enhanced combat power. I also came to this village to gain a powerful Mithril weapon. And luckily I asked for the help of my guild to welcome the last of my people I met in this land......!
That's annoying.
But it seems that everything doesn't go the way the brave man wants it. The clouds are suspicious.
"That's why. Even a lot of losers can't help but confuse the Guild Board if you make a public myth about adding these country village adventurers to your crew."
"Oh no...!
A giant, named Nortya, has turned his neck and turned his tiny gaze this way.
No, it's not me at the end of your gaze.
Satome and Sesha lined up next to me. My fellow brave men.
"Even when you add those two to the party, you could've rubbed them pretty good, couldn't you? Because the guild wanted to put on a more famous and dependable adventurer, but you decide on your own...?
"Both Satome and Sesha are sincerely trustworthy companions! There is no more important element than trust to organize a party!!"
"I couldn't drop the Rasparda Fortress if I bumped into him with a believable member. Aren't you telling me there was madness in your eyes?
"Is that...!?"
"We need to listen to our opinions more honestly than we've made mistakes. The Center Guild Board sent aid for the struggling brave. I mean, this is me!!"
The clouds are getting suspicious.
"I mean, the three of us are still going to join this incomplete brave party! As your last mate!
"Thank you, Lady. With the addition of me, your poor party will change faster than ever, huh?
Apparently, he'll join the brave ones.
If I did, I'd be hail by calling it a checkbox, but it feels moisturizing.
It was Satome who broke into it so that it could catch fire.
A fierce rejection that really burns up.
"Who would allow someone like you to join us! Dear Gicochew, if a bastard like you comes in, the party will be rattled!!"
"Let it go, incompetent little girl. I'm in charge of the party. It's called a vice-general position to support the brave."
"Don't be ridiculous!
"If you have any complaints, tell the Center Guild. I come in with their ink. [M] If you're gonna complain too much, I'm gonna fire you under the authority of the Center Alliance."
To a high-pressure proclamation, Satome is barometric.
"I just know how to use a shield better than you. Don't let a brave woman party in the frame of friends."
"Ko, this...!?"
"From now on, your spears will follow me. If I tell you to die, you die. That's the rule for this party. If you say you don't like it, I'll have it relentlessly pulled out by the authority of the Center Guild."
Using a power such as a center guild, I push my claims through.
Another troublesome companion showed up.
If he joins us like this, the brave party will collapse.
"Oh, is that Osama, who went to a brave party?
And the intruder's gaze shifted further to mine.
"Bad, huh? Did I make you dream? But the chosen seats should be filled with chosen ones. A country Tango like you doesn't deserve too much."
"But, well, no, what's this village that makes Mithril weapons? Build me a weapon just fine. Best materials, best craftsmen. Cancel all other jobs. My weapon building is our top priority."
Say something unsolicited.
"Would you be glad that such a worthless village of Cass could help me? It will be a lifetime honor, so work hard. Yeah, why don't you give it up for a woman until she can do it? Two or three of the best beauties in the village? Osama, if it's your kami but..., BUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBUBU!?"
The strongest member who was punched in the cheek rolled in momentum.
"I didn't know you could do this kind of helo punch. You're the strongest member."
Uhm weak.
I'm not sassy about going into a brave party or anything, but that guild recommended member is too harsh for anything.
Leave the brave men haunted by such scum.
Just don't hurt your conscience.
"Deskwork groups disturb the scene. Even where I used to work."
The Center Guild Board and I don't know the battle didn't seem to spot the true value of this scum.
"I'm not a brave party in the first place. That's why center guild and power don't work either. On behalf of the brave men of all kinds and tenacity, I will eliminate you."
Is it his duty as a human race to support the brave?
"Temee, he's dead...!?"
What is it, a name?
Yeah, a guy named Nortya had a bright red swelling on his cheek beaten by me.
Burn a flame of anger in your eyes with a melamera.
"I didn't expect you to work disrespectfully on me, the brave one. You kill! I'll let this whole village take the blame for your evil deeds! I'll kill all the children in the village and I'll offend all the women!
"Since when did you become a brave man? The brave ones are over there. Pretty lady, aren't they?
"Don't fool around to know! I'm the real brave one! I should have been the brave one!!"
Speaking of which, I told you.
This man, he said, was at a selection party for a new brave man with his predecessor's retirement.
If you have this personality, it's natural to be dropped.
There are smart people and idiots in every place.
Where the wise have dropped this man from the selection of the brave and the idiot has sent him here?
"It's annoying to be pushed to the end of an idiot. Try to crush him thoroughly so he won't be bothered again."
That's what I got to say.