Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
104 Zebiantes, defend the fortress (Four Heavens King SIDE)
That goes back a few days before the brave men were attacked by Fort Lasparda......
"The brave are coming."
"" Huh!? "
Inside the Rasparda Fortress.
All four kings were deployed in defense.
Among them, only Zebiantes, who presides over the wind attributes, is free to disappear and play around whenever he wants to.
Still, lately, he has been better off because he regularly assumes office and performs defensive duties...
I was honestly surprised by my colleague, Droyer, Bezeria, when Zebiantes told me about the emergency as soon as he came back from the other side.
"The brave men are attacking!? There's been a brave man who hasn't heard from me lately!?"
"No, he's not that brave."
"Which way!? Which way!?"
The droyer, which had not yet gotten the information itself that there were more brave men, is the extreme of confusion.
I convince myself to listen back three times to explain why Zebiantes couldn't give me the guidelines.
"... I see. You mean the humans have sent multiple brave men at once? That's a new approach."
Droyer of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Army "The Land".
Likewise 'turbid water' bezelia.
These two are on a serious defensive mission, so they never leave the fortress and are therefore difficult to gather information.
Obtaining information on the human side, which is an enemy force even if it is not, was a difficult undertaking….
"That's amazing, Zebiantes! If you think you'll be gone sometimes, I didn't expect you to come back for a souvenir with critical information each time!
"Ha-ha-ha, you should praise me more."
Zebiantes revels in his mastery.
In the first place, all the useful information she brings is provided by Darriel without exception, and Zebiantes is nothing more than a message pigeon, so to speak, where he hides it and boasts of his handles with all his might.
"Just letting them know won't do it."
To put it so thorny is Bezeria, the Four Heavenly Kings, who presides over the water attributes.
Now that Bashbarza is dead, he's surrounded by two women and he's the only male Four Heavens King.
"The Four Heavens are commanders, not conductors. The Commander's job is to work out the operation based on the resulting information and move it to execution. If you can't do that, there's no point in being the Four Heavens King."
"I know. He's the kind of guy who puts his ass on."
Even though Zebiantes only seems grumpy for a moment......
"Of course! We have secrets about interceptions!
"It's only natural to intercept them when they attack us. I don't even think we need to discuss this...?
Neither Droyer nor Bezeri snorted more than they were pressed in case.
The brave interception plan proposed by Zebiantes was naturally drawn up by Darriel.
During his time in the Demon King's Army, he fought many times with a line of brave men under the predecessor Four Heavenly Kings, and the experience and wisdom he acquired are fully demonstrated.
Robust defensive posture laid in the fortress through Zebiantes.
And a few days have passed......
"He came."
We quickly discovered the new braves who had reached the front of the fortress.
They are so far apart that they are still not perceived by the naked eye when it comes to front.
But it was by releasing the wild birds that Zebiantes had beforehand magically served on all sides, and by sharing his sight that he could find them without bitterness.
Once upon a time, the Four Heavens King Bashbarza failed to use the Warcraft with high risk, but unlike that, if it was to the extent of a small bird beast, manipulative magic was a common treatment.
"Each of the three brave men leads the party. There are three parties of four... fifteen in total."
When I heard Zebiantes miscalculate, Bezelia fought, "Are you serious...?!?"
"Have you noticed what this one has noticed?
"Not at all. I don't think he's the same brave guy as Lady."
With the Four Heavenly Kings, it is not always possible to perceive an attacker so far away.
This time, I was able to immediately discover it, especially because I was keeping my guard tight.
According to Dariel, from the date of departure of the Three Brave Men, he set an approximate time of arrival.
This was also brought to the fortress defense through Zebiantes, and was put into practice as her mystical intuition.
Anyway, the demonic side was able to take the overwhelming advantage of being able to perceive the opponent's trends before they noticed.
"Well, how do we intercept? The number of opponents is the highest ever, even though you can see the movement. I don't think it's gonna be easy to clean this up, though?
"Oh, wait a minute, huh? They're falling apart without coming together. Looks like they're attacking each other from another direction."
The Four Heavenly Kings cannot grasp until the three brave men of the attacker are unwilling to cooperate and each one strikes up in a competing fashion.
"Should we consider each chance of destruction to have been created to our advantage? The three of us marched together. What do you say we clean up the parties one by one by the time difference?
"It's also a method of warfare that can be hunted down as it is if you make it to the first battle. I can count on the strength of the fortress..."
Zebiantes smiles with a special smile as Droyer and Bezeria come up with a proposal.
"It's okay. There's already a secret there."
Of course, that was also an idea given to him by Darriel, but Zebiantes made it good and in his own way.
"It's ready! Bezelia, do as you're told!
At the behest of Zebiantes, Bezeria mumbles a magical chant.
Naturally it is the magic of water attributes that he specializes in with the title 'Turbid Water'.
Spring water generated from a ragged hand.
Zebiantes magically sends the wind in there.
The fusion of water and wind.
And all you can do is...
Water droplets, diffused by the wind and a fine splash, spread into the air.
The phenomenon of microdroplets flying innumerably, refracting the light and filling the space with bright white….
The fog caused by 'turbid water' Bezeria and 'Hua Feng' Zebiantes in cooperation spreads infinitely further on the wind.
Use the fortress as a starting point, in the direction of the human race force area.
"Now the enemy will be blocked from sight by the fog. We lost sight of the direction in the enemy land. If you do it badly, you'll be shipwrecked."
"Wow, you can deadly disrupt enemies with fog that doesn't even attack?
"That's not all."
Zebiantes explains it well.
"This fog isn't just a fog. The magically created water has a special trick."
"Originally, it was called" Detective Water. "
Bezeria takes over the explanation.
"The touch of water conveys immediately to the surgeon. Excellent detective magic of water attributes, it is first and foremost considered impossible to conceal the existence from him"
To kill footsteps with the hidden magic of the wind, for example, or to manipulate the refractive index of light to hide himself, mere contact with the installed water will reveal his existence.
"The truth is, I use it like putting water on one side of the floor and waiting for them to step on it. I didn't expect it to be fogged and sprayed...!?"
"Even if it gets foggy, the function of" Detected Water "should still be alive. Bezelia, let's find out."
Encouraged to close the bezelia, both eyes, and open and clarify further sensations other than the five senses.
"... wow, I really get it"
"Oh my!?"
"You'll see that the human race moving through the fog is in your hands. A bunch thrust through the forest on the right wing. A bunch approaching from the front. A bunch of people moving like watching what's going on on on high ground..."
Bezeria herself seemed perplexed that she could clearly see the enemy's movements so far.
If it's just a magic that generates fog, it's in the wind attribute as well as the water attribute.
Wind and water needed to work together to generate 'fog with detection capability'.
This is like a backgammon that isn't even in a magic book, and it's not Zebiantes who came up with that, of course.
"Storm" tornera, "Spiritual Water" Cordelisa, who was in the service of the Four Heavens King before her, co-knitted it.
In the past, Darriel witnessed the backgammon magic they used and told the next generation of Zebiantes.
With powerful magic that can accurately perceive the enemy's position while blocking the enemy's sight, Droyer and other castle guards were able to gain a further advantage.
"But it seems very similar to winning to being superior."
Zebiantes bravely said.
"All we have to do to establish our advantage in victory is act! Take the first step to victory!
There is still much Darriel has taught her.