Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
110 Darriel, I'll be informed that the robbery has appeared
The village of Lax was still at peace today.
A peek at the Adventurer Guild Branch showed Gacita training and more.
"That's a special victory."
"Ah, Aniki! Shh!"
Gacita is also the oldest stock adventurer in the village of Lax, arguably the only survivor.
Even I'm a new couch a year ago, so you can say he's the only adventurer from the true village of Lax.
When I met him like that, too, he was a problem child who wouldn't give in by saying he was the best.
I've been made an eye-catcher by peeling out opposing minds...
"People grow up...!
"Something aniki!? suddenly cry out!?"
Gacita, who was only a chunk of herself, is now the head of the Lax Village Guild.
He serves as a compiler for the guild that expanded with the development of the village, the adventurers who came from outside in search of work.
"I've just seen guys who don't grow no matter how much they fail, and Gacita's growth seems valuable...!
"Alright......! Because I'm still embarrassed like a fire coming out of my face when I think back in time......! Really, why were you so confident, me then!?"
I remember the time when I was busy, and Gacita was really blushing.
"But thanks to Aniki for guiding me......!
By the way, it looks like Gacita was currently undergoing no specific quest or training.
In an outdoor shooting field for long-range adventurers to train, Gacita picks up pebbles from the ground.
"I think we've made some progress."
Gashita throws the pebble with a leopard toward the sky.
You threw with all your strength, the pebble went up high in the sky, up, stopped at a point, and fell according to gravity.
In the meantime Gacita pulls and squeezes the bow and arrow of the main wepon.
The unleashed bow and arrow flew towards the falling pebble, strikingly hitting and shattering.
Isn't that great?
I guessed such a small stone, and predicted the falling motion instead of stopping.
"I'm sorry that if Aniki mentored you, you'd have to be able to do this...!
"Gashita, you can name the most powerful adventurer in the village of Lax now."
"Please don't!
Gacita resolutely solidifies the title she once called herself.
"That's why I was kicking back then. I'm black history! I'm not even here yet! I will continue to train only!!"
"Prepare to be humble...!!"
I wish I had this honesty with Bashbarza, too. I can't help but think that it was past.
My benefactor, Lady Gran Burza, sent me to end your son in such a terrible way, and I said, "Am I not talented at raising people? 'It's me who used to be a jerk.
Such a splendid thing for me, Gacita, was salvation.
"Thanks Gacita......!
"No, I'm the one giving the example?
Let me tell you something, Sesha and others, the current Gacita seems to be a level that already prevails in class A adventurers.
But Gacita is reluctant because she has to go to the center guild and be vetted in order to get an A grade.
"The village of Lax is more important than my rank! What happens when I'm away for a long time?!? '
"Where have you been staring down at me in class E when I was in class D...?
"A long past, huh?
Gacita was about to cry with the look on her face: 'Don't touch me anymore'.
"Oh, already! If Aniki is going to be jerking off in my past like that, I'm done training! I'm gonna see if there's any new quests out there!
"Sorry, don't mess with me"
Chasing Gacita, who has been obstinate, I also went to the guild lobby.
There is a reception there, where the duty is to mediate day and night quests to adventurers.
Guess Gacita's going to order a new quest here, too.
"Is that it? Is something wrong?
Strange rush.
"Darriel! Did you get here?!?"
"Is that your father-in-law?
A guild master and former village chief, the father of our wife Marika, followed and someone who was also my stepfather rushed over.
"Are you in a hurry? Is this an emergency quest?
"It is! The robber showed up!
Another rash robbery.
I don't know what I can steal from the village of Lax, which is still just the countryside, even though it's a reconstruction platter right now.
... No, there is.
Something worth stealing in the village of Lax......!
"Our son!
"No! It's a misrill!
'It is, isn't it' and reflection in the wake of the scratch.
My father-in-law also said, 'No, my grandson is so cute that he really wants to steal it out...' while I follow him...
"We were attacked in transit this way from the Mithril mine. The escort adventurer seems to be dealing with it but struggling. We just got a distress call."
"Okay, I'll take care of it"
I just want to do something as village chief, too, but the management and management of the adventurer is the job of your father-in-law, the guild master.
Don't speak out in a detour because this man, who once served as village chief, left the role to me to focus on the Alliance Master.
"Gilmouth, I'm coming."
"Whoa, don't always count on Gacita. And..."
Your father-in-law looks at me.
"Darriel, I'm sorry, can you go too?
"Is something wrong?
As a village chief and an adventurer, there's something about asking me to come in.
"Among the attacked convoys, among other things, the fast-paced one came to report. We know the characteristics of the Raiders. They say there's three of them."
That's a lot less than that, huh?
How can a few elites be a bandit's manners?
"So as I asked in detail about my face and physique, the face of the brave man I was hearing next door changed..."
"Lady? Were you with him?
"Coincidence? So I just popped out and left. It's a matter of the brave man changing blood phase. So just in case you want Darriel to move too...!?"
The threesome that Lady reacts to.
I do care.
I thought I'd ask you more about that raider too, but apparently things fight for a moment.
I rush out to see if it's quicker to look straight in the field.
"Let's go, Gacita!
"Roger that!
With Gashita, who is now completely brilliant, I headed under the Mithril convoy, which is said to be under attack.
Linking the village of Lax to the Mithril mine is the main road, so if you run up there, it's self-evident reason to hit the scene.
I actually rushed, and I was stunned.
Already there was a brave lady on the spot and a shield satome for her party member, Mr. Spear Sesha.
Those Mithril robbers they're confronting......
"Was the escort..., too late!?"
The adventurers of the escort, who had originally accompanied the convoy, had been vanquished in valor.
Several people are falling while holding weapons all over the ground.
The killer who defeated them is now leaning against a loaded load of misrills with no one to protect.
The Soitz et al......
"... ahh!?"
I was surprised at first sight, too.
Lady was supposed to panic, too.
The killer of the Transport Mithril raid was our known opponent.
"Sword" brave Pigallo.
"Bow" brave Altamir.
"Hammer" brave Zester.
Were these three assailants attacking the convoy and trying to take away Mithril?
"... chip, I didn't know it was coming anymore"
"Because you're guzzled. It's too much for Zako."
We lost miserably to the Four Heavenly Kings at Fortress Rasparda, and we'll be reunited here even more than they should have been missing in the future!?
"... Pigallo, Altamir, Zester...! Are you happy that you are safe...!?"
I suppose Lady also thought of hearing about the robbery the rapporteur told her about.
So I rushed this far with all my strength to disturb my breath.
"Forget the obvious lies. I guess we lost and thought," Look, Zama. "
"Oh no... ugh!?"
"Our competitors destroyed themselves without any effort, and they fell off. But it's quick to feel safe. We have eyes for reversal!
As usual, Pigallo said softly with an attitude that looked down on humans.
"We're going to take the Mithrill and be strong! He taught me how! That's our leader! He is the God who lifts us to the realm of the most powerful!!"