Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
166 Dariels, head to the secondary exam venue
More than twenty strong men who could not thus be sorted in the primary exam were again to be scrutinized in the secondary exam.
They will continue to be tested at the Center Guild.
"O chosen mighty men. But you're still in trouble."
Looks like Mr. Aranzil will give his rhetoric before the exam begins.
"The severity of the secondary test is not the ratio of the primary test. If you are cautious, you may lose a lot of life. But I don't add hands and minds. That's all I know about A-level titles."
In a harsh tone, tell the young people who have not yet earned the title.
Even though I didn't like it, it was a tense and tight flow.
"Now move to the test venue. Like you're already going to be on the battlefield without letting go."
Mr. Aranzil will take the lead and lead the twenty who will come to the secondary exam.
Where the hell are we going?
This is already a depressed forest far from the center guild.
Do we have to do this here or do we have a secondary exam?
"Or do you need to accompany us all the way?
At the rear of the line, I say.
Because Mr. Aranzil told me to take it there.
Leading the way, brave man. Me at the end.
Isn't that a formation like a battle line marching through enemy land?
"Vigilance is inevitable."
That was Zester going in line.
You're really awfully alert. What do you mean, two supreme fights at the end?
"This forest is designated a restricted area by the center guild. Among veteran adventurers, it's called" The Grated Forest "and so on, and it's abominable."
"Since when have powerful monsters been nesting in this forest, and several crusade quests have been organized, but all failed and set to be non-crusadable monsters. But because of their high survival rate, even though they were strong, they didn't persist, so they became used as an arm test for adventurers."
"What the hell?
I didn't know such a monster was on the human side.
"I mean, a secondary exam, trying to get the exams to fight that monster?
"That's right, Darriel, I'm sharp at guessing"
I'm not very happy to be complimented but it's a development...!?
These exam kids are going to be fighting monsters!?
Not too much of anything in action!?
"We're playing against the most powerful adventurers in the primary exam. The only way to identify any more qualities is in action..."
A simulated battle, even when fought against the strongest of the human race. There is also a true price that cannot be glimpsed unless it is a real battle between living and dying.
So let them fight special monsters...!?
"Mr. Aranzil, say something lame...!
"No, this is a routine event for promotion exams! Normally the second exam was to challenge the Yamaorosinocami in the 'Grated Forest', never in the thoughts of Master Aranzil or anything......!
Is that the name of the monster who lives in this forest?
"But hey...... me, I've been spending a lot of time here with Mr. Aranzil lately and my perception has changed......!
Mr. Aranzil, a surprisingly super proper personality.
I didn't feel so much when I was divided into enemy allies as an active brave man, but as an individual I can hardly rely on it.
I'm not good at communicating, I really don't know anything but what I know, and I don't know additions or subtractions to make it cool.
"He himself is desperate to see himself like that...? Somehow you've seen the part of the mightiest brave man you shouldn't have seen...!?"
"Maybe that's a good idea"
Zester said.
"It seems to me that many, including it does, regard Master Aranzil too consecrated. He fought fiercely with the Demons and was a hero. The strongest man in history. I'm so intoxicated by the strength of him that I see him as something separate from humans."
"Uh, I get it. Someone sticking at me or something."
"Perhaps so. Master Aranzil has a son. Maybe you can't forgive him for falling in love as a single person and becoming a parent."
"So you're gonna make an enemy of me?
Zester has recently received Mr. Aranzil's smudges here.
That means that if I returned the back, I could have acted with Mr. Aranzil like never before.
I'm not a legendary character, I mean, I could deal with Mr. Aranzil raw.
"I've felt it in the last few decades. Master Aranzil said he was human again. He said he was a man of strength and weakness who cried and laughed.... No, maybe he could have regained himself as a human being by reuniting with you"
"I know it's not right to ask you to do this... Please. I want you to take care of your time as someone who's got it back."
I could only return my silence.
The mightiest brave man was once taken. family and the rich time we were supposed to spend with them.
That's why he had to become a war ghost and hit the Demon Clan with an infinitely overflowing hatred.
And the strongest legend ever born......
"But I'm past thirty, too. Now I'm not ashamed of my bond with my father."
"So I'll come as far as I can. There's also a final weapon called a grandson..."
Gran's presence glows at times like this.
Whatever man he may be, he is allowed to mellow in front of his grandson.
"Well, as far as I'm concerned, there are other bonds that need to be repaired..."
My daughter-in-law.
"Dear Darriel!
He said it was going blurry.
I was called from a line moving forward.
He was the example of three brothers.
"This time! Thank you for bringing us to life!!"
"Another flashy change of attitude...!?"
Initially it was the momentum to make me the enemy, but what made you so familiar?
"Naturally! We were wrong! Dear Dariel is the rightful owner of Aranzil's son!
"I'm strong! I have the intellect! And you can even use" Awesome Rift Sky, "so that's exactly what Second Master Aranzil is!
"I can only admire the breadth of my heart for passing me through the second exam without dropping us all rude!! Please continue to coach me!!"
My longing gaze to be poured hurts.
Why is it that Mr. Aranzil has a pattern of slapping people back?
Sending his gaze to his ancestor, Zester, he was distracted.
"We respect Master Darriel. Be sure to be the flag bearer pulling the upcoming Adventurer Alliance!
"Wouldn't Dariel be brave anymore!?"
"Master Dariel will surely defeat the Demon King!
Not just the three brothers, but the other exams are changing their gaze on me.
Pure coveted gaze!?
"... I did my best in the first exam."
I was told while Zester distracted me from my gaze.
Was I that much too much?
I didn't mean it at all in the primary exam, and I didn't end up with a hermes knife.
"You didn't do anything amazing."
"" "Is that it!?" "
Because the exuberance of the students had gone too far, Mr. Aranzil, who boiled the business, gently reunited the line.
"I thought you already said you meant to be in the battlefield. You want them all to fail?
"" "Sorry......" "
We all consigned to Mr. Aranzil, who has long shown the majesty of the great brave, and proceeded in a queue of kick-ass...
"We can finally have a conversation."
"Wow Marika!?"
There was Marika behind it!?
It came with me!? With me to the Gran!?
"Because it's a trip. I don't want to leave you at once."
I don't like that either...
But it's dangerous from now on.
"It's all right because it's down to safety."
"If that's what you mean..."
Are you sure?
"But if you're coming with me because of this, aren't you going to say hello to your brothers? After all, you haven't even revealed it exists yet, have you?
I'm curious about that, too.
She said she even has siblings as well as brothers......
"You don't have to worry about it! I don't care where the people who left the village died. Come with Don!
"So why are you and your flesh parents untrained?"
"Kimi et al." = About Marika and her mother-in-law.
I think I know the horrible side of my daughter-in-law, while we move on to the exam venue.
Uncrusadable monsters to be exam subjects.
Yamaorosino Cami and down to the bottom of the dot.