Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
182 Gacita, promoted
Then there was a lot of excitement with Marika's report on second child pregnancy or something......
Where the feeling of returning to the village of Lax has come to a great boil......
I had a visitor.
"Aniki, Aniki, are you home?
It was Gacita.
Adventurers living in my village of Lax.
I'm from a village. I grew up in a village, and my career as an adventurer here is longer than mine and so on.
He was the one who was protecting the village while I was visiting the Center Guild.
Seriously, it's no exaggeration to say that he was directing the village defense because the brave party that started Rady also went back to the center guild with me.
No, he's the oldest ginseng in the village and the most powerful adventurer in the village.
Such Gacita came to say hello early on her return.
He's a disciplined kid.
"Aniki, I need to ask Aniki something. So hey......... is that it?
It was in front of my home that I welcomed Gacita, but just around that time there was a fuss.
Because Lady Gran Burza was working out the Stanvilles straight away, as declared.
The flame magic that you unleash is not within the reach of an adventurer on a personal level, but can only escape from being burned.
"On the brink! Run, they'll burn you. Ugh!?"
"This is gonna be serious training!? I just think you're running away to avoid burning to death. Ahhh!?"
I was just desperate to survive.
"Hmm? Like I saw you face to face with some crazy people in that death over there?...... ah"
Gacita noticed the bump after she had said it.
"Isn't that Aniki from Stanville!? And Lubeke and Miss Salica!?"
"That's what you are, Gacita!? I miss you. Long time no see!!"
What, you guys know each other?
Isn't that surprising?
They're all from Lax Village, aren't they?
Gacita is a village of Lax, born and raised. In contrast, the Stanvilles ran away as far as the village of Lax in the middle of their lives.
I'm close to my age, though, and I have no wonder if I look familiar.
"Hehe, what the fuck, Aniki! Mr. Stanville and I used to explore the woods together when we were kids!
"I miss you! You were still in Lax Village!? I thought you left like us!
Stanville just doesn't say everyone makes the same choice as they do.
"Don't insult me. Gacita never left the village of Lax."
I can tell you some serious facts.
"That said, everyone from my generation and I are out of the village, right? Go to the city in search of dreams, or be a earner."
In the village of Lax, which was becoming obsolete and losing its viability, that's the only way.
Was that what happened right after I visited, when there were only two young people in the village: Marika and Gacita?
But why did Gacita stay in the village until the end?
If Marika is the exception, you can say she's the last one.
Maybe he's a strong man of guidance and local love.
"Thanks to Aniki for rebuilding the village, the very young ones are back. I can't make enough money in the village anymore!
Nowadays the village is also vibrant with young people.
All thanks to the resumption of the Mithril mine and the interest in its distribution.
Someone who eventually went outside the village to earn money would return, or some leftovers who had migrated purely for work again.
And those who once abandoned their doomed homeland...
"... hey, what is it? What those eyes!?"
You must have just noticed the contemptuous gaze between me and Gacita.
Stanville and the other two overreacted.
"You have no choice! I never thought the village would be so resurrected!
"I have to get to the city to meet someone I'm married to! There are only imo men in the village!
My brother and sister speak.
Freshly summoned something unsolicited.
"Do you want me to take another one?
Lady Gran Burza has called out with flaming magic.
I'm sorry. Something broke down and I had a little pause.
"But we change our minds! More than the village is showing so much reconstruction and prosperity, we are also part of the village!
You guys were seriously going to return to Lax Village?
I'm not your mother-in-law, but I just feel too worm...!?
"Of course I don't think it's going to be easy...! Our missing brother-in-law is not so easy to forgive."
"You can't even be easily forgiven......!
"That's where the Atahsi drop off!
You've got some noisy words.
Drop it.
What the hell are you gonna do?
"No matter, I'll train! Train and build up a lot and try again for next year's A-level promotion exam!
"And now it's time to pass and become an A-level adventurer!
"Class A brands are immense! How many Class A Adventurers you have determines the character of each town's Adventurer Guild."
"It's enough to say that only one Class A belongs to a first-class guild!
"Each city's guild has enough A-level adventurer headhunting matches to boost their stature!
"It's so intense that the Center Guild has issued a" Up to Five Class A Adventurers for One Guild "deal!
I didn't know. You're studying a lot, you guys.
"When you say we're going back to A-status, you're not going to say no to the owl either! If it's in the interest of the village to be as tough as a ghost to us, it's us who don't refuse!
It doesn't make you sad, does it?
"Fortunately, for some reason now, my uncle who trains me is harsh and hellish!
In fact, you're a level man who can create hell in this world.
"If we survive this hell, we'll be A-level adventurers next year! With that credential, we're coming home!
"I'll decorate my hometown with brocade!
Three brothers and sisters who inflate their dreams.
Well, it's only a matter of time before you actually pass the A-level promotion exam.
"... ah. So, yeah, I remembered it in A grade. I came here to ask Aniki something."
and Gacita.
Whoa, yeah. I'm sorry I left you.
Those brothers and sisters totally broke my lower back of the story.
So, what do you want to hear?
"I'm gonna be an A-level adventurer. What are you gonna do?
"What do you mean?
That's what I'm talking about.
"" "What's good, good, good, ooh!?" "
Three brothers and sisters approached me listening.
Don't come near me. I can't talk to you at all when you guys get involved.
"Promoted to level A!? Gacita, you to level A!? What do you mean!? You were in the A-level promotion exam!?"
"No, you didn't."
"Then why are you promoted?"
"I don't even know that, so I asked."
In order to be promoted to a Class A Adventurer, you must take and pass an exam that takes place in the Center Guild.
The exam was recently conducted and I was involved myself. as the examiner's side to test.
It's kind of a distant memory that it was supposed to be a few days ago.
Gacita, who kept me away, couldn't take the exam, as she deserved.
I let him pass.
"" "" Yeahhhh!? ""
Simultaneous screaming.
"What do you mean?!? It was Aniki's fault!? Suddenly an A-level promotion announcement came and I was confused as to what it was about. Do something about the mountain!!"
"Give me a chance to identify an A-level promoter over there. I recommended you."
"Can you recommend it and figure it out?!? I don't think it was that kind of system!?"
Indeed, Gacita's right, because we're doing the exam, there's no point in testing if we don't pass the exam based on the results we got in the exam.
"But the person I vetted was definitely weaker than you. I couldn't wait to recommend Gacita."
Why do we have to put people weaker than Gashita above Gashita?
"Aniki, what have you been doing in the center guild!?"
"That's right! It's crazy, Master Darriel!
"I can't believe you were the one who snored inside!
"Then why won't you let me pass about the athletes?!?"
Protested by all three brothers and sisters.
No, don't get me wrong.
I'm not snoring at all.
Gacita was just overwhelmingly stronger than the people who were coming to take the exam.
So until I recommended it.
And you're not one of them.
I'm afraid of my wife and my aunt when I treat you inside.