Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
231 Empty, liberate
Doris Meguian, confused by the strangeness that happens to us.
The surroundings are still surrounded by white flames, which will not be burned, but instead all infringements will be obliterated.
In this flame, every attack magic and battle aura is erased as soon as it is emitted, and even if it is punched directly, it is no different than the shock is erased and stroked.
"What...!? Like something just touched me!?"
In it Doris Meguian was at the extreme of confusion.
As the Lord of Hell, a completely incomprehensible phenomenon of malevolent and violent dehumanization is taking place.
"Noah!? Noah!?"
He suddenly screamed and poked his hand at the ground.
No, you're not.
Sticking to the ground!?
It's like a careless person trying to accidentally fall from a height grabs it reflexively because he's in a hurry and anywhere.
It was similar to that behavior.
"What the heck!? What's going on!? Getting pulled, getting pulled Ugh!?"
I wondered what he was doing at first, but I figured it out little by little.
How unscrupulous a situation he is exposed to.
He leans forward and clings to somewhere.
It doesn't have the effect of stepping against that flow and feeding your fingers into the ground as well as you might think.
"Somewhere..., being pulled...!?"
It was as if an invisible force was capturing and attracting Doris Meguian.
No, actually, I guess so.
Doris Meguian was as if only he was changing the direction of gravity and falling straight to the side.
But why is that happening?
Is that some kind of magical action?
But now he's surrounded all directions by the white flames of Mercy Hood Rate Heaven, and instead of sealing all attacks, attacks that act on him from the outside are also disabled.
And yet what is that power that forces Doris Meguian to pull?
Who... in the first place?
"Guuuuuuuuuuuu!? Stop it! Don't pull it! Did you do this, motherfucker? Yeah!?"
Watching Doris Meguian's desperate line, I finally figured it out.
It's Mr. Aranzil who's pulling it.
He holds a stick of good fortune, puts it in the front eye, and is upright.
Its spine pins and stretched posture. In contrast to Doris Meguian's unusual posture of crawling to the ground.
What I noticed was that Doris Meguian was falling towards Mr. Aranzil.
Directly transverse upside down.
"Mr. Aranzil is calling for him!?"
When I realized it, it just seemed that way.
Towards the brave man who waits immovably, the pathetic deceased is drawn with no means.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa!? Stop it! Stop. Whoa, whoa, whoa!?"
Trying to get a giant knot leg out and stick it to the ground doesn't stab me well for some reason.
Releasing a flame towards Mr. Aranzil makes no sense being scratched out by a white flame.
Just quietly, but absolutely, Doris Meguian is sucked towards Mr. Aranzil.
"But the hell..., what's going on...!?"
Esterica, whose wounds had completely regenerated, also seemed unable to accept the events in front of her.
"He's a human race......, he's an aura user? Whatever magic has a dramatically wide range of applications, it's an aura that can only be slashed, poked or crushed, and how can you do such an inexplicable phenomenon?"
"I went upstairs."
I can see that.
Mr. Aranzil has come to the battle to protect his first important thing. I stepped further into Aura's depths.
That's all I'm supposed to be talented about.
The misfortune of a young day would have led us to a frontier far beyond ordinary people if that talent had not been distorted.
"... the characteristics of the aura that that person is emitting now do not apply to any of the existing four characteristics"
'Empty' if you dare.
It draws in enemies with an aura of empty traits.
Doris Meguian also assumed that it would be unsavory to remain attracted like this.
He tries to stay on top of anything, but the more he pulls, the more power he'll have.
It's getting more and more irresistible.
Into the empty aura created by Mr. Aranzil around us, he is drawn to be sucked in.
Finally, hands, feet, giant barbs like piles, feet off the ground and fall straight to the side upside down.
So that the deceased, who decided to go to hell, would end up in Nara even after he refused.
Ahead is Mr. Aranzil.
There was Doris Meguian's body just in time to shake up the stick wand and shake it down because of her beautiful right eye to fall in love with.
"'Clear Response Rift Sky'"
The stick cane with the aura was very natural, then relentless, breaking Doris Meguian's body from hips to rings.
There was no satisfactory resistance from such an unusual monster, and a cry breakup between the upper and lower body.
Mr. Aranzil's slashing flashes played a role without any problems, as he was also away from the area where white flames burned when falling directly to the side.
"'Clear Response Rift Sky' …!?"
That's the new frontier Mr. Aranzil has reached.
Suck the target with an aura of "Empty" that does not belong to any of the existing four traits, and draw yourself into the Special Interval from the opponent without moving a step.
The name 'Rift Sky' is given, but you don't even need to skip the slaughter because it comes from the other side to be slashed.
A completely different dimensional stunt.
"Whoa, whoa!? What? This move!? But don't lick it! As soon as my torso is broken, I will have the vitality of a dragon man!
No way...!?
Are you going to play it?
Normally, it would be nothing more than a fatal injury.
"Gu...... huh? Why...!?"
Doris Meguian just hits each lower torso without ever regenerating.
There has always been no sign of a cross-section connection.
"Why not!? Why not regenerate!? The power of the Warcraft should also increase the vitality of the 'body of the dead'!!"
"The aura that slashed you is the aura of the 'sky'"
Mr Aranzil says.
"Unlike any existing trait, it's what transformed emptiness into the power of the breaking demon. Slashed by 'sky', its cross section is also 'sky'. So we can't connect."
Mr. Aranzil's exact new frontier.
That man who fought most of his life, driven by anger and hatred to fill his grief, fought for what he defended for the first time today.
That's all he knocked on the door to the realm no one could step into until today.
"... he was an amazing man after all"
Stand next to me, Mr. Esterica said.
"After all, it was just an accompaniment to that guy from the beginning, such as me. That guy is the star of this era. Me, etc...!
I didn't know what words to say to Mr. Esterica, who tears.
Mr. Aranzil, on the other hand, has Lady Gran Burza......
"Really brilliant...... and it was a horrible move"
Send praise to your perennial enemy.
"If this move had been completed in our active years, I might have lost to you. I would not have resisted the aura of the 'sky' without animosity or harm, nor the white flame of my mercy"
Mr Aranzil said as he understood.
"We didn't even have to fight anymore. If only we'd gotten to each other."
"Have you freed yourself from hate yet?
People's minds are not that simple.
I intend to understand, and there will be times when I didn't understand anything.
"But if my heart was truly liberated. Darriel, Esterica and I owe it to you."
"We're each other."
Both who have been hostile to the majority of their lives, with areas where no one but each other can step in.
I turned these two into enemies.
Again, Doris Meguian would have to say stupid no matter how powerful he was.