Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
237 Dariel, Kill Hell
You have the right eye.
The most basic posture.
It's in the center of your body, so if you want to go to the upper level, you go up, and if you want to go to the lower level, you go down.
I feel comfortable going either left or right.
It's in the middle section, so you can be comfortable going anywhere because you're in every center.
That's the same thing in life.
Middle Road.
"What's wrong with stopping the movement!? You gave up! Come on, you deceased, surround and kill them! And you can turn Darriel over to our people. Oh, oh, oh!
Do not waver your mind to be exposed to any kind of intimidation.
By making it as flat as a lake surface, my mind can also reflect the sky.
Empty colors are white.
Unmixed white.
Because that's the most appropriate color to reflect nothing.
People have flesh, they have heart.
So you can never become truly nothing, and the pan of pushing that impossibility to become nothing turns away the nil.
My great, two fathers taught me.
Mr. Aranzil wants to overcome the worst conflict of hate.
Master Granburza taught me to give in to charity.
All of them, the frontiers each reached hanging for the majority of his life.
I'm still a young man on that border.
But by imitating the example my ancestors showed me, I can dream of the place by turning.
Doesn't that mean passing it on?
Go one way, to the metrics launched by the great people.
This Darriel takes a step forward now.
May those who come after me take another step.
Doris Meguian for that.
I'm the only one who doesn't inherit from anyone and doesn't send it to anyone.
You're in the way.
"White color......"
That is.
"It's empty."
The moves released from my Hermes knife are not "Awesome Rift Sky" or "Absolute Rift Sky".
It was a whole new move.
This is empty.
The slashing flashes unleashed in its name are neither Doris Meguian, nor the dead of the elephants around them, nor the earth itself that strikes......
White slaughter wounds were inflicted on the heavens of hell.
"Huh? What... ugh!?"
Doris Meguian also looks up at the sky in love.
Hell's sky, along the carved cuts, is slightly uneven.
Tear it apart one by one.
"No wait...!? I'll be slashed and torn!? Hell!? What do you mean!? Is that possible!? But I'll be torn! The slaughtered hell itself is ripping apart. Ugh!?"
Doris Meguian was the Lord of Hell.
That's why you know, the feeling of your world collapsing.
"Liar!? YEAH YEAH YEAH!?... I CAN'T STOP IT!? I CAN'T REPAIR THE FRACTS INCLUDED IN HELL! I can't stop the collapse, okay!?"
The anomalies are getting bigger and bigger.
The fracture no longer ran to the surface of hell as well as heaven, and the flames of prison were sucked into the rift, and the deceased fell and disappeared.
I didn't expect it to go further down than hell.
But it would be completely nil at the bottom of it. They were freed from the blame bitterness of hell.
"This irreversible destruction that I can't help......, no way, that Aranzil's!?"
"You ate it yourself, don't you think?"
"Clear Response Rift Sky" beyond "Awesome Rift Sky", knitted by Mr. Aranzil as a new frontier.
The moves I've unleashed are nothing but an imitation of that.
There is another one that I have imitated.
"Darriel! You do the same moves as Alanzil!?... No, no? Extremely similar, but if that's all, it's not enough inexplicable power to break the hell off!? Something else is in it!?"
Now hell, my carved fracture was spreading there and I was falling apart.
There was that torn light.
The color of the light is white.
"This white light, no way...!?"
"You look familiar over there, don't you? This is what you ate, too."
The white flame unleashed by Lady Gran Burza.
The traced answer of that person that Mercy Love is the Power of Fire took the form of "Mercy Glow Helmet Rate Heaven" as a stunt.
Doris Meguian, who had no hands or feet on that white flame.
Does it revive bitter memories?
"Are you saying that Aranzil's moves go hand in hand with Gran Burza's?!? That's stupid!? I should be able to do that...!
"Doris Meguian. You're the worst person in hell to eat. It's unimaginably difficult to make the world an enemy."
But it's because he's such a worst opponent.
"You can't defeat the secret secrets of the two best heroes without matching them, can you?
Mr. Aranzil's "Clear Response Rift Sky".
"Mercy Optical Helmet Rate Heaven" by Lady Gran Burza.
I understood these two great moves for myself, and I pulled out the gist and put the two together.
The move is' Empty '.
The blade of the sky that is unleashed, even the world slashes and rips and cracks.
"What a fool! If that's easy to achieve, what were my hundreds of years of hard work in hell!?"
Doris Meguian to the extreme of confusion.
"Aranzil's moves are aura! The Grand Barza is magic! I can't even match that! It's like combining water and oil!... but the only way to make it possible.... to defeat that one!
Hell's, complete collapse has begun.
The white crack no longer covered all hell and was about to be chopped into thousands.
The dead are torn with the earth of hell, vanished and will never suffer again.
We're going to sink into the rest of nothing.
"Darriel! How did you achieve a fusion of aura and magic!? Otherwise I can't explain it!
"You wouldn't have a choice what you could have done, would you?
"Are you kidding me that you caught up in only thirty years with this ole..., what took you hundreds of years to complete with Siegfriegel and Abos as a vegetarian!?! I'm so kidding! I don't know anything. There's a young flair. Oh!
"I mean the degree to which I progress by myself and using others."
You were too self-restrained.
It doesn't deserve a year of flowing and living as part of it while interacting with 10,000 people, such as hundreds of years of immersion alone without knowing to interact with others.
"I inherited my honorable teachings from those two men I respect. And I'll tell the kids, too. The only thing that has destroyed you today is to that extent."
"No! No, no, no! That is the ultimate frontier mankind seeks! You succeeded in fusing aura with magic! Hell with its power, it destroyed the world itself! This even reaches Master Augin. Ferocious blade. Mmm!"
White cracks began to reach the extremities of Doris Meguian.
Hell is his own.
That's what he said.
So if hell destroys him, he'll have to disappear himself. Doris Meguian also vanishes with hell.
"But...! Even when it comes to fusing aura with magic, where did you secure your magic from? You're a human race. Absolutely only Aura can handle it. So I was about to finally merge with you and get to that stage...!
For a moment, Doris Meguian's movements stopped.
I put together more white cracks than I could count anymore, like I realized something.
"............... Right, Bashburza!
"Did you take the magic factor away from him and take it in?!? I never thought I could do that! But! What a bizarre coin!? That's fantastic!
What are you talking about?
How come Bashbarza's out here?
He resurrected as a hell of a deceased and vanished in my arms...!?
"Look, Dear Augin! Have this wonderful ultimate! This is at the extreme of human evolution!
Doris Meguian's body is chopped into cracks, and his hands and feet and other parts are already worn out.
"This Darriel! Darriel took in the magic factor of Bashbarza and led to the creation of a fusion of aura and magic spirits! It will definitely kill you! That feat is in my possession!
"It was done when I found Darriel and hit Bashburza! Darriel is my greatest masterpiece! Please show it to me, Master Augin!
Don't say anything unsolicited.
I didn't inherit anything from you.
Though I have kept and borrowed various things from many people.
I didn't get anything from you alone.
"I'm the one! I am your loyal minister! To the end, I worked for you to the end! I'm sure Darriel will fulfill the final finish, mindless that I can't get to this point on my own! Let me entrust you with my desire and make sure you are defeated and shown!
I couldn't go out with him, and I went down to Doris Meguian with my first sword to go on.
The guy, who was already covered in enough cracks, shredded to pieces like a decaying tree.
The fragment was also dissolved into finer particles, and the particles disappeared again and became completely devoid.
Hell itself, as it echoes, also crumbles with white light, leaving no fragments.
Everything returned to nothing.