Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
245 Lax Village, will be based
"Yes, the village of Lax is very suitable as a stronghold for the journey to Demon King's Castle"
"Yep...... ugh!?"
In response to that allegation, Droyer is slightly confused.
But I want you to think about it.
Nearly two years ago, when I fired the Demon King's Army, I wandered too much in despair to reach Lax Village.
That's where my second life starts, but I'll leave it there reasonably.
Speaking of what I'm trying to say here...
"The castle of the demon king and the village of Lax are some distance away."
The extent to which one desperate man can walk and follow.
"It's a village that originally accompanied the Mithril mine. The position itself is also at the critical junction between the human and demonic territories, easy to come and go with each other"
Thanks to Zebiantes and Lady Gran Burza, I'll come and see you easily.
I myself actually experienced it on foot, but I didn't have one that looked like a person on my way from Demon King's Castle to Lax Village.
That also means that if we do well, we can infiltrate the Imperial Castle without anyone ever finding us.
"If I suck, it could be a better break-in route than beating me up via the Rasparda Fortress squarely. The route from Lax Village to Demon King Castle is. It's like entering through the back door."
In the previous village of Lax, we cannot secure enough supplies personnel to support the brave men who have entered deep into enemy territory because it is already poor.
But not now.
Moisturized by the revival of the Mithril mine, the movement of people and supplies is also turning with tremendous momentum.
It will also be difficult to find out from the outside that this is hiding and materially supporting the brave.
"Isn't the better you ask...!?"
"Isn't it?
In strategy, there is absolutely only one correct answer.
Explore and compare the various possibilities until the time when you get to your stomach. It's important to broaden your thinking as much as the world.
"By doing the same, Lady came up with an odd idea based in the village of Lax. It's an operation you can't notice if you can't think of other elements than supply, enemy fighting, and just fighting from the front. This is the result of your training here."
Lady, put a beat between meaningful here......
"... of course!
You didn't think that deep.
Do you have any idea?
Well, no.
"Whatever it is, the world should be as peaceful as possible, so ask Lady Gran Burza, Mr. Aranzil, to come forward and start rebuilding the Rasparda Fortress"
The humans and the demons put their hands together.
"Attracting the public eye that way, Lady quietly targets the invasion of Demon King's Castle from Lax Village"
I think it's a step.
"That policy, of course, requires the cooperation of the people of the village of Lax. Mr. Dariel, would you accept my cooperation as village chief?
I'm going to ask the discipline.
You're serious. Lady is.
"Come on."
I'm human, too.
I understand you have an obligation to cooperate fully with the brave.
Besides, as a former Demon King's Army, we have to comply with the requirements of the Demon King.
Because I've heard his sincerity.
"I'll tell you what."
'Yes, yes, yes, yes,' the hand that is just raised.
Isn't it Zebiantes?
You don't remember giving assholes a say, do you?
"It's not far to go from this village to the Castle of the Demon King, is it?
You say?
"From Castle Demon King to this point, I will need a full rest to fly fast with wind magic."
"Isn't that just because you're poor...?
"Lady's going into enemy territory, so I think she's going to need more preparation. It's a fight until you come back alive. I can't deny the suddenness of the plan."
Poking the exact spot on Zebiantes' ass......!?
"That's a good opinion."
Indeed, immediate infiltration from the village of Lax into the Castle of the Demon King is too rampant a rationale to look at just a simple distance.
Otherwise, the village of Lax would have been destroyed by the Demon King's Army as an obstacle.
"Even though it is indeed close, there is still a distance between the village of Lax and the Castle of the Demon King.
Even if we send support from the village of Lax, there will be several relay sites "
Connect those relays and connect the direct route from Lax Village to Demon King's Castle.
Go through there and ask Lady to head under the Demon King.
"Huh? Huh? Is that it?"
Zebiantes asked, and the droyer looked around as he aroused the interaction that I was going to make.
That's why I want to create a relay point.
"I have a good idea."
So I came to the woods.
It is a forest that has entered from the village of Lax in the direction of the demonic realm.
Say that it is already the realm of the Devil Nation, and there are signs of magic coming from around.
There's just no sign of people.
Again, just like when I wandered right after the demon king's army was dismissed, there are no people around here at all.
Apparently it is an unchanged land.
That was more convenient.
For the enemy's brave men to proceed secretly.
Then I'll do what I have to do.
Firstly, put your hands together on the front of your chest.
Put your right and left hands together and make it look like you're praying to God, then stick your hands straight up.
With a hanging voice.
At the tip of a combined hand, with the feeling of just rushing through heaven.
And keep your hands up to the limit. Never let your right and left hand go.
First put your right foot forward.
Dundan, and Two-Step.
Get it out in front of you as thoughtfully as your right knee bends at right angles. Don't forget that your back left foot will be enough to extend with a pin.
In the same position, take the step again with your right foot.
Strong enough to have a footprint on the ground.
Then exhale and lower your right leg, sticking with your left leg. Be aware that your heels and toes are perfectly aligned.
And now let your left foot out, just as your knee bends at right angles.
Take steps.
Don't forget to hang up.
And add a twist to your hips. Once to the right, twice to the left.... No, was that one time?
I feel a gaze filled with fear and confusion from somewhere beside me.
And multiple.
"Mr. Darriel...!? What the hell is wrong with you!?"
"A sudden bizarre in the woods...!?"
"It's broken! My asshole broke!
annoying asshole.
Nobody's broken.
Rady, Droyer and Zebiantes, who accompanied him, stared at us with eyes as if to see a nasty one.
Lady Granburza and Mr. Aranzil are being directed to the headquarters of both factions in order to quickly compile the story of the fortress co-construction.
I'll keep moving my body here so you two don't lose your hard work. Keep making odd noises!
That's how you like to dance a few moments.
Finally, the look on the faces of the ladies is starting to get serious.
"What do you want to do? It's better to stop with this strength……!?"
"Hit him straight and let him pass out. But should we take him back...!?"
"You can't let your wife or children see you like that!
It's annoying!
The cold gaze from the women has also become unbearable, so come quick and notice me!
"... if you think it's a shitty calling dance"
Are you here?
"Was it you, Darriel? What can we do for the people of Dry Ads?