Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
250 Dariel, inspect the village five years later (II)
"But some young men have no idea how strong Dariel is. I find that strange."
My father-in-law says stingy.
The last time I fought properly was five years ago in Inferno, and I've never fought Locke since.
Since there have been such a number of young people who have been in the village since then, those kids won't have to help themselves knowing that I can fight.
"I mean, I'm surprised by the very fact that there are young people coming to us from other towns and villages. He said he used to go make extra money from us...!
That's also thanks to the development of the village, right?
Young people come to work more than the surrounding towns and villages because they have as much work to do.
Especially since adventurers are an unreliable profession, there are many flowers.
Adventurers who continue to stay in one place, like Gacita, are rather rare, and adventurers who went through the Battle of Inferno five years ago also retire or move to another city for about 30% of what remains.
Still, the Lax Village Adventurer Guild is the highest in the past with more personnel from later on.
"Honestly, can you stand alone? That's a number. Gacita and Zester are working together and they're doing something about it."
and stepfather.
Since Lady's brave party was dissolved, Zester, one of them, has come to stay in the village of Lax.
An A-level adventurer who was originally chosen as his own brave man.
So now there are two A-level adventurers in the village of Lax, Gacita and Zester, who are in charge of the guild's two-top.
"Speaking of which, you don't see Zester today."
"I'm on a quest. He's a real worker and a help."
Well, when it comes to adventurers, it's a quest.
However, if you are Gacita, it seems that you can stop today's collection quest and soul into rookie instruction.
Many young boy adventurers are eating the convolutions as well as him who said business.
"But oh, it helps that veterans coach me. Young people's survival rates change dramatically."
Gacita can see and take care of him, so leave him to the rookie, and he'll be fine.
The new guild branch also has plenty of space for training.
It's three stories.
There is now also a roofed training area that was once in the center guild and was drained of the liver.
It was the Adventurer's Guild of Lax Village after five years that was equipped with a variety of other amenities, including medical and conference rooms, reference rooms accumulating past monster trends and quest records, hypnotic sleeping rooms and nursery rooms.
"I've come this far really well..."
"Not at all... I never dreamed of it"
Me and my father-in-law wept.
Adventurers guard the walls of the town.
Whether the village of Lax can flourish depends on the quality of the adventurers.
Fortunately, many adventurers have gathered for work, invited by the development of the village.
Gacita and Zester and some of the most powerful users in the world.
But not just them. Our village guild was blessed with grains.
"Good morning, Suu."
Lübeke, Salica's brothers and sisters, said that and put their faces on the guild.
They are also my brothers-in-law.
If only I were brothers and sisters who divided the blood of my wife Marika.
"Ooh, good morning. You and the others are going to make a difference."
"Mayor! Good morning!!"
Find me and say hello to me cheerfully.
They are born in the village of Lax, so they should be called born, but they are not that present.
Because when I was younger, I left with a cut out for the declining village of Lax.
And while planning to fly a flag in the city, the village of Lax is rebuilt. I was caught by it and came back out.
He still has a weak position in the village of Lax, but still contributes by continuing to work for the Adventurer's Guild.
I think it's time you welcomed me as a part of a proper village, but my daughter-in-law and mother-in-law still don't forgive me and I'm in an exterior state.
I don't even get permission to enter my house (son-in-law's house), which is supposed to be a raw house, and I'm awake in a nearby rental house.
"You can really count on them."
"Even if it doesn't extend to Gacita or Zester, he's a class B adventurer. Hit and follow to leave your tough quest to me."
Class A Adventurers with a limited number of affiliations for a single guild.
There are also claims that it is a better guild to have dozens of ad hoc B-class adventurers who can have a larger number than that.
That's why I'm not blinded by all the brilliant grades A, and I need to pay close attention to grade B C, or sooner or later, the growing DE.
"They are also highly trustworthy, especially because they are relatives of the village chief & Gilmouth. We need to take care of it."
"I don't want to do that either, but my wife still doesn't forgive me."
It's been five years...
You mean the sin of abandoning the village and leaving is still heavy?
Harsh on traitors.
"No, that's fine"
Lubeke, who hits the second son, said.
"We love this village where we were born. So I want to contribute. It doesn't matter where you stand to do so!
"I'm sure your mother and sister will figure it out someday!
My youngest son, Salica, works hard.
I hope their innocence goes through and one day the time for reconciliation will come......
"Well, there's a problem..."
They both came into the guild, the other one.
This was the problem.
"You're sinking into a burn...!?"
They usually move in triplets.
Second son Lübeke, youngest sister Saleeka.
And it was Stanville, the eldest son who led these two.
We add our wife Marika to them to become four brothers and sisters, but three other than Marika abandoned their homeland and left, while Marika alone remained in the village.
There was an overwhelming difference between the three and one.
"Is Stanville still depressed?
I also make it a little easier for him to come to the guild and exhale heavily.
"The promotion exam was two months ago, right? How can you be so depressed often?
"This is the year..., I thought this was the year I could pass...!!"
What Stanville took two months ago was a Class A Adventurer promotion exam at Center Guild.
He has tried indispensably every year for the past five years, but has yet to pass.
This year he is also a B grader.
"If only I could pass grade A, my mother would forgive me and add me to the formal village...!
I don't know about that.
Only against you and your mother-in-law as harsh as a ghost.
It's not like he told me to 'forgive me if I can be A-level', and my assumptions are a source of trouble.
"No, I really need your forgiveness...! And I must officially return to being a part of this village......!
"Stanville......! That much...!?"
You mean full of local love?
I thought he'd been depressed and untrained for two months, but don't be taken with emotion if you think that's out of your heart loving your hometown, too.
"If I could officially go back to being a part of the village..., if I could go back, I could be the village chief!?"
"Hey, Cora."
I knew it wouldn't work.
I can't help it. It's a lump of ambition.
Speaking of which, when he first left the village, I also hear that he took the initiative to speak of his siblings...
"No, it wouldn't be unnatural!? I'm the son of the former village chief! And he's my oldest son! You're well qualified to inherit the rest!
"No, there was a problem before that, right?
"What's more, Oyaji is an active and Lax Village guild master! That means I also have the right to inherit Gilmouth!!"
"When I retire, my successor is thinking about appointing Gacita?
I think that's a good idea, too.
And there's already me in the village chief's seat.
I'm not obsessed with power, but I don't feel like entrusting you with the end of the village.
"I'm going to be the village chief for at least twenty more years. Don't be too greedy."
"Say that again...!? Even you have a life plan"
What is it? It's disgusting.
My life plan is to stay calm here in Lax Village until I die.
"We made a dying village thrive in less than a decade. There's no way you're gonna stop here. Slow down, you're going to launch into the middle of this rich village, aren't you?
"First of all, the director of the center guild, and slowly, the seat of the board president is not even a dream! If only I had your talent! But at that time, the village chief's seat will be empty, won't it? I'm your brother-in-law! Let's take charge! Don't worry, I'll do my best to back you up!
You seem to be making a huge mistake, so I can tell Marika and her mother-in-law later.
Power and finances are demons after all. Every time I grow up, I gather things that don't depend.
It has always been, but from now on we need to keep our minds tighter.