Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
263 A new shadow, shudder
"So in the end, how did the new brave man elect him?
Calm down the whole place, then we'll discuss it again.
At the end, a worn out Gandmiraf was being carried out on a tanka.
I had the impression that it was more like waste disposal than rescue.
The guild directors, who have the power to make decisions in electing brave men, talk orally.
"I still wondered if it was a problem to put Grand-kun on the brave. No matter how powerful they are, they are very old children."
"We don't have a solid judgment. It doesn't mean that brave men only have to be capable of fighting. And if there's criticism of being pushed to the children's battlefield, it's unlimited damage to the center guild."
"If you were at least ten years older, it would be an ideal condition."
I'll just say what I thought.
Gran at heart, by the way, was playing with Grandpa Aranzil, whom I met a long time ago.
Master Granburza wanted to rush, too, but you just said you were a Demon and couldn't come to the center guild. You said you took tears.
"So? Do you want to start the selection again from the beginning, except for Grand Kun?
"Do you want to do that and tighten it up? They're all the ones who gave it to a six-year-old, right?
"I just picked brave men out of those guys... Don't you...!?"
That's pathetic of you to say.
Even the people who competed in this brave selection have worked hard to be brave...
Still sad it didn't extend to Gran's talent......
"Anyway, this doesn't seem to be a very conclusive issue..."
"Let us dissolve today once and for all. And we'll have another discussion later..."
Those brave selection sessions came to an end in a way that didn't seem to boil down to anything.
When it came to the decision, it was so much so that Gandmiraf was chased from the throne of power forever.
"Long time no see"
"Oh, Satome?
After the Brave Selection, he reunited with unexpected figures at the Center Guild.
One of the once brave parties, a shieldman satome.
Five years later, her body had completely changed, and what used to be the shadow of a girl had now grown into an adult woman with color.
"Speaking of which, were you back in the center guild? Ever since Lady declared the party dissolved. No, no, grow up...!
"Mr. Darriel was the one who became more and more dignified as village chief. Gran-kun's grown up, too. I'm still a child though......"
Our Gran is still playing with Mr. Aranzil.
No, I've seen my grandson for a long time. Mr. Aranzil is enjoying himself better.
Thanks to you, I was able to concentrate on my reunion with Satome.
"I knew you were a child to prioritize sweetening your mother over the mission of a brave man. No one would have expected it. I can't believe it ended like this."
"Did Satome come to see the Brave Selection after all?
It was more natural to think so.
As a matter of fact, I don't know what Satome is doing in the center guild.
I thought it was the same adventurer run, but now her presence is in a pissy suit on the collar.
I didn't think very much of it as a combatant outfit.
It's more like a female official working in government...
What kind of days was she living without us knowing?
I know why you can't guess that.
The brave party faces after the brave Lady disappeared, because there must have been something deep to think about.
Sesha, who was at the same party, pulls herself from a sense of powerlessness and frustration to the grasshopper and lives like a deserter.
I thought Satome was living a positive new life for the minute he returned to the center guild......
Was it a discretionary imagination?
"Do you care? What am I doing now?
"I work for the Chamber of Commerce in Lady's home tutte. Adventurers are virtually retired."
"Chamber of Commerce……!?"
Another nasty name came up.
"Mayor Dariel doesn't seem to like the Chamber of Commerce after all. I got a clear face."
I'm not motivated by abdominal arts, so I don't care if it comes out on my face.
I also know the existence of the Chamber of Commerce.
Honestly, he's the only one with an uncomfortable impression.
A chamber of commerce in a tangible way is a large organization that brings together commerce in the human realm. It should be called the economic bearer.
Divide the distribution of goods within human territory. An adventurer's guild must be no less than a human society.
In fact, as with the Adventurer Guild, there are mostly branches of the Chamber of Commerce in some large cities that authorize commerce in the city or check distribution.
Why would I want to smoke like that? It will be, but the reason for this is simple and clear.
Because we can do it without any problems without a chamber of commerce.
There are no chamber of commerce buildings in the village of Lax.
That was because the village of Lax was originally a secluded village on the verge of natural extinction, with no benefits whatsoever to accrue.
Merchants appear only where there is gold.
The once poor village of Lax was not looked upon, but eventually came to a halfway point when the Mithril mine was reclaimed and a tremendous amount of wealth was generated.
It's what I've been asking for with a smile, showing up before me, the village chief, rubbing hands.
· The village of Lax should join the Chamber of Commerce immediately.
All sales and distribution of Mithril products produced in the village of Lax are under the control of the association.
· All prices of Mithril products shall be determined by the Chamber of Commerce.
The village of Lax should fully show how to make Mithril products when requested by the Chamber of Commerce.
· In the village, only those who have obtained permission from the Chamber of Commerce can buy and sell goods.
I refused immediately.
Isn't it like you're telling me to open up the sovereignty of a village like this?
I cannot become a good member of the Chamber of Commerce for the independence and survival of the village of Lax.
Was it almost three years ago that I salted the messenger of the Chamber of Commerce and wished him home?
From there I was repeatedly subjected to tremendous harassment.
Sometimes I've been suddenly cancelled from a large mouth order, or my legs for carrying misrills turned into bad guts, to the point where I'm on the verge of being taken away with a mislith product.
Even when there was a suspicious fire in the village, it was whispered that it was the work of the Chamber of Commerce.
Most towns and villages would give in to those harassments and join the association, but luckily I had a number of hands against such despicable means.
Originally, Mithril products are produced only from Mithril mines and can only be processed by blacksmiths held by our village.
As long as there was demand no matter how we turned down the trade and turned it into a soldier attack, Mithril products had to be bought from us, and it was on the other side to turn up the sound first.
Besides, I have a thick pipe with Mr. Center Guild Chairman.
The Adventurer Guild as one of the giant powers to cow the human realm was not comfortable with the Chamber's discretion either, and the Chairman of the Board dealt with the Chamber of Commerce every once in a while.
And I guess the dry adds' black market.
Surprisingly, when it comes to the black market, they're supposed to trade at a far higher price than a healthy market for illegal trade, but if you're buying the same thing through the Chamber of Commerce, it's cheaper to buy it on the black market.
If I were to buy one of those on the dry ad black market.
I get about 1.5 when buying the same thing through the Chamber of Commerce.
That meant that the Chamber of Commerce was imposing enormous margins.
Mithrill products sold without going through the Chamber of Commerce may be cheaper than iron or copper weapons with inferior performance.
If these people parasitize us, the village of Lax will soon fade.
"I can't believe you belonged to such a Chamber of Commerce..."
"Disappointed? But don't worry. I don't really remember being at their fingertips."
Satome has an obscure grin that she didn't show at all five years ago.
"Dariel Village Chief. It was the Chamber of Commerce that was behind Gandmiraf this time."
"In order for them to take control of the village of Lax, the most intrusive is the current President of the Center Guild. He put his shoulders on you as a relative, and he was actively stopping you for fear that the Chamber of Commerce was going to be bigger than it had to be."
"Is it good news for them that such a chairman has fallen..."
And it would be nice if someone would put their shoulders in the Chamber of Commerce to change into the chair of the center guild director.
"So you said you approached Gandmiraf?
"He's just ambitious. Great for a puppet."
He sends whoever can manipulate as he wishes to the Center Guild Board and slowly swallows the village of Lax, reflecting the will of the Chamber of Commerce.
"For the Chamber of Commerce, Mithril products are all that appealing. There seems to be no further humiliation for merchants, who cannot bite themselves where it is in their interest"
"It's annoying."
I don't deny my desire to make money per se, but then shouldn't I increase my profits with my creativity?
A parasite is the only way to get on with profits generated by others and inhale the flavor.
"You mean the Chamber of Commerce is behind this one? You're so depressing."
It is weaker and out of step than the enemies we have been relative to, but at the same time annoying and out of step.
I didn't know you'd have to deal with someone like this when your life gets longer.
"Naturally, the Chamber of Commerce will never give up where this prospectus has failed. They will change their hands and strike a variety of hands at Mithrills in Lax Village. Attention, please."
I was relieved to hear so much.
Satome didn't turn to our enemies. Instead, you even did an imitation of a spy to help us.
"That's what you said when you entered the Chamber of Commerce, isn't it? Trying to get information on the person harming the village of Lax..."
"No, it's only a matter of last resort"
Satome further said something extraordinary.
"It was my idea to bring Grand-kun into this."