Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life
283 Mithril Mine, Receive Unwanted Visits (Human Race SIDE)
The Mithril mine is located just on the border between the human and demonic territories.
That may also be one of the reasons why the land was exposed to long feuds.
But it's bigger than that, because it's the only unique added value that can be found anywhere in the world to produce the best metal misrills in the world.
How many times in the centuries-old history of the battle between demons and humans have Mithril mines changed their owners?
It was all because Mithril was too good a material for weapons and demon conductors.
Today, the Mithril mine belongs to the human race and is placed under strict control by the Adventurer Guild.
It was also intended to prevent inadvertent spillage of the misthrill, which would be a serious threat if misused.
It therefore prohibits any irrelevant person from approaching the mine.
It partnered with the village of Lax, where Mithril, to be unloaded from the mine, first passes, to the point where only those involved are allowed to pass by banning access to the transport route leading from the village of Lax to the mine.
It became a bit of a fuss because such an entry and exit came to a locally managed Mithrill mine.
"Governor, Governor"
Best Fred, chief officer of the Mithril mine, was called Governor in the field.
While formerly in the key position of director of the Center Guild, he has retreated from his seat to serve in such a remote area.
It will be enough to call him a stranger.
"What's up? You're running out of three o'clock snacks to hand out to the knockers?
"Well, there's no pull out there...!? Reports from adventurers around, saying there's some sign of something coming from the West"
"Signs? Such an idiot...!?"
Even the Mithril mine was tightly controlled in and out of people.
There couldn't have been an unscheduled visit, and if anyone was coming, there would always have been a pre-report with the village chief ink from the village of Lax.
And even the specificity of the western side.
There should be nothing on the western side of the Mithril mine, and the convoy from the village of Lax was always from the east when it came too.
"... it could be a bandit or something. Put the adventurers on alert."
"Be quiet not to disturb the knockers.... and if they don't, there's no chance of a positive move. Tell him not to be distracted by all the noise."
"Copy that!
Tequila and give instructions. Best Fred himself heads to the western side in question.
The Mithril mine is packed with about fifty Class D to B adventurers serving as guards, in addition to administrative personnel to measure and manage mined Mithrills.
Once driven to the brink of collapse in the wake of the fiery Warcraft offense, the Mithril mine has firmly put in place a defensive system to teach it a lesson.
Best Fred was one who stood on its head.
The age was enough to reach sixty, but the footsteps to run were solid enough to quickly reach the western side of the mine.
Several protective adventurers have already gathered to be vigilant.
"What's going on?
It is thoughtful, and the adventurer performs exactly as he pleases, even in brief inquiries.
"It still looks like an intruder. And it's a group."
"I let them look. It's a large group of people in hundreds. Heading straight this way......!
"Stupid! There's nothing to the west of the mine!? You can't even walk properly with all the mountains and woods!?"
It wasn't a possible story, such as pushing it over in a large group.
There comes a new adventurer.
The scouts from the direction must have come back to play a role.
"Leader! Leader, it's hard!
Report directly to the Governor.
The adventurer who had ever exchanged words with Best Fred was also an elderly man putting his guard together.
With a thoughtful eye, Best Fred nods.
"So...! I ran when my leader told me to explore the mysterious group's path of entry. to bypass the group gleefully and leave unnoticed behind."
That's where he said he saw it.
"During the mountains where nothing was supposed to happen, a great path was made!
"Road!?... you mean road!?"
"Heh? Are roads and roads different?
Ignore the fine difference because it would never go forward if it was correct.
"It was a path where trees and stuff were cut down, the ground was well even, and people's hands were obviously added! I wonder if they came through there...!
If you say a group has come through the mountains, there is no other explanation.
Best Fred strokes his jaw to get his thoughts together, though confused.
"That's right...! Now it's more a prerequisite to know who they are and what their purpose is than how they've come...!
"If there's a way, you'll know where they came from if you follow them. You must know everything."
The leader adventurer may say the best, but the young adventurer returning from scouts waved for the first time...
"No, I thought so too and tried to follow the path, but it was too long and I wasn't going to get there right away... I gave up and came back. I thought it wouldn't make sense if I couldn't report them before they arrived...!
That was a good decision to scold.
Even if it turns out that a mysterious group is cutting through mountain forests, building roads, and walking slowly over them, there is a harvest.
"When it comes to road opening, it's a major construction. It would mean you have the financial and organizational ability to do it...!?"
"Not only that, but building a new path would also require public permission, wouldn't it? It involves the safety of each settlement. Even more so around the Mithril mine."
The leader adventurer was right.
Regardless of the extent to which hairs have grown on the path of the kernel, if a hundred people can pass in rows, that's enough to say it's a street already.
It would have been a big problem if such a simple path could have been built to the extent of banditry.
If not, the hundreds of people who are approaching us now will belong to some kind of public.
"No way Demon King Army!? No, that's in a different direction too...!?"
As Best Fred toured his thoughts, he came to one possibility.
That it had also received attention from the mayor of Dariel, who is being cordial.
Best Fred looks around at his feet.
It was the wind looking for something, but when I picked up a branch of a tree that was rolling by chance, I galloped out the ground ahead.
The adventurers around me were surprised by what the hell was going on...
"... this mark"
Best Fred's drawing with branches on the ground was like a crest with an overlap of rare geometries.
"Was there a mark similar to this on the group we're on our way here now!? With a flag or something!
"There's one thing I know......!
"Governor, you're not picturesque...!
Best Fred thought I didn't have to touch it there.
I don't care about his assessment of portrayal, the question is whether the population bears this mark.
"Even so, this painting of the example is too grumpy to match. You're not making it hard to understand, are you?
"Then frankly, I want to know if they're the Chamber of Commerce! If that were the case, you would be bearing the mark of the Chamber of Commerce somewhere!?"
"Was this the mark of the Chamber of Commerce? Doesn't look alike, does it?
Boroxo tells me.
"... ah!? He did raise some kind of flag!?"
Some of the adventurers who served as scouts say it orally.
"I thought it was the mark of the Chamber of Commerce if I saw it somewhere!? It's definitely with what I saw in some city!!"
"I wonder why you didn't notice that first!?"
The Chamber of Commerce has branches in a number of cities under the aegis of the human realm, and the mark should often be noticed.
Does it tend to fade my memory because it has nothing to do with the adventurers directly?
"But has the Chamber of Commerce come...!?"
Precautions have been given by the mayor of Dariel village.
"The Chamber of Commerce is after Mithril," he said.
As the movement had become noticeable recently, the main faction, the Mithril Mine, had also been called upon to be cautious.
Mayor Dariel of Lax Village is a powerful and talented man with a juggling collection. That has been well known in our relationship for the last five years or so.
The fact that Dariel was' beware 'was also a true caution.
"But I didn't expect it to come this way...!?"
Open a whole new road to reach the Mithril mine.
I also thought it was unique to a chamber of commerce with mighty capital power, but not if I'm impressed now.
Even while they were doing that, they were close to each other.
"Hey, I'm afraid you're welcome."
The group in hundreds are the cars pulled by horses, and their lords. Guards and armed groups. In addition to that, there was a handful of beautifully dressed people that looked even stranger.
"My name is Litoges and I am the Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. Why don't we get along as co-managers of the Mithril Mine?"