It was me who felt I should keep some hands on some sort of blatantly hidden chamber of commerce vibration.

We knew their aim was a Mithril mine, so strengthening our defenses over there was a must.

We could normally have sent an adventurer from Lax Village to increase our personnel, but that would take time and could come tomorrow based on the completion of Campbell Street.

So I decided to hit my hands faster.

That's Zebiantes.

Even then, he was only the Four Heavenly Kings of the past. Combat power is one thousand.

It would kick ass where hundreds of adventurers below grade B.

Only the Four Heavenly Kings of "Wind" have picky speeds, and when it comes to "Go," the next moment you can move to the Mithril mine to have a defensive system.

Above all, I suddenly left the job to you because you've been playing around from day to day and you haven't done anything, and there's not a hole somewhere.

That point was the best.

So I was sending Zebiantes to the Mithril mine within the day I heard the report from Cermet.

For when something happened.

"Excellent, mayor! I can't believe I let you follow that Zebiantes!

Something took another look of respect from the droyer.

"... No, I just asked you, didn't I?

That said, you don't even know why Droyer is so spectacular.

Because it's that Zebiantes.

"He's obsessed with Mithril, isn't he? So when the Mithril mine is in danger, you take the lead."

A deal that is true to that desire is easy to control if you know exactly what it is that makes you want.

"Exactly......! I can't believe Zebiantes had that manipulation......! If you know that when I was the Four Heavens King, if you know...!!"

Yes, yes, no crying. No crying.

Thinking of Droyer's active years, it's not hard and sympathetic to imagine how much Zebiantes swung at him.

You really had a hard time, Droyer.

"Well, I wasn't really able to send it either."

I have trouble picking out misrills, but Zebiantes says it's also a hassle for me to work...

"I don't want to work dead! We need to send someone else! 'Cause I mentioned it.

It took me and Marika a day to convince them to go.

"At the end of the day, Zebiantes was crying."

"Force moves...!?"

Yes, the last thing you say is power, no matter how much power you use.

No matter how the Chamber of Commerce without its execution scratches, it cannot win at the end. It would also not be possible to gain an advantage at the time of the placement of Zebiantes in the Mithril mine.

The question is, I'm tired of Zebiantes going somewhere while I'm waiting for my enemies...

"... hmm?

"What's up, village chief?

This slightly trembling interval in the ear.

Such a voice as can be heard near even though it is far away.

"... can you hear Zebiantes?

"That would be remote-air vibration magic. The Wizard of the Wind lets you wield the air in the distance to make a sound. I've heard it speak up and communicate information."

That's magic I don't even know about.

There are magic comms now.

What is Zebiantes going to tell me with all that fucking magic?

Did you get bored so fast that you wanted to go home or something foolish?

Anyway, listen to his message...

- "The wind speaks."

- "Shit, it's too bad"

"Huh? You suck?

The message from Zebiantes was more urgent than I thought.

"It's about Zebiantes, so it's like, 'Too boring to suck' or something?

No, that woman doesn't use surprisingly exaggerated expressions.

It's something I only say 'sucks' when it really sucks.

"What the hell is going on?

If the mines were raided on Lithoguez's initiative, Zebiantes would have a twist even with the strongest and worst force he could mobilize.

"That's a former Four Heavens King!?"

Hey, I can't imagine what's happening in the mine right now.

But at times like this, there's one thing to do.

"Gather as many adventurers as you can right now. Send reinforcements to the Mithril mine!


More and more adventurers get notified by the droyer.

That number immediately went up to nearly a hundred people.

"That's enough for the first time."

Zebiantes is an asshole, but strength is real.

And there's a unique sense of smell about the fight, and I guess if he says' suck 'about the fight, he means suck without misunderstanding.

That's why I'm putting in an immediate battle.

"It's dangerous to reject all the sudden input, though, than the situation over there is unclear. With me, the elite I selected will be the first in line, and we will work with rescue to gather information."

"From the village chief to the battle!?"

"It's an important Mithril mine."

Besides, the situation that makes you say 'suck' to the Zebiantes class, it can be water on a burning stone with semi-pervasive force.

I just want to try to figure out the status quo myself.

"Wow, I get it......! Now let's line up and get ready to go...!


Then we may not make it.

This is an emergency. Let me take something urgent, too.



Reach Gacita, the number one adventurer in our village.

"Do me an array"

"Are you serious? It's a knitted trick with half a joke.

Confused but also proof of a longer relationship with the surrounding Gacita that passes in 'Arre'.

"... there's no other way. Hey, you over there, come on."


When you call one young adventurer from within the group, prepare a Gacita bow.

It was a big bow nearly twice the length of what I normally use.

Don't move. If you move poorly, you'll get hurt.

"That Mr. Gacita? Why are you putting an aura through my body?"

Let the young adventurer 'watch out' and put an aura in that body.

After enough aura passes, connect the young adventurer himself to the big bow......

"Huh? No way? Now I'm like a bow and arrow...!?"

Fly away.


The young adventurer flew to heavenly heights as the bow gained momentum.

This is the depths "human shooting" that Gacita knitted out after years of training.

It is a technique in which the human body itself is seen by an arrow and ejected.

"... angle of shot, good wind direction. Then you'll get to the Mithril Mine without a problem."

"You're sending reinforcements in there!?"

"Definitely faster than walking normally. Come on, let's go. Who's next?

Almost everyone here was ejected and decided to fly.

The adventurer can barely escape, but he can only let himself go because it is the will of the village chief and the most adventurer in the village.



"Nho ho ho ho ho ho!?"

"But a little fun, good, good, good!?"

and is ejected one after the other.

The intended landing is at the Mithril mine.

"But that..., is the landing okay? Wouldn't that make a crushed tomato or something?

Droyer may be worried, but it's okay.

"Gacita's pouring an aura into everyone's body, isn't she? It absorbs shock when it lands."

Whether or not it's ultra-high technology that flows the aura to others, so it can't happen unless you're a class A adventurer.

In addition to that, the aura output just reaches long distances.

A sharpened stinging (protruding) aura that won't take your aim off.

The amount of aura you can repeat them in hundreds.

I guess it's unique to Gacita to be able to easily roll out stunts that can't be established without everything in place.

"All right, enough personnel for the first inning has been ejected."


Then at the end of the day, will you eject me too?

But wait, okay?

What am I supposed to do with Gacita when this happens?

I just can't eject myself.

"All right, Gacita will command the rest of the adventurers here. I don't know how to empty the village."


That's why I'm leaving, too!

Well, this is how you put your foot on the bow string...

Bi 'un!! and!!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

I really flew ahhhhhhhhhh!?

Scary, good, good, good!?