Kaiko Sareta Ankoku Heishi (30-dai) no Slow na Second Life

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"Slow Second Life of a Fired Dark Soldier (in his Thirties)"

This concludes.

Thank you so much for staying with us so far.

The book was started under the theme of trying something popular in the alley called "Exile Things" myself, but thanks to it I was able to get popular and go as far as booking and comics.

Nevertheless, it should be called the "exile thing" dilemma, or it was difficult to let the story spread any further due to retaliation for the exiled opponent, and I tried various trials and errors, but anyway, to separate it in a beautiful place, which combined with this.

Darriel's hard work in the WEB novel has come to a close, but the currently popular comic version is going to continue, so thank you for your support if you like!

Once again, thank you so much for reading this far.

Looking forward to seeing you again in our new work!