Kamen Rider, the mission must be achieved!

Make the knight, the mission will be! Chapter 21

Zheng Yi hit the index finger of the glass cup.

"... food chain?"

"It is very close to the behavior."

The witch uses humans as food, and the magic girl should maintain the force of the ultra-robust, it needs to rely on hunting wings to get the sigh. From this perspective, Zheng Yi and terminal analysis is not appropriate.

But Zheng Yi has never been a man who only looks at the results.

"What conditions do you need to be a magic girl?"

"This is not known, I don't know why, the news provided by the principal is very small, and those who are almost all."

I don't know what the reason is. It seems that there is something dissatisfied with the principal [Xiaomei], the terminal is always full of stable male amp this time, this is a little meaningful.

"Yes, it's all the money, you have your own hardship, or you should not be so demobilized."

Shake your head, Zheng Yi sneaked the black tea in the cup, picking up the paper towel while wipeting the clean fingertips water vapor, and re-brought the glove to stand up.

He wants to go to a CD shop.

I have trouble before I am in listening to Ba Ma, and I will refuse the invitation of people when I get out of school. No matter how Zheng Yi, I feel that I can't go. So I went to the teacher to inquire, I knew that the teacher actually had a hobby who listened to classical music. So he is ready to buy a best-selling CD for classic music to send to the teacher, it is a rush to take care of him today.

"I remember that when I just came to the second floor, I saw a CD store in the right side of the elevator mouth? Terminal."

"You remember it is right."

"That's going, I have bought the CD and buy some dishes. I haven't been to the world's senior apartment for this world."

I looked at the electronic card that marked the door number and address in my wallet. Zheng Yi did not intentionally, I didn't want to say that this is [family] I bought him in Japan, in seeing the original work I have to live in this day.

Collect the electronic card, and the Fuze Ji, who comes with the wallet, is in the front desk, Zheng Yi turned and pushed.

PS: chapter push

"False Knights"

This is a kind of interested knight.

hero? No, I am just a door to maintain history. (PS: Please open the directory reading new volume)

I don't quite understand what the genre before you said before.

So I am thinking, else, I will give you a genre mentioned in this chapter in the future.

Of course, after this is going to see it.

thank you all

the above

Chapter 9: Hey! The front, but hell!

As a result, I just pushed the door and didn't go far. Zheng Yi took the automatic door of the CD shop slowly opened. A familiar petty figure ran out from the inside.

It is a deer.

This distance is not far from Zheng Yi, which is strengthened. He can even clearly see that the little guy's face is a little eager to look, it seems like a child who is lost with his family. I don't know how to find a direction. At the look of her left look, Zheng Yi just wanted to quickly and asked to see if I met what trouble, I saw the deer and looked at the ear, like what weak sound in the side ear, then she is skepicious Look at the direction of the safety channel, rush to the mouth to run.

The slap is a little hesitant, from the perspective of teachers, seeing that their students go to the place where the people go hide, and I don't know when I hit the crisis against these little guys, Zheng Yi. I really don't feel relieved, let the deer leave a little girl alone.

But if people have something to do, don't want people to know?

Some distressed, grabbed the hair, Zheng Yi asked with the scorpion.

"Terminal, I remember from the safe passage, it seems that the floor area blocking is blocked by repairs?"

"Yes, there is really a labeling in the floor display picture of the elevator."

Then don't think too much.

Zheng Yi originally had some hesitation of foot to speed up, and he ran in the door of the CD store.

If you accidentally, you will try to get the other's forgiveness. At the moment, it is more important than those, and it is the safety of their own students, not the so-called face problems.

How can a little girl take a guild?

What's more, is still my own student!

At the foot, I have a distance from the door of the tea restaurant to the CD store. Zheng Yi is only used in less than five seconds. Fortunately, there are not many people in the mall. This unique scene does not cause too many people's attention. Just only have the face of some fish in the store, I have seen a shadow of a glass, and then serious When I see, Zheng Yi has already crossed those stores.

Arrive at the door of the CD store, turning to the direction of the safety channel, the thick door of the safety channel just houted, obviously in small circles, no good sports nerves did not have time and how far.

Seeing, Zheng Yi is going to catch up -

At this time, the automatic door of the CD shop opened again.

"Hey? Justice?"

This sound is ...

Generally speaking this critical juncture, Zheng Yi will return to a sentence [Sorry, I have a very important thing now] and then I will never go back to chase. But this sound made Zheng Yi have to stop the hurry, and deviazely to the people who speak.

Because he remembers this voice, it is a lot of people who have been caught by this little guy today.

"Beauty classmates, are you commemmerts with the deer?"

"Ah? Yes, yeah? Do you see a small round?"

Some reactions do not come over to Zheng Yi to open the mountain's conversation, but it is still directly answered his question in the respect of the respect of the teacher and students. Just watching this, the teacher who knows a day, when it is serious, Shaya does not help but get rid of the brain, the kind of fear of the teacher, who is forgive to the teacher, suddenly rishes his brain, Let her have some don't know why, why is Zheng Yi who are curiosity here to converge.

It turns out that the justice teacher is very powerful.

I don't know what this people are thinking about. Zheng Yi also did not have time to gather, he rushed to the direction of the safety channel.

"Do you know that the deer is rushing to do? She has just got a person to the safe passage, where the person is still the closed area being constructed, very unsafe."


I heard the words, Shaya gave it, and the face has always been nervous.

"I don't know, the small round is just still good, but in the store, I didn't have long time, I suddenly ran out, I seem to have an urgent matter, I just hesitate to call her. Who knows her Run so fast, I can't see the store! "

"Do you have her phone?"

"Yes, but the small circle walks in the bag, I am not taken away here!"

Looking at Shaya, I mentioned the illustrated black handbook, Zheng Yi frowned. The information between the conversations is not much, but Zheng Yi can at least determine that the deer has no safety guarantee, it is not easy, and he has a step by breaking.

"The beauty tree, you are waiting for me here, I will chase the deer to chase my classmates."

"I am also together!"

For the girl directly keeping up, Zheng Yi hesitated, still did not refuse.

Look at the eyes of Sha Yaga, to convince her to be estimated to be a little time, now time is urgent, and the conversation has spent a lot of time, Zheng Yi does not want to waste time in an unnecessary place. And I think that if she is forcibly letting her leave, I will not sneak over, if I accidentally, I don't necessarily save time,

Instead, it is better to let Saaya are safer than yourself.

"Then you must follow me, don't be dissipated."


No longer say, Zheng Yi runs to the security channel door that has been completely closed.

Shayea followed.

-------------split line--------------

On the other hand, the call to help moved in the ear, the small circle curled up the shoulders.

The dim light, the dead road, the secret angle of the secret, and the own shadow that moved from time to time, for a bureau of the second grade of the country, one person entered this place is really better than the ghost house. It is more fearful.

Good, hay, you know that it is an entertainment facility.

It's a difficult challenge to the small circle in a dark corner. Every light is not a difficult challenge to the small circle. The most primitive fear of human beings is deeply excited through the reversal of visual and auditory.

In the usual, the small round has turned to the original road back.

Her counsel is really not big, it is not big from small.

But this time is different.

- Someone is saving her.

Turning the tears that is scared, the small circle works hard to move the trembling legs, and the sounds along the way.

"Is it there?"

"where are you?"

"Someone is there?"

Every shout is not a response, but occasionally returning to save the rescue in the mind and a symptom of a sputum, guiding her bypassing some complex floors.

Always came to a door.

The stairs in front of the door were surrounded, a sign card written in [renovation in the store, the floor is temporarily closed] is standing in front of the fence.

He hesitated, the small circle was still bent over the upper stage and opened the door.

The head is more scared by this.

Dark gray light, empty space, as well as the hard real estate of three forests.

"help me."

"Who are you? Is it here?"

The more clear call for the ear makes the small round, the pace of the little is somewhat, and the girl will take the courage to go in, and the left and right look at the source of the call for help from the perspective.

Just step on the pace of the heart of the wing, the small circle gradually became more and more, and he had been able to come to a barbed wire. The black pressure space made her approach to find that this is a dead road. When I want to find it, the help of the ear rungled again.

This time is clear about any time before, as if it is in the ear -



The immediate movement of the head made the small circle shake, the little guy lifted upside down, some of the rust traces of the metal dome panned in the obscenity light. It is the position of her head, and a metal plate has emitted strange move again, and like what hit it on the same trembled two times.

After a small circle, he retired two steps.

--Tush, the metal plate is hit, and the shadow is wrapped in a harsh, and the sound is smashed.


The legs who have been destroyed and destroy will not support it, and the small circle screamed at the leg and feet.

And the black shadow also exposed its original appearance under the light.

That is a small amount of blood, it seems that the size and cat can't find it, and the pure white fur is a wound that is flooded. At this time, it breathed in the ground, it seems to be lost in the next second.

"help me……"

"is it you!"

The help of the ear has always been rescued, and the good heart has dropped down at this moment, and the small circle rushed up this kind of small animal. Looking at it, a shocking wound, there are only a blank mind to rise.

Have to save it, otherwise,

However, at this time, the top of the head came again with a different sound.

The next consciousness hugs the small things that are injured in the arms, and the small circles nest the body.

It is also a black shadow to fall from above, but this time, this is a family that makes the small circle feel familiar.

The girl who is uncomfortable girl looked at the figure in front of him and slowly opened his eyes.

"Small ... flame?"

The appearance of the deer is in front of the deer, it is the wonderful transfer.

Xiaofei Yan.


Finally, I am going to start, I am very expensive for this moment.

Zheng Yi's first show!

In addition

Merry Christmas