Kamen Rider, the mission must be achieved!

Make the knight, the mission will be! Chapter 342

Second more


good afternoon


Explanation on the end of the body

Setting of ontology

Indeed, the vendor is coming in the form of a different time, but in fact this is not only to protect the lives of the debrology, but also stability in the world of authorities.

The division generated by the garden will be set according to the extreme upper limit of the target world, unless the foreign object beyond the upper limit, this design is basically not allowed to be shaken.

Previously, the courtyard allows because Zheng Yi's inquiry is: "If the task is in my own world, can I use my body to fight?"

The answer is possible.

Because the vendor passes through the strict screening, the courtyard believes that they will not rely on their own birthplace, even if there is a case, it will immediately trigger the mission of other vendors.

And because that is Zheng Yi's birth world, even if Zheng Yi's power may exceed the world's upper limit, it will not trigger the resistance and resistance of the birth world.

Just like parents will not become a billionaire outside, just like you.

This is a truth.

Therefore, Zheng Yi actually can't be random in other worlds, which belongs to the operation of illegal.

Tust illustrates to prevent some readers from generating logically.

In addition, 2.1 is also ended soon.

thanks for your support

I am Irai.

We will see (.? Ω ?.) tomorrow?

Chapter 74: I have to believe that I can

what is this?

It's like swallowing this whole piece of condensation tree and the concentrated lead clouds attached to the giant sword, and there is a huge vortex on the sky.

The gray cloud is wrapped, the cold is free.

The flower under the flowers reach out and holds the waist of Marton.

This behavior is a bit irritating to usual Mauxu, and a lot of probability will lead to this raw shy and child-colored stiffness.

However, this moment, Maruta did not think about the Yu Yu, and she can't hate that the flower can be tight.

- Because this slammed world is big, it has made her start to be a illusion that she is born.

No, this is not an illusion.

Press the center of gravity of the body, and the hands die with the shoulders to fight against the shield, and Marshall is not open to watch the bare rock plate under the feet.

Where should I be covered with snow covered with a knee, and even the big shield is not clear.

But now, it has shown a carbon gray clastic soil that was burned out by Zheng Yi, even if there is no hot flow, this shocking rock plate is enough to make people surprising.

That is the trace of this land under Zheng Yi.

More Marton realized that the situation was hot, but the shield was lifted from the bottom of the surface.

Semi-origin girl is already exhaustive as a fulcrum in frozen soil that is tied to the foot of the feet, but every time there is a lax and exhaustion, the shield will be like a pile of invisible palms from below Suspectedly raised the same.

And this even the people may be difficult to calmly, and it is tilted in the wind, almost forms a roll of rolled barriers, but it is a sign of slightly insignificant front.

Changing the ground, but once.

Marton tried to open his eyes and wanted to see the figure in front of the monarch in front of the front.

For Cardo, this is also the case where he can't change his handle.

At the moment, I also died the opponent struggled. The next moment, I suddenly broke out the territibility of the beginning of the time.


That kind of resolute taste may still be above the past.

For a time, the Catark's brain has emerged in the ceremony of the peak, leaving it before leaving this distraction.

[Progress of the plan must be asked for you, after all, after all, it is that empty righteousness.

[However, Cardoc, if you want to help the emperor ... If you complete this great cause under the Queen Hall, you will remember that it is not only a reminder.

[From the head to the tail, the unscrupulous means of cautious, is the only way you can better than the man, otherwise ...]

"... otherwise, will it be this situation."

In such a harsh environment, Cardo can still have the feeling of being able to have the feeling of sweating behind him.

The young magician frowned, and the palm of the palm clamped the rarest of the chest. It was like a heart to cut the heart, and the face was always exhausted on a complex look.

That is from angry, disdain, regret, and a smile composed of smashing.

It's like it is to squand in Zheng Yi in the words, and Cartoch gangliang has a curse, screwing the gums and angry: "What is joking!"

"Even if you get a power of a coin, what can you do with your broken body ?!"

"Here, there is a whole nine coins, plus the highest strongest power in this earth!"

"The empty snake, Anastatasia, let this guy who doesn't know the admitted to see what is gap!"

That sound is announced.

The first response to Cardo Angry, naturally, the female of the frozen soil empire in the battle center, Anastatasia.

The Queen of the extremely cold hell did not show the anger offended as Catoco, but the killing of silence to seek in the face of the face is as clear as the wall of the Ice of Cardo. Clear.

Her cold voice sounded clearly in the storm.

"Treasure, liberation."

Should be with the order, the dark giant climbed out from the back of Anastasia, deep, cold, as this land itself presents the majority of monotonous appearance, deep black body with rough The arms, and it is said that it is not as good as a huge individual.

The dotted in Jossom is the head, burning the eyes of ice blue light, even if there is no five senses and complete eye image, everyone can feel this huge thing is [see].

In terms of death, it is Zheng Yi who is dead and staring at his hands.

"Give you the end of the end of the end ..." Gallop · Viyviyviy! "

The conceptualization of [sight] has a destroyed power, staring as a weapon, has a powerful force in the [Magic] this powerful force, and the elf of the magical eyes is silent.

Marton as the nerve of the guardian is beating, the girl understands that this hit is different, the same Treasure, the same Treasure, exhibits a distinct threatening after the increase in perfusion power and strength.

If Mr. Zheng Yi is hit from the front ...!

"Mr. Zheng Yi, hide quickly, that can't -"

The girl's voice is almost buried by the wind, but Maru knows so that the man will be able to hear her voice.

The back of Zheng Yi is still not moving.

In an instant, Maru understood.

I don't know if I want to avoid, but I am not ready to avoid.

Zheng Yi's body can only support him the last sword.

And this last sword must be all.

To this end, he is ready to prepare from the front, whether it is.

If you conscious, Mamu wants to rush.

It is also possible to have an activity in the future, and the arm in her waist will take a step by step.

"Seniors, Mr. Zheng Yi" He - "

"... no matter how you can't go."

The headrel of the flower is very low, low to obviously see her face.

But Marton can know clearly about the expression of the flower.

Because whether it is the sound of shaking, it is still shaking the body, the sound of the throat, which is far more painful.

"Must ... I have to believe in big brother, Mauxu ..."

The teenagers' exchanges are very short, but this is enough to make the treasures to be treated by Anastasia.

The pair of ice blue eyes suddenly shot a huge beam that almost enjoys Zheng Yi's whole body.

Following, it is the barrier that penetrates the storm and the snow, the blue purple magic bullets that are angry from the distance.

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Yi's body was completely engaged in bursting magic chaos.


First more

Snow is won, my youth is over ()

Late late, busy some things

Chapter 75: Friendship is Magic

The ice blue and deep purple magic light completely covered the position of the high body body, crushed the destroyed rock plate, and shredded the frost of the gathered, even the fog of the body and evil sword It also covers the look.

It's like it is going to obey the will of Cardo, will be completely complete, forever, and the millifier is not bad from this world.

Martones have a feeling of suffocating.

As a nearest from the attack area, she also saw a lot of powerful attacks.

From the golden light of the guidelines, the shadow of the heart of the heart to capture the heart.

Even, from the front to meet the terrible lights that are enough to evaporate human history.

If the guardian, it is proud of the attack strength that has successfully resists, so Marskikrelet is qualified to be very pleasant and proud to praise and reverence.

It is like this kind of Marm, which has a unauthoristic thing that is unconscious for Zheng Yi .... No, Mamu actually does not feel that Zheng Yi is in the state of this, can withstarate this hit.

If you have to match, this hit is destructive, and even if Marton makes Ma Xiu recalling something in the mountain range.

From the destroyed light release of [Lion King], this hit can be comparable to it.

That is a legendary bower Alarsh that can block the terrible blows at the expense of life.

If it is Zheng Yi, which is a fullness posture, Marton even can't think of what attack can do a hitting this man, but you can welcome this hit, but the scar is harvested. Zheng Yi.

For a time, the feelings of semi-origin girls were not controlled.

Dropped eyebrows filled with sadness and self-blaming.

"it's over……"

There is no use of Caroke with Cardoc and Anastasia. At that, At fact, there is no meaning of Mao Xiu, but the female hunter is just sad, and the position of the magic is still moving. Handed down the hand holding the bow.

The look of Martiu also became down.

Although I don't want to admit, her rationality has identified the statement of Atami.

Obviously, the views of Cardo and Anastasia.

The young magician is stretched, and the Queen of the newly scheduled is also no longer a murdered.


"--Do not."

The voice of the girl sounded.