Kamen Rider, the mission must be achieved!

Make the knight, the mission will be! Chapter 363

However, Li He seems to be often habits.

"Why do you sure that the other party will sign it here?"

There are a lot of harbor and attractions in the city, and if the other party wants to log in to choose, this starts to make the city's super-war branch of the city's brains.

However, the Liu Bureau in front of him was the information given by the review, and it was directly in the map.

"There is nothing special reason."

Liu Bureau looked at the increasingly mad sea scenery.

"Trample in human life, dignity, will, happiness, when doing these things, there will be no special reasons, just because they want to do it."

"This kind of thing is to get from myth, step on the realistic [God]."

"Li He, I want to predict the behavior of a performer, I have to understand the motivation of the criminal."

"The so-called" God] motivation is such a simple and complicated thing - they like it, they will do it, this is nothing to do with good and evil, even if they give people a good thing, no one can guarantee them. The next moment will not spread the next evil. "

"So to predict their actions, just understand what is likely to hold, it is often enough."

The Liu Bureau is not difficult to understand, and Li He, who has also seen the information quickly understood the meaning, and also understood why this area would be selected as a meck.

Because the Liu Bureau dares to be sure, it is the word [God], even if the warning of four elephant five-line arrays, it will inevitably choose the most rapid landing place.

And the coast where they are at the moment is the fastest way to land the city from the sea.


"In this case, Liu Bureau, why not apply for support to the column of the country?"

"This is actually the question you want to ask?"

"I can't hit you."

Li He is a little ashamed.

Indeed, in LI Ghe, it is not understanding that the Liu Bureau is confidently defined to meet this thing, because he fully trusts the young but talented boss.

What really can't understand is that the Liu Bureau decided to deal with this event by the branch, if it is unable to complete, let the standby town of the country support this.

The opponent is not a catty dog ​​that is usually the awaken level, but a tricky god that can be traced back to the main gods of the gods. It is the object that only the column of the country is only the object of the country.

"Li He, you are in the current year?"

"Yes, Liu Bureau, this year is the third year."

Although I don't know why I suddenly say this, Li He still answered the question of Liu Bureau.

"That is what you first face the disaster in the first time, will I teach you how to face the first lesson of the disaster."

"The so-called column and God's fighting, the elements of the left and right wins are not just the level of strength, but it is better to say that level, the force wants to pull the gap is relatively difficult."

"So, between the Bozhong is dead, what is it?"

"The answer is very simple, intelligence."

Getting on the thunder of the sky, listening to the roar of the ear, feeling the wind of the earth, Liu Ren stands, whispered.

"It seems that it is better than expected."


First more

No need to worry

I want to ask why

Because I am coming!

Chapter 26: Thunder and Storm Giant

"It turned out to be, Qingshi Beach."

Sitting on R6, Zheng Yi searched a map of the city with a mobile phone, and the news from Lao Li from Lao Li was quickly determined from the name of Lao Li and the name of this refuge.

In the direction of small black gaze, the distance is the farthest, and it is also the most near the ocean, which is one of the famous tourist attractions in the city.

Because the city's refuge announcement is released, the private vehicles have been restricted to travel, and people have been closely arranged in the temporary shelter of various regions.

This also allows Zheng Yi to have almost no obstacles on the road - the vehicles of the blockade and official personnel can't stop the R6 of the Horsepower.

In this way, the maximum needs to be 10 minutes, Zheng Yi can reach the Qingshi Beach.

But in Zheng Yi, there are still many questions that you can't get answers.

[Terminal, you said, small black is not a foreign object or a legacy?

[From the configuration, the end of the terminal is that the existence of the dealer named Xiao Black should be a relatively special thoughts, and is affiliated with the born world of the deporter 913, which belongs to the original species. If the debrief needs to be more close to the analysis, it is necessary to carry out fixed-point support after the deposit of the courtyard.

So can you definitely do the little black is my world's native existence?

[Unable to conclusion, in the studio record, a total of 12 exceptions cannot be recorded directly, and the seven cases cannot be directly distinguished. Among them, 4 cases were recorded in 4 cases due to the unrecognizable examples of mamoridism, and the unrecognized examples caused by the morality of foreign objects and lefters were 3 cases. The remaining 12 cases of foreign objects and lefters itself exceeded the general detection limit of the terminal. If the above, the terminal can be accurately determined after the fixed point support is required.

In other words, unless you can see a small black, you can only be doubt now.


I touched my forehead, Zheng Yi frowned.

What is the meaning of small black?

If I call me a child, I will put myself on the same line. The little black is this time ... not, or, what is the position of this whole disaster mission?

And that gives the teacher, it is also equivalent to whether there is a relationship between the manufacture of chaos?

Zheng Yi did have some conjecture, but there is not enough evidence to verify.

This is not a jade, and you can't make a look at the brain.

There are too many doubts, but the clues are scarce. For a matter of consideration, then more questions will follow, which is often in the predicament in the reasoning process during the lack of decisive evidence.

Holmes teach Zheng Yi, how should I do it at this time.

"Will first suspect returning to the origin ..."

Loosen the brow, Zheng Yi stared at the blockade line in front through the goggles, R6 car, such as the horses, oscilting the roar of the engine,

As long as you turn over, the Qingshi Beach is basically close to Zheng Yi.

The next jumpets of several panicked staff, R6 simply overridden alloy roadblocks up to two meters.

"Old Fu is right, I just need to do it!"


"Let everyone are ready, and immediately launched the junction immediately after I give the instructions.

The Liu Bureau, the little body is actually a little floating in the wind, and the feet trapped in the white sand are also quietly separated from the ground.

"Can Liu Bureau, the words are unfolded!"

"Li He, listen to the order."


I took a low-eyed, Li He, Liu Bureau issued a strange movement of probably laughter.

"Don't tell me this, this is the slender face, I am not going to send, just to explore the bottom - do you think that I have been sitting at this location, rookie."

"Let the recorder record all the details in the battle after I will be transferred in real time."

"I understand - um? What?"

Li He was in the right-earlier image of the mobile phone. The same is a slightly worried look, but professional literacy makes him quickly return to God, and give a Liu Bureau before the Liu Bureau asked. Want answer.

"Liu Bureau, two messages."

"First, observed that there is another huge energy reaction in the front of [Iris], and it is initially broken into grades. The two sides seem to have a confrontation, [Iris] now stayed in 12 nautical miles from Qingshi Beach On the sea level. "

"What is the second?"

"... the news on the line, saying that there is a black rider to drive a locomotive to break through the blockade line, and rushing here."


East China Sea Sea.

It is probably not enough to describe the situation here.

Lead gray concentrated clouds above the sky, the heavy and obscure groups are tilted with each other, almost the geodes of the sky to fill the sky into steel smelting.

From time to time, the thick blue light is in all the happiness roars that he listens to the takeoff, which is like a supersonic passenger plane, is enough to make people's eardrum and spirit suffer from the same moment. Amazing shock.

The wind of the flying wind pulled the turbulent waves, and the wind surrounded by the gods is like a high wall that is built with the whirlwind, and the invisible Weili is hovering.

In this case, there is a sudden scene of the same violent scene as the sky, but it has suddenly made a unharitable point.

Just like the ink under the rice paper, even if it is so small, it will be like a star in the sinking night.

That is a child who is suspended in a high altitude, the face is tender.

It stands in Lei Yun, standing between the wind, but the child is like the bright moon on the water, let the child are in the world, the child's body is also suspended there.

Even hairdressing, it seems that it is just a slight fluttering with the spring breeze.

In the face of lead cloud, the child's face revealed a helpless.

"Stop the footsteps, I should say it with you, even if it is expelled, it is necessary to consider human survival needs."

He said this, the sound contrasts the roar of the Thunder is too thin, so that it looks like the temple, just when the lips are opened.

However, in Lei Yun, there is a male voice that has a long response to the child's words.

"Ignorant! Cowarize! Shortish eyes!"

"Do you actually think there is room for cyclone?"

This sound is more plentiful than the thunder.

This sound is more empty than the storm.

This sound is more solid.

This sound, split the storm and Lei Yun entangled, revealing the owner of the sound.

That is a giant that stands above the sea.


Second more

Chapter 2: No Savior

That is a giant with a high degree close to 50 meters. It is a strong muscle that is built with metal, highlighting the strength of the body, and the thick fur, the thick hair, which does not know what the beast is taken. It is naked as if scrolling the upper body of lava and heat.

The red long-haired beard of red and the same color is lying on the chest and the back of the spine, and it is like a fierce fire in the wind.

That double is more popular than the car, like an anxiety that is going to spurt out of the fire, and the anger is completely hidden. Nothing can feel this giant from the eyes. The angry anger is much vigorous.

He wrapped the right hand of the steel gloves and his right hand, which was like a thunder, and the back is like a dangerous Yue. It seems to be in the next second, and the young child in the sky is generally ready.

"... I don't want to compromise."

"Hey is in compromise!"

The giant roared, if you interrupted your child, like catering him, and yin clouds swayed again.

"When the deception of Shen, it would be, and the human beings did not have the shelter."

"I still remember that the vow to say that mankind can rely on him to resist the ghost, but now?"

"Not only did not resist, and even wanted to subversit the power of the power through the ghost, I couldn't see the end of chaos. I only knew that the inside of the inside was rotted is full of high-tech stupids!"

"This is like a dream for thousands of years, eventually proves one thing ..."

"That is the inferior of human souls and blood, let them have no correct choice at all!"

"I am awake, this is the best certificate!"