Kamen Rider, the mission must be achieved!

Make the knight, the mission will be! Chapter 696

Haven't come and have a breath, and I was asked by the sudden concern.

It turned out that when he was blown up by apricots, he knows that he is not a piece of actuating material, and the girl who is afraid of trouble is simply choosing to close, and it has always been a face along the way.

It is good to think that Zheng Yi is worried about the new city. After all, he is in the process of the most in the team, in the new city, seeing the fascination of the new city, will worry about normal.

So when I boarded, the ancient also specially replaced [Zheng Yi] originally taken to take the seat.

Although I have said, although some have a variety of twists, I have not exposed any problems ... probably not.

"It's this."

The ancient looks, soon relying on the eyes to confirm the Lommes lying on the hillside.

"Found - ?"

Look at the frequent flashing signal on the screen, ancient ancient one.

"This is ... this is the rescue signal, the identification code is ... Dry Qing Deng and Xianyu! They are still alive!"

Open the news: "Command, this is an oldest, we found the Lovus number, and searched for the saving signal for Dai Qing Deng and Xiubi, they were likely to be alive!"

"Really ancient ?!"

The new city can't wait for the sound plus it.

"Hope is very big!"

"Well, to the list of positions, the big man and Lina left behind the first machine and 2nd machine, justice, the rising well has the new city, you have three people from the ground to the Lommeus" to search and rescue, Be careful, it is still not sure that the universe is a living body. "




This belt is a mountain forest, the human trace is very, the terrain is more rugged, and the rising is not to keep up with the new city that flies. It is still that Zheng Yi will help the pockets from time to time.

"I said, he, no, I can't keep up!"

"Understand, it is this kind of thing after all."

Zheng Yi cried, helping the rose well, and a new city, a new city, who opened a very close signal source, let go of the throat.

"Agan! City"! "

This sound has not fallen, and the other two sounds have been introduced.

"New City? Is it a new city!"

"Here, New City!"

I heard the words, the new city was running and running, but I haven't come to the rising of the peeking, and I followed it under Zheng Yi's help.

Through a piece of wood, yourself in the grass, one with the hand of the communicator, open the grass, revealing the scene after the grass.

It is Dry Deng and Xianyu!

"Agan! City"! "

The new city does not think about the rushing, the last one is just what to say and the rose, was pressed by Zheng Yi.

"Nothing, the two are real goods, no problem."



The party is headed.

The rise is also relaxing. This is relax, and I almost sit down, I have to hold my knees and bend my breath.

The New Town on the side rushed to the front of the Qing Dynasty and the city, and the lips came back and fell to the two people, and finally looked up and went to the shoulders of the two.

"Welcome home."

Dry Qing Deng and Xianyu are opposed to the eyes, and they also screamed in the new city shoulders.

"Still use you, look at this crying, just just crying your nose?"

"Don't be pulled! You are scared, I will not cry -"

After hardening, the smile on the new city face, seriously asked: "What happened on board?"

"I guess you also know that you are investigating, but honestly say that we can also say what we have experienced for you."

Dry clearing wrinkled, and Xiubi laughed at Zheng Yi, rising well, and the friendly smile.

"Two, I know what happened between the Cosmic Biology at that time, there is no knowledge of the cosmic creature and empty me?"

"Empty me?"

Some of the demeanors of Ding Deng and Jieti, this is not surprising, when I appear, they also participate in the project in outer space, today officially ending the experiment.

"Is such that……"

The rise of the rose will tell two people about some of my appearance, and the ability to tell the two, and Dry Deng Deng and City Aysaki immediately immediately concluded, and put the Lommers, Zheng Yi and Yulu. The process told everyone.

"... then, wait until waking up, it is already here."

Suiyu Ren is scratched: "Although there is no basis, I think we should be saved by that empty."

The parity and rising well can see the surprise of the other.

I am not surprising about empty, I will save it. I have expressed my good idea for human beings. They are surprised. Why is it empty?

Is it also what is related to Yabo?

Thinking of this, the parcels took out the personal terminal to inform Headquarters here.

However, after opening the terminal, it is found that it cannot be contacted with the headquarters.

"what happened……"

"Command! Fast, the sky!"

Lina was anxiously shouted in the channel, in fact, while she shouted, everyone had noticed the vision in the sky.

There is a huge illuminator of a huge tower, which is falling from the sky from the sky with alarming speed!


First more

Chapter 129: Enlightenment

The tower of the Light does not cause oscillating as its volume in the outskirts near the town, because when the ground is about ten meters, the strange tower suddenly slows down, and the smooth falls on the ground.

Then, the rays on the top of the tower began to flash, accompanied by this flash, the personal terminal of the parity - not, it should be said that it is a tower as the center, the electronic equipment in the town of the square Anti-eyed man shape with a born with a body color blue white.

Dry Qing Deng and Xianyaki will recognize it, this is the unknown universe that invades the Lovus number outside the atmosphere!

"We are an Ilider, we don't have an attack, we came to this planet to find creatures that can live with us."

"We have a high degree of civilization, no sadness, no pain, no uneasy and panic, no battle and comparison, everyone can have the same happiness."

In fact, it is not just a variety of equipment, in the position of the tower, some residents can even hear these words.

"I am willing to seek a stable person, I came to this tower collection, we will survive with you."

When the words, the picture disappeared.

Everyone exchanged the line of sight, and the last eyes focused on drying the Deng Deng and Jieti.

To talk to this so-called Ilider, these two are the earliest face-to-face contact.

"... Just as our view, this group of guys is definitely not good, maybe the behavior is good in their ethnic civilization, but it is clear that when it invaded the Lomme, if it is empty, I saved it. I am likely to be killed in the fall. "

Dry Qing Deng said: "In human thinking, it is undoubtedly, it is a malicious attack."

The parcel wrinkled, he looked at a watch and made a decision quickly.

"New City, justice!"


"Please say."

"Listen, now there is another hour from the noon, before I determine the situation of the headquarters, it is best not to launch an attack, and don't let the citizens close to the tower!"

"Then you are two."

The parallelism looked to the Dai Qing Deng and Xianyu: "You have two headquarters with us -"

"Please wait."

Yoshao is stopped in the end of the court. Two good dears escape returned to the hometown of youth. He said with a slightly, and said by the dry and clear: "Please let us stay to help evacuation."


"The tower's news is probably very wide. If you rely on New Town and this just player, the person is too tighter, and we are also training-trained people, just evacuated, no problem!"

Some of the people saw two people.

They are right, and the evacuation work will not be made only by the two, or mobilize the local people. It is the most dangerous place, it is not the local man's hand to make up.

After all, those high-risk tasks are the work of TPC and Victory team. Now they can not contact headquarters, there is no assistance to the ground forces, and it is inevitable that they may lose their possibilities.


In the face of the apology, Dry Deng and City Aucaki are just smile, and they will take back the new town t / town t / town tote.

"Then plan changes, justice, New City, I will let the ancient and one machine, and the next thing is to judge, if you have to do it, I will allow you to attack the tower."

The papers took a shot of the shoulders of the two people.

"Responsibility, in me."



The second machine quickly left here, and Zheng Yi and the New Town also drive to the Dram car left in the second machine to go to the town, contacted the local staff, evacuated the people around the tower, and pulled up martial law line.

Just in front of the perspective, it is extremely efficient for local staff, less than fifteen minutes, and the people within the range of martial law are evacuated to the area where it is temporarily calculated.

For the most dangerous people to lead to the main road of Tana, it is naturally made by Zheng Yi and others.

I said before, this is the work of TPC and Victory Team - you can't expect people who have not received any targeted training, and they don't necessarily kill the kind guns and T word turn to guard. There may be a dangerous universe impact.

Therefore, these places can only be held by the Zheng Yi, New Town, and the victory of the Shenglihaipa gun, and a total of four people.

For example, the two people who have been specially trained although the operational experience may not be as good as the new city, but they can get a good hand in the weapon.

"Lao Zheng."


"Do you say those Irake?"

"Like Mr. Jie, no matter how their own intention, their behavior has problems, we can try to communicate, but must not relax vigilance. And ..."

Zheng Yi suddenly stopped.

This has stopped the new city with him, and I haven't had time to ask, and I suddenly turned around, and the look of the new city is ugly.

In not far, there is a young man in about Mors, five knives, walking toward the direction of the tower, from this side, you can see the young people of these ages, are curious, surprised, and even Excited look.

But there is no fear and thinking.

The new city immediately ran over.

"Stand! What are you doing!"

The full shouts made the young people who were eager to try Qi Qi, took advantage of this gap, and the new city passed through them and blocked.

"It's already martial arts, what do you want to do with the Tower? Very dangerous!"

Listening to the new city, I looked at the uniform of the winning team of the New Town, maybe I felt that the face didn't go, maybe it's a simple rebound, one of which looks older, about 178 years old, a boy wearing glasses Up red face, stalk the neck.

"What is your business? Let's open!"

Said, you must reach out to push the New Town.
