Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

16 Me the Divine Cat, peeking into the secrets of the maiden.

Seven days have passed since I started working at Hunter Guild.

I got used to my job, and I had a day off on the way. They say it's common practice to work five days and take a day off. Well, it doesn't always seem that way. There is no rest in this inn right now. I would be in trouble if it happened. I don't think I'm going to rest until I have more time in my personal shop.

I got such a break, but it just ended up devouring my sleep for a day. The general told me that a good young woman... I was tired...

And today, I notice that there are more cat supplies that I can summon. It's a cat. It's a classic during the classic, and when I say cat, it's a cat. A stick type with a fuzzy tip, what an excellent addition to the stick even with a laser pointer. I wonder how the batteries are doing? I don't think deeply because it's a god specification.

This cat has other effects. If you shake a fuzzy one against a monster, it's a cheesy item that has the effect of forcing attention to it, and if you point a laser pointer at a monster, you say you don't like it. I'm just happy when I use it on you, though.

Mr. Pamil called me when my morning job at the guild came to a halt. I wonder what it is?

"I want you to go to the next city."

Even if it's a neighborhood, it takes five days to walk. It takes two days to use the station carriage.

The neighborhood Quint is a city with many craftsmen, and I think it's called Shizuku Industrial City. He wants me to pick it up because a factory in Quint's city has been asked to create something from this city's Hunter Guild and it's about to be due.

Why me? The reason is simple, because it is because it is the lowest end and because it has an appraisal. It is my job to check that the requested item is not defective and to ask how to use it properly.

The departure is scheduled to take place the morning after tomorrow with a merchant's merchant team from this city to Quint. They're taking the day off tomorrow to prepare for it. A little bit, but I also got a reserve.

Mr. Pamir said that if you're going to be a hunter, there's no harm in watching that work closely.

The merchant party is escorted by two hunters. When I heard about the four wagons, they were a pretty big merchant squad. I thought that sounded normal.

The merchants will prepare the meal, but they will always tell me to take the preserved meal, and they will take note of everything else I need to buy and give it to me. It helps.

Don't dare, let's go back to the inn for breakfast and then go shopping. Plus, what do we do with the room baggage? Especially with the pet bottles in the mountains. You want to burn it somewhere? There is no such thing as a health center in this world.

When I went back to the inn room and put the bag on the table, Mee started pounding the bag on Teshitesi. I wonder what's wrong? Is there something in there? When I opened the bag, Mee pulled out the how-to book like one day. I know you've read it all, but what do you got?

When Mee cleverly opens her how-to book, a new page is added there. I'll read it. Looks like it's from God.

After sending myself out and altering my skills, it is spelled out that my real sister God, who manages this world, was so angry with me. I've never had a problem sending my soul to this world, but it didn't seem to taste good to have given me skills that I didn't have in this world. I guess, God, you said it yourself then, 'cause all you can do is have the skills in this world. In a way, don't you deserve it?

But did you send this page for such stupidity? When I read it, the last person wrote how to handle the pet bottle. It is the ability to restore the summoned objects to their strength with the ability to return them. Empty cans of cat cans were dumped as iron scum, but they can be returned as well.

That means... summon a pet bottle. Weak. I tried returning about ten empty pet bottles. That's just a little easier. Return efficiency doesn't seem too good, but this solved the garbage problem.

It said in an unusually small letter because I couldn't write it off at the end, that I would be asked to appraise Me, and that the pages written by this God could not be sent in the future without much extra time.

God filled most of those important pages with stupidity... I dare not say anything.

"Me, let me appraise you, okay?

"Mi ~"

Peek into the maiden's secret, it's only natural to say no. Of course, other than Mee, don't do that. I'll take it personally. Anything?


Gender girls

Age, five months of eternity.

Skills you have


Mee Bag (Capacity ∞)

Likeness UP

Pain relief

God's Cover-up


God's family.

God's pet.


The penetration point is too full to penetrate in reverse.

Notably, the liking UP...... isn't it? Is it God's cover-up?

"Me, try God's cover-up"

"Mi ~"

Appraisal and see, Mee only comes out with a cute kitten. Are you sure you don't want to find out now? I didn't know that.

"Me, what's a bag?

"Mi ~"

The pet bottle in front of me disappeared.


"Mi ~"

Also, a pet bottle appeared in front of me.

"Maybe Mee-buck means infinite storage?

"Mi ~"

Cheats are here! Great place for cheats, well said item bag seat. This guy is awesome, cheat ability to deny the logistics system from the ground up. If only we had this, we wouldn't be talking about making money. I won't, though. If you do that, you'll definitely be able to see it, and first you'll have to find out if this skill is in this world.

"If you have such a great ability, I wish you could tell me"

"Mi no..."

Mee turned into a face.

Oh, I'm not angry, because I'm not angry at all.

I held Me and thrilled each other on the cheeks and appealed to her not to be angry.

"Mi ~"