Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

20 Divine Cat Me, too shabby to be angry with the general.

Say hello to all the Hunter Guilds before heading back to the Inn. As planned, I decided to ask my husband, Mr. Doga, to cook a variety of dishes.

"What are you going to do with making so much?"

I was told, "It's a secret, but I won't waste it."

Do not check your belongings in the room, and have your unnecessary items stored in your bag. Now you're all set, you have time until dinner and you want to play with me a little bit?

Show Me the cat, who is sitting right on the table. Kilarin, my eyes are glowing.

Hilarious the fuzzy part of the cat trap at Mee's feet.


Too bad! Too bad. Ho, ho, tessi, hirahira, hirahira, tessi, tessi.

"Mi, mi ~"

Mee's eyes have turned into a serious mode, which has combined with a serious battle with each other.

Hirahira, Tessi, Tessi, Tessi Tessi Tessi Tessi...... Shit, Mee's about to break.

Hilarious, Pasi!

"Mi ~!"

Mee, burst your throat and face! Gu Hu... Nero was struck by Kaishin. Hey, what a destructive force. Don't be afraid, Me throat or face......

Now I try to use the laser pointer. Light on the table. Teshi Teshi.


Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Me.

Move the light slowly under the table.

"Mi ~!"

Mee jumps off the table and chases the light. When I draw a circle at my feet, Mee circles out too. This is hilarious! I'll try to move faster, but I'll follow with no problems. I'll even hit the wall of the room.

Turn! Tessi. Ooh, that's a move I can't imagine from my usual old man Mee. All right, how about this! I'll try to move the light to the ceiling. I wouldn't be able to do it with boulders.

Turn! Tessi! Krull, sta!

"Mi ~!"

Triangle flying. God's family is a monster!

"You guys! Be quiet!"

The general came yelling into the room......

"Excuse me......"

"Mi no..."

I guess I did a little too much. Reflection.

After the general leaves, Mee jumps up and licks my face pepper. You must have been so happy to play. From now on, I'll play with you a little more often. I'm sorry, Mee.

It's time for dinner, so I'll go downstairs and have dinner. The menu contains Neapolitan meat dumplings. I feel like I'm korying. Instead of eating elegantly, it was a good dish to say I would be disappointed.

After I finish eating, I ask Mee to wave her love to the customer as a billboard daughter at the counter, and in the meantime, she goes to the joint bathroom. Between tomorrow and for the time being, I can't take a bath with this.


Ask for the full set at the station and explain to Sansuke that he can't come for the time being. I'm glad you told me to be careful.

After indulging in the hot water, the massage is over and the joint bath is returned to the inn later. It would be great if it were fruit milk or coffee milk. Put your hands on your hips, gubbing and......

I'm going home to the inn, I'm going to hold my billboard daughter, Mee, and I'm going to get the damsel some hot water in a bucket, and I'm going to take a bath of Mee in her room. I exercise a lot, so Mee feels good too. So I realized that I didn't buy a bucket for Me... The store is already closed. I have no choice, let's talk to the general.

"I don't think so. I'll give you that bucket."

Ha……. I'll borrow it. I will definitely pay you back when I get back.

It's early tomorrow. Shall we go to bed?

"Mi ~"

The next morning, I checked the room's luggage and left the inn for breakfast.

"I'm going with care. Look, this is lunch."

"Thank you very much. I'm coming."

"Me too, be careful"

"Mi ~"

Big backpack, usual bags, tents, breaking up with the lady general. Going to the west gate, I just had five bells, but there are already a lot of carriages and people.

"I'm sorry ~. I'm from Hunter Guild, but who's in charge?"

One around the forties is more likely to react to my voice.

"I say Zeph, the head of this merchant corps. Mr. Hunter Guild has taken care of you."

"It's Nero. This is Mee."

"Mi ~"

"This is a lovely guilder."

If you say Mr. Zeph, who saw Me, is about to smile at Me.

Also, am I out of my sight...... It's okay, nothing. I'd love it if Mee was complimented.

"I'd like to introduce you to a hunter who can escort you."

Saying so, he was brought to the location of an armed group.

"This is Mr. Farren, head of the escort. Basically, you will follow my instructions, but in an emergency, follow Mr. Farren's instructions."

"It's Nero. This is Mee. Nice to meet you on the road."

"It's Farren, the leader of the eight eye fangs. We've met several times."

"Yes, I have seen you several times at the buyout counter"

"You don't have to be so hard. We'll be together for a little while."

Greet the other hunters. I hear the younger party is called the glowing sword. When I greeted him, he said, "Wow, I've never seen him this close."

Then Mr. Farren asked me for precautions and asked me about my general schedule. On the first and last day, we stayed in a village along the street, and the middle two days became wild lodging. Unless even heavy rain strikes me, I will be briefed on making travel a priority.

"Leave the monster raid to us. You focus on protecting yourself and your kitten. [M] Look, we're just going to the neighborhood, and it's okay because we always do."

The hunters are all nodding.

"Well, we're ready, so let's go."

When Mr. Zeff spoke to everyone, he became more hasty than ever.

Well, shall we go to the carriage too? Me.

"Mi ~"