Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

48 Divine Cat Me, brighten up the dark atmosphere.

Smiley says the guild stables will take care of him, so I'll take care of him. I can't take off my horse's gear. I stroked Smiley's head before asking the stables clerk.

I was in a rush to get inside the guild. Some guild officials have equipped hunters equipped with weapon protection gear to help them with gear they are unfamiliar with.

"Thank you for your hard work. Nero, you."

"No, I was really about to die. It would have been dangerous if Smiley hadn't been here. I made it a lot impossible for the sickly smear."

"That's right... I'll tell Smiley I appreciate it later."

"If you do that, I think Smiley will be happy too"

"We have nothing to do, so rest. Then I apologize, but also for your work in the morning. We don't have enough personnel."

"I understand."

You can't help all this, can you? A lot of guilders have left.

When I went to the stable, the stables clerk had just finished washing the smile, so I gathered water with my water skills and blew it up with my atmospheric skills. It's shorter than before.

Add water to the bucket and prepare the leaves as well. I won't forget to keep a bottle of mineral water in the water while the stables don't see it.

I stroked Smiley, then went to the Guild Tavern and slept a little. I'm tired of boulders......

I get a few hours of sleep, but nobody seems to be back yet. I woke up, so I do the bulletin board job I was doing in Quarto. When I finished writing down the unacceptable portion of the previous day, Mr. Eva came.

"Oh? Nero, can you do this job too?

"Yes, I do this job in the morning and I work at the buying counter in the evening"

"Well, Nero, you're a worker. Do you get paid properly?

"For a thousand lets an hour, there will be a thousand lets of Mee-chan allowance. I haven't gotten it yet..."

"Well, that's a reasonable forehead. You got enough money?

"I made good money when exploring the labyrinth, so I have no problem so far. Because there is no cost of accommodation or meals now."

"Yes, say it right when you need it."

"Yes, thank you."

Eva asks me to write the requested paper on the bulletin board.

Soon, I woke up and Me looked out of my bag and looked at me wonderfully. Where are you from?

"This is the Hunter Guild. There's an emergency in the middle of the night. I'm here to help."

"Mi no..."

You look like you're sorry for not noticing. I stroked your head and then poured mineral water on your plate.

I have a lot of requests, but I won't be too busy today. The only ones left in the city are the famous hunters who work all over the city and the hunters who rush out.

Even when it was time and the reception started, as expected, it was a relaxing one. Looks like we finally got our first report when the people receiving the request were sparse.

The village says the fighting is still going on. Once, leave the goblin in front of the village gate. The hunters entered the village, but soon they were besieged again. They say the labyrinth repelled the goblins, but after many injuries, seven people died, five of them workers.

Is this linked? If so, why? Well, I thought about it. Is the labyrinth only for people, not just for the labyrinth of flow?

Is it true that Goblin's weapons and protective equipment are made by Goblin? In some cases, goblins had AF in Quarto. If you think about it, isn't the goblin benefiting from the labyrinth, too? I don't think we can say that there are no labyrinths or fixed labyrinths in the monster habitat.

If attacking a village is a positive move, I think Goblin's intelligence is a terrible thing. Well, I think you're overthinking it. Next time, ask the Guild Leader to listen to this hypothesis.

"Thank you, Nero. Go home and rest."

"But you haven't all come home yet, have you?"

"It's okay because there are people around during the day. The people heading to the labyrinth will be back soon, and they're arranging people at the pharmacist's guild, so it's okay. And in the evening, please."

"I understand."

Say hello to Smyre in the stable, then head back to the inn for breakfast before going to bed.

Mee is supposed to stay in the guild and work. She asked me to do something about this dark atmosphere with my adorability. Mee also agreed, so she asked me to keep her lunch cat can and mineral water and plates.

The alarm is ringing. If you notice, you wake up in the evening and get it right. Looks like she had a blast.

Get up to speed before heading to Hunter Guild. Mee jumped in when I came in from behind the guild.

"Thank you for your hard work. Did you have a proper meal?

"Mi ~"

"Well, shall we try harder?"

"Mi ~"

He said the injured returning from the labyrinth nursed in a pharmacist's guild and the rest went to the village for help after resting. I'm a little embarrassed that I slept......

The lord also took a heavy look at the matter, adding some more private soldiers and some of the city's guards to his support. Since then, there has been no information in it, and we do not know what the situation is.

The buying counter is also ringing with idle birds. There is not a single hunter in the guild. The rushing hunters left tomorrow to refrain from doing so. Only around Me is the sound of a fornicating voice. But because of that, the atmosphere in the guild doesn't have to be depressing. Isn't it amazing that just because Mee's here gives her a bright vibe?

"What's going on over there?

"The guild leader's on his way, so it's going to work."

Mr. Henry seems to have considerable faith in the guild chief. I gently appraised the guild leader, but I remember him coming out with five goblins.

"Is the guild leader that great?

"He's one of the heroes of this country."

When I heard about Mr. Henry, he said he was one of the soldiers of the Demon King, who was the master of the monster some decades ago, and one of the heroes active at the time of the war this country fought. He said the guild chief showed enough activity to get into five fingers among those who had soil skills and were called heroes, and because of his achievements, he became an guild executive and ascended to his current position. They also have two names called the frenzy of the earth.

That means that the strength you can see in the appraisal is the power of skill deprivation. Depending on how you use your skills, you will be strong and weak. I wonder if you've done any research around there. I may be keeping it a secret because I would expose my abilities depending on what I think. There are powers called alien powers.

Eva also asked me to work the next morning. Is Mr. Eva asleep? You're so tough, aren't you? Am I just weak...?

Me, honey, why don't we stop by the communal bath and then we go home?

"Mi ~"