I'm going back to the inn for dinner, but I've been worried lately about how many people I should ask for. Is that for six?

"Hey, you wouldn't eat that much for a second!"

"No, I'll eat. You're gonna eat for sure, aren't you? Me."

"Mi ~"

The only snack in this is Lou-kun, but I'm eating my can of cats, so it won't be a problem. When you grow up one of these days, you'll have three belly demons. Only now, I'm sure. He's the son of the Tooth King...

Of course dinner is complete. Lou-kun received a few recommendations from Serra and ate a third of the cat can for the rest.

"You really ate..."

"Dessert is another belly."

"Mi ~"

"You still eat..."

Go back to your room. Everybody's bathing. My wife and Elena are washing up. When Pelo catches it, he hugs it and says, "Let me wash it."

"I don't have a choice. It's special."

I remember hearing that word a couple of times...... are you out of your mind?

The other kids are straight inside in Mee's bucket. It's a little small, I need to buy a little bigger bucket. I have to give it back to Quint's general because it's a barrel borrower.

Everyone's washed up, so regular dessert time. Wang Du also gave him a gourmet cake because he was almost there.

"Ooh, cuckoo!"

It's a grilled rice cake with no cumbers. I'll get you out to Pero and Elena.

For Serra and Lou-kun, banana ice cream crushed with bananas and then frozen with a little honey added.

They all look delicious.

In the meantime, Mee stares at me with a sad face. I tilt my neck with cotton, and I look at it with my face. A sad face that makes me want to hug you.

I can't do that. Let's experiment for a moment.

Me get the filling out of you, and I freeze one as usual. The other is divided by the milk I had split in the dining room and then frozen.

I'll put them both in front of me.

"Mi ~?"

She asked me with a full smile that I could eat. Please, eat, young lady.

After all, the first thing I started eating was the usual thick azuki ice cream. But along the way I started eating azuki ice cream divided by milk. Oh, I didn't think I could do this, but in the end, after eating azuki ice cream, I licked the thick azuki ice cream until the plate was shiny.

When I heard which one tasted better, I naturally slapped a plate of thick azuki ice cream on Teshitesi. Too bad. I thought if I did well, I'd consume half the filling...

Mee is satisfied and washing her face with her forelegs.

And here's another one who woke up to something called sweetness.

"What is this, delicious? Lu-kun's eating a little too!"


Oh, Lou-kun's dessert is gone. Lou-kun drops by with a sad face and coon, coon rings. The world is weak, and the important things have to be guarded. Look at Pero and Serra. You're completely ignoring Mr. Elena, aren't you? Lou-kun is so shocked to see that.

He looks pathetic, so I moffed him and then made him something new.

"I'm happy...... I want more"

Chills...... chills. What are you doing?

"If you eat like this before you go to bed, you'll get fat."


Mr. Elena fell into the cot. If you're going to sleep, brush your teeth before you go to sleep, right? Even Me occasionally, but I polish it. Only when I can afford the time...... I also need to buy Serra and Lou-kun's toothbrush. Pero is polishing himself.

Come on, let's go to bed, shall we? Mee, come on.

"Mi ~"

Serra and Lou-kun also dive into the bed in the middle.

"Ugh... Pero. Let's sleep together."

"Even with Pero!"

"'Cause I miss one."

"I'll take care of it. I'm good at sleeping with you!"

I didn't hear anything. I didn't ask.

"Mi ~"

Let's go to sleep. Good night.............

Um, slept well. Morning, Mee.

"Mi ~"

Serra and Lou are awake too. Good morning.



I can't hear you screaming, so is Pero under the bed? When we all look, we hear Pelo's sad, fine voice from Mr. Elena's bed.

"That's what I'm talking about..."

There is no reason to strip a woman's futon on a boulder, but she wakes up in solidarity with Elena.

"Hmm? Good morning..."

What was there was the figure of Pelo, who was feathered as a cat. Was it in that state the whole time? It's an enviable outfit in a way. Serra slapped Pescilli in the face with her tail like that. I guess you want to say you deserve it.

Who would have expected such an end? No, there's no way I can do that. Isn't it?

"Mi ~"

It's Pero. Forever.............

"Kill me on your own!"

Come on, let's go have breakfast.

"Pelo wants some eyeball roast."

"Mi no..."



I've been eating since I was born. Pero... Pelo looks like a Tosaka head. That's also the good part. I am a friend to love.

Finish preparing the smile and leave. Run out of the gate to a position where the city looks small and stop once. Mr. Elena came down to retrieve the whistle and blow it often, and Feilong came. Mee, get the saddle out of the bag and mount it. Depart again. I'll get to where I can go today, because Smyre will arrive in the King's Capital in two days.

He camped over Settimo in a place slightly unreachable to Sesto, and two evenings later he arrived in the king's capital.

Smiley gets faster and faster. I still showed you how to do it.

"Mi ~"