Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

93 God Cat Me, praise Pero for his outfit.

Return to the Inn for dinner. The general herself told me about the service. Looks like he wants to bake the care of new-faced Pelo, Sella and Lou-kun.

Mr. Doga's cuisine is definitely evolving and tastes exceptionally better than before he went to Quint. You deserve to be thriving.

They also hired your son's girlfriend, the new waitress, almost every day in the room, and they're thinking about building a new inn.

"You can't thank Nero enough. Me too."

"Mi ~"

"As much as you like, stay. Of course, your money is free."

"I'm glad to hear it, but I have to leave the morning after tomorrow."

"So soon? What time is it next?

"When the battle with goblins is over..."

"Is this going to be such a big fight?

"That's what countries and hunter guilds see."

"Well, we can't do anything, but come on. I'm gonna miss you."

"Mi no..."

Mee says not to be sad, she is thrilled in the hands of the general.

"Nero, you shouldn't be in the fight. There are these cute kids out there."

Everyone performs better than me, though.

"At best, it only helps with backwards support."

"That's fine. If you want to die in vain, run for it! If you die, it won't be anything!"

The general told me so, stroking Lou-kun, who's messing with me.

Yeah, well, when I tried to return the bucket I owed you, they told me to give it to you with a laugh. Sorry.............

"Hmm. Is that you, boy? I don't think I'm coming anymore, so I just thought I'd sell that armor."

Grandpa's eyes are serious...... blush, blush.

I'm here to pick up Feilong's leather armor, which I was putting out for repair. It is also one of the purposes for which I came to Quarto this time.

Gear up as you teach your grandfather how to wear it. I remember hearing somewhere that you can't just have weapons and protective equipment, it doesn't make sense if you don't equip it. Did some great guy say that?

"What do you do with small hands and shins, Tsurura?

"Is there anything good about it?

"Well done. You listened. As a matter of fact, I got the jewel lizard skin and made small hands and shins out of the end material."

"Jewel Lizard skin is expensive, isn't it?"

"It's expensive, but because it's what I made after I made a set of them. I only have small hands and shins!"

In short, Grandpa was trying to sell it to me from the beginning. You're a good businessman!

"How many?

"How about 450,000 lets combined with the rest? Normally, you can't buy it at this price."

Because Feilong's leather armor said it was worth about half a million lets. It's expensive to say 400,000 lettos with just a small hand and a shin. But it's something more defensive than Feilong's leather armor, so is that what it is? It's cheap if you think it will protect your life.

"I'll buy it."

"Nero. Looking good. I want Pero too!"

With that said, you're not wearing armor or anything like that.

"Do you have armor that might suit Pero?"

"None. When it comes to armor that suits a Chimiko like that, she doesn't want to make it bespoke."

"Chi, chimiko, chimiko..."

"When I get back to Quarto, I'll introduce Mr. Zergado to the craftsmen and make them. But I think Pelo can only use light armor because of his speed focus."

"Still good. Promise!"

I asked my grandfather to put on his small hand and shin, and I checked, but it was as big as a little and it was fine. This must be a convict for sure. Well, it's good stuff, so I paid for it without complaining.

"This is to Master Me, Mr. Nero. It has been a while."

Mr. Schwartz doesn't brace either. Why am I the only one?

"Thank you very much for coming today."

"I had a consultation today."


Mr. Schwartz leads me to the business table at the window and makes me some tea.

Serra and Lou-kun are round in the sun at their feet. Pelo seems intrigued by the rarity and looks around the store. Mee seems to have a cute extension on Mr. Schwartz's lap.

"So what do you want to talk to me about?

"I'm going to move my stronghold to King's Capital. So I was wondering if you could give me some advice on buying and selling accessories and antiques in Wangdu."

"Is that so…… to Wang Du. Sure, that might be better now. I'm also thinking of moving to the King's Capital."

"Is it still because of the blockade of streets?

"Yes, the north street is fine, but I can't use the south and east...... now that we still have it in stock, we don't have a problem, but the prices are soaring, so the stores that rely on pickups like mine are tough"


"However, if you told me about the business in Wang capital, you would close the store because you had no successor, and you wanted to give up the store to me. Depends on what you're looking to take."

Mr. Schwartz is going to open a shop in Wang Capital, or maybe this is a boat to cross.

"Actually, I had a lot of accessories and antiques, and I'm having trouble buying them. I'm trying to get into the Merchant Alliance, but without track record or creditworthiness, even if I try to make a deal, I can't see my footing."

"The journey. Maybe that's the case at first. Don't you think about owning your own shop?

Mr. Schwartz is gently stroking Me. Mee seems to feel good too.

"I rely on my own appraisal, so I don't think the store can do it unless there's someone I can trust."

"Even if you're going to Wang Capital, it'll take a while to fold up here and then travel around the north."

"Yeah, no problem. I'll be waiting for you in Wang Du."

Ask Mr. Schwartz where the Wang Du store is located. As we were chatting and drinking tea, Pero came with a cape for the red child. Yeah, looks good on Pero.

"Nero, I want this."

It is just right for Pero because it is a cape for children. Looks great on a red winged hat. You want me to buy you boots, too? Me, too, looks good on Pero - looking at him with his face.

"As a storefront, I'll keep it cheap."

As a result, the red cape was a good thing...... High quality with waterproof specifications and kept at room temperature in the cape at all times. Apparently, noble children are wearing something. It was 150,000 lets for me to put aside. Take care of yourself, Pero.

"Princess. Don't you think you look good?

"Mi ~"