Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

98 Divine Cat Me, I'm only worried about the filling.

Mee is sitting on the buyout counter and loosening her tail as she looks inside the guild.

"Mr. Henry. I want to sell goblins, what can I do?

"Mi ~"

"I have a drink."



Hunter Guild buyout counters are sparse because it's still early.

"How many drinks do you have?

"About two hundred and fifty"

"Mi ~"

"Two hundred and fifty..."

"I heard there was no place to throw away the goblins, so I said I didn't want them, so I got them."

"There's a core, right?"

"I didn't take it, so it stays that way."

"The core is a thousand lettos. Three thousand lettos is the market price. When I bought it from the Alliance, taxes, etc. would be deducted and it would be three thousand and two hundred lets. Two hundred and fifty, so it'll be 800,000 lets. You have to take the core yourself."

"I've never dismantled anything before…………………………."

"Mi no..."

"Why don't you make a request? Give me 30 grand for about 50 cars a person and I think they'll jump at me. The place can be dismantled in the back, and it can be picked up quickly in the guild."

"So can I please?

"Wait a minute. I'll get the paper."

I filled out the form that Mr. Henry brought to me and paid him 150,000 lets for the reward and 30,000 lets for the fee. I'll have it started at 7: 00 tomorrow.

"Then it's the dismantling ground behind the seven bells tomorrow. I'll tell the clerk."

"Yes, thank you."

"It's fine. If you dismantle it, you can do it with a runaway hunter. I think 30,000 lets a day would help those kids."

"I'm sorry…… I'm a rushing hunter but I can't dismantle………"

"Mi no..."

"Ah! Ha ha... I guess I should just study from now on......?

Shall we go back……….

"Nero. Don't worry. Nero doesn't look like a hunter!"

Pero. Not inspiring, thanks for the encouragement...... you're making me sad.

"Mi no..."



I'll stop by the bazaar before I go back to the inn. It's time to close the store, so I'm showing you the beating and selling.

I will buy more while getting the fruit relationship done. Finally, I bought five knives for demolition for tomorrow. If I hadn't brought it, I'd be in trouble.

The next morning, when I went to the dismantling yard of the Hunter Guild, five boys and girls had already gathered.

Speaking to the clerk, Mr. Henry told me that he seemed to be able to talk through it and use it as he liked.

Five boys and girls are acquaintances, and they dream of getting their original hunter's job in the future. They usually work all over the city, so they jumped when they saw this request. Looks like there were other people who wanted to take this request, but they gave it to the youngest group.

When I say 30,000 lets per person, it seems 3K even if a request is made with a broken amount that rarely comes out of work all over the city. Though I think this job is 3K enough.

Me, get a little bit of goblin out of your bag and get it to take the core. After taking it out, it is the instruction of the clerk to leave it in a determined location in a series of tasks.

Pelo, Serra and Lou-kun are playing at the training ground. Maybe you're right to tell the hunters you're being played.

A hollow goblin appeared in my body as I was beginning to take the core. It must be a trail of rifle bullets because it penetrates beautifully. The severely damaged product also appeared. He must be the one who shot him with a hollow point bullet.

Anything shot with a hollow point bullet had the bullet taken out. There are more than one object that has changed shape, and that must be how damaged it is. I can't help but be surprised that even the power of the air makes it this far.

All the work was done in about four hours, but when I think about doing this on my own, all I get is a bitter laugh.

To thank the five of them, I was very pleased when I gave them the knife for demolition that I bought yesterday. Even if I have it, the treasure is rotten.

"Mi ~"

The clerk checked me out and gave me the paper, and he said he would take this paper and take it to the buyout counter and he would get the money.

Join the five of us inside the guild, they're at the reception, and I'm headed to the buyout counter.

There was damage to the core and it was 708,000 lets in total, but enough money was made.

It's a little early for lunch, but let's treat the five of us to lunch at Mr. Sykes's. Of course, Pelo and the others are coming back.

The usual Cat Beast waitress is hanging out with the Mees without even working... don't you have to work?

"Heh. Wait."




The boys and girls look happy, cheeky with a loss to Pelo and a mouthful. It's more of a hamster than a cat.

After lunch, I promised Sykes I'd rent the kitchen instead of helping him with lunchtime. To prepare a meal for the goblin investigation from the day after tomorrow.

Ask Pero to take Serra and Lou-kun for a walk in Smyre. You're with me because you have trouble staying with me.

"I'll take care of it!"

"Mi ~"

Mee's a customer service clerk at the counter with her beautiful cat parents and kids, and she looks like she's having some fun. All around me are female customers, though. With that said, she said her beautiful cat mother's name was Fell and her kitten was properly named Pal.

After a busy lunchtime, we'll cook for ourselves.

Make and place white sauce for stew. There is no macaroni, so cut the pasta into small pieces and cook in a baking kiln with the potatoes and gratin. I also make a ton of meat sauce. Keep the pasta boiled in bulk, too, and store it in a mee bag.

I don't remember how many people I made anymore. I cooked the meat, and I remember making a lot of fried rice and omelettes. It's not a problem, so let's go.

The last thing I make is dessert. I asked Mr. Sykes to help me, backed up a ton of eggs and this time I had milk, so I use it. I noticed that it had been seasoned with honey and ran to a nearby grocery store. Didn't think of a container to put pudding in...... I bought it in a pottery bowl and steam it. It's honey pudding. Phew.

I also make a large amount of griddle cakes for the pero. I won't make it because I have plenty of fillings.

"Mi no..."

No, Me. Because there's really plenty, plenty. Is the only thing that worries me about you is the filling?

"Mi ~"

Oh, no...