Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

110 God Cat Me, I'm relieved that the investigation is over.

Finally, I'm back in the White Ya labyrinth.

Now I can rest assured... I can't say anything. Early on back, though. Have the Third Knight Commander, Mr. Bernhardt, prepare a room and a large piece of paper.

Me and the others are going to Smiley's. I want to go too but I have a priority......

(1) Paint and copy map skills on Mer Square paper. This is hard. Make two identical pieces. Give it to the Queen for this location and to the Guild Commander only after returning to the King's Capital.

After the depiction is finished, tell Mr. Bernhardt to gather the Commander Class. No infantry, mercenary, or succeeding Second Knights have arrived yet, so there are not many. Still, a few representatives from the Alliance side and Hunter gathered.

This side invites me and Mr. Muller and Mr. Kevin to attend.

Expand and explain the map to the central table. Every time I explain it, I can see that everyone's complexion gets worse. The scale far exceeds expectations, and there is no information on the western side because we are not looking into it. I can't help but be anxious.

"You can't prevent that number in this fort."

"Besides, isn't it a problem to have settlements in less than half a day?

"It is also a problem that there is no way to the enemy's home..."

Knights, opinions pop up successively, whether you're guild or not. I'm not supposed to be involved in any future operation. The incumbent will think.

"What is the location where this eastern red line was drawn?

"There is a territory of insect-based monsters who are now in contention with goblins. I was able to talk to the leader of worm-based monsters, and he told me that people and worm-based monsters don't argue with each other while they're fighting with goblins."

"Can you believe that story!"

"High-ranking monsters understand humanities. I also hear that Goblin General speaks humanities. I don't think that's weird, though?

"That's not what I'm talking about!"

The Knights are really hard headed.............

"But I'm actually getting help where my people were being attacked by goblins. During this investigation, we camped in the territory of insect-based monsters for two days, but they were monitored but never attacked. Aren't they desperate enough to work with people, too?

Muller, thank you for the nice follow up.

"Bug-based monsters are the best because they protect their territory. You will never come out of the territory. This is also to say that we don't have to worry about the east side. But if you defeat any of the worm-based monsters in your territory, this story will go away."


"Do you have a military supervisor?


"Please add a new sentence to the discipline of this battle. Whoever hands on a monster other than a goblin within the territory of an eastern worm-based monster shall be severely punished. This shall be announced immediately. The source of the order is the Prime Minister. Hurry up."

"But... such unprecedented things, easily..."

"Is that a statement that I know to be a patrol ambassador with a prime minister?


"Is there a problem with the Alliance side? Tomorrow I'm going to talk to Chief Celion Guild."

"…… None"

"So that's it for the story from me. Is there anything else?

Everyone is looking at each other.

"More than a hundred thousand, is that what the patrol envoy saw himself?

"I actually saw it. Honestly, I doubted my eyes. I wonder how we can get so much more in this short time…………"

"Isn't it possible that goblinking is born………"


Hey, you're right. I guided him easily, though. Now you'll be a little wary. I want the Second Knights here ASAP. I am anxious in the Third Knights.

When the discussion ended and I went to Smyre's place, I was thrilled with a rare and sweet trick. Could you have missed me? And when I said it, I turned to the side... I took care of it with Pero to get her in a better mood. Smiley is Mr. Tundele.

Mee said that if she was on Smiley's head all the time ~. I wonder if Mee was relieved to see Smiley, too.

The next day, we leave at our own pace to all the roaring and dark fangs of the Ethereal Dragon. Because the smear is too tight... I'm not sure I can stop it. A dash so fierce that when I left the gate, everyone else and so on said I didn't have it in my eyes. I'm scared.

It took less than two hours to get to Quint...... We'll take an inn near the bazaar, take care of Smiley and then head to Hunter Guild.

Still, the hunter guild was idle, and Fell, Pal. The cat parents and children were mopped by the receptionist sisters at the counter, so Me and the others joined them.

"Mi ~"

When Mee greets the beautiful cat parent and child, Fell stays and Pal peppers Mee. Being close is a good thing.

Eva noticed this way, so ask the guild leader to take over.

"Looks like you're back on schedule and safe. What happened to the others?

Tell him he went back one foot in the smear.

"Are you saying you need to hurry……………………"

Sure, it's an important story, but I wonder if the Smiley thing is a little different. It is simply hard to say that Smiley's desire to dissolve......

Explain the map to the Alliance Length's desk as he swims his eyes.

"Already, that's it……. Nero was the one who talked to the monster, wasn't he?

"Yes. Pero is in between, but we had enough communication of will. We didn't even fight together."

"No, that's enough. We don't have to deal with the two forces."

Continue talking to the Alliance Leader afterwards.

"What are we going to do after this?

"Tomorrow I will return to the King's Capital."

"Pamir also left for King's Capital. I guess we'll get through it somewhere."

"Infantry and mercenary units haven't arrived yet, either, have they? The Second Knights are coming too..."

"Right, what I want you to come quickly"

After the guild chief's office, lunch at Mr. Sykes's place. It's been a while since I've been able to concentrate on dinner without thinking about it.

Guys - it's dinner.

"Mi ~"


