Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

127 Instruct God Cat Me, the kittens on what to mascot.

After lunch, he is returning Smiley to the Inn's stable to come to Hunter Guild.

When I entered the guild, two adorable kittens greeted me from the counter. Looks like you're already a billboard cat.

I have Mr. Pamir called and he is stroking his two kittens until he comes.

"I've been waiting for you. Nero, you need to go back to the training ground. Oh, yeah, because my cat is Terra, Yuri's cat is decided by Kai-kun."

Really, Terra, Kai-kun is good.

Mee seems happy to see Terra and Kai and she's peppering her. Serra and Lou seem happy too. Pero feels like a man. Mee and the others said they would stay here as seniors as guild mascots to the kittens, giving instruction to Terra and Kai. Then I'll come.

"Mi ~"

Waiting in the training ground behind me, a guild leader appeared with Zorozolo and the hunters.

"Well, good to see you."

Many of the hunters look surprised, some of them even look at me and look dismayed. This must be the place to look a shot.

Ask the person who seems to be the most sturdy of the hunters to equip the full plate armor they had prepared with kite shields. Mr. Hunter, who finished his gear, has a strange look on his face.

Do you mind - keep it properly in place? There's a reason I had a full plate armor equipped with kite shields. Of course, it means not to get hurt, but it can also make the surface area wider and more susceptible to wind resistance. If you blow it up in that outfit, it would have an impact.

It's a performance. Performance! Everything matters first.

Dawn! It's great to dance in the universe with you. Beauty Four, Wonder Four, is this magic? No, it's a skill!

Ladies and gentlemen, as a poker, you're freezing, that guy hasn't gotten up yet, but you're not gonna help him? Alliance officials are returning to me and running to help Mr. Hunter.

"Nero, I wonder if this is the power of atmospheric skills..."

"This is the entrance, right? Well, is that the first step?"

I can see that all the faces of Mr. Hunter have changed. Grasp is OK.

After this, we proceeded as per the curriculum that happened in Quint's guild. Of course, he showed the last of his attacks in revolver.

"I'll tell you what, you can't use this right now. At the very least, I can't do what I taught you today without being able to do it instantly and freely. For once, the guild manager will give you the location where you can work and make it, so check back when the guild manager recognizes you."

Tea is served in the guild chief's office. Yum, yum, yum. If this is a treat, I don't have anything to say.

"Did I say something?

"Tea is delicious."

"It's a special blend of noodles."

"The sweets are……"

"No, but it's brilliant. I feel like I saw Celion when he was younger."

"Celion guild length soil skills are amazing, aren't they? I've never seen it before."

"There are countless spears coming out of the ground, skewering monsters, not even flighty monsters."

The basics of completion are the same as water skills. It can't be detached against gravity, but it can be stretched. Sure, it seems user-friendly.

"With that said, what is a brave man?"

"What is it, abruptly"

"It's about Rotaringia."

"You're a brave man… you're a fool to say where to find it. Are you sure you want to leak it?

"Anyway, you'll soon find out, won't you? It's the difference between late and early."

"Well, I don't know... who's the brave one"

"He says God denied any involvement."

"Did you connect the roads on your own... I thought you were frowning"

Looks like the guild leader knew about his skills, too.

"Will you connect the roads as many times as you want?

"Come on, from what I've heard, it would have been a divine one. I wonder if the punishment has fallen on those who used it."

Oh, my God, I'm scared. But, well, if you say so, I can think about it fully.

"He says that there has been a valiant summons without God's blessing in the past. But it didn't all end miserably."

"Why not?

"It's settled, it can be good or evil without God's blessing. People don't trust people beyond that. Let them fight the brave men when they need them, and when they're done, turn them off before they're harmed. It's not terrible."

It's the end of the story. Does God's blessing mean a testament of credibility... So if this brave man is no longer needed, he is destined to be erased...

"How can a brave man be strong?

"Hmm, according to the literature that Non read, when connecting the paths, it said that it would always lead through the divine realm and into the rest of the world. From here on out, it's Non's idea, but go the connected path, come or go through the divine realm. I wonder if there will be no alteration of the soul and no alteration of the flesh."

I guess the Guild Leader is right. If you think that God's summoning of the brave is deliberately changing that, then Tsuji fits, right?

When I left the Guild Commander's office and went downstairs, it was a big deal.

Ha......... again?

Mee, Camba ~ c!