Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

129 God Cat Me, actually Lord of Mount Brocken!?

Papaka, Papaka, I'm running. Mr. Smiley loves to run. I don't care about anything around me. Mr. Smiley loves to run, pappaka, pappaka running.

"Mi ~"

Hey Smiley, let's watch out around for a little bit... Monsters are nothing short of good. But, you know, Mr. Hunter's freaking out, too, and he stops moving. If you get hurt because of that, it would be bad for Mr. Hunter. It wasn't just Mr. Hunter, the merchant squad bum was surprised and suddenly stopped, was it? If you suck, someone on board gets hurt, right?

It's not my fault! Hung is showing the trick. Please be gentle with your hands, Mr. Smiley ~.

Buy-out time after arriving at the Sesto and taking the inn. I'll buy something to take to Feilong's relay site. It's already time for the store, so it keeps falling apart. The store people are happy to buy fruit and root from vegetables, so it's not a problem.

Unfortunately, I didn't have time to find my usual weapon or anything, but I did have everything I needed. I got a lot more than I expected because I got it covered. If it's less, it's not tasty, but if it's more, you won't be complaining.

Alcohol is scheduled to be bought tomorrow by stopping by the village where we previously bought alcohol in the Forte region. The Tooth Kings will be delighted.

I was able to leave early in the morning and stop by the village where I used to buy alcohol such as ale to buy a lot of alcohol. This is also due to the commercial guild certificate. Just a little bit, but the villagers would be happy to sell you daily necessities and so on, and they gave up a very small number of distilled liquors. I'm lucky.

Distilled liquor is a hassle to make, so I rarely go out there, but people who like alcohol say they want it as much as they can get their hands out of their throats.

This time they remember the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, so they say they will sell it the next time they come. You have to take care of this village. Next time we come, we'll gather all the things that might be useful to this village.

The same was true of the village making wine at the foot of Mount Brocken. They say there are fewer merchants stopping by the village because of the fewer merchants going through Mount Brocken. He doesn't want to take as many days as possible because he's going around Mount Brocken to the Grand Duchy of Hildenburg. It would be the same to come to the kingdom of Lumiere on the contrary.

You're in trouble. If you don't pack your stories with the Tooth King early, we're all in trouble. Mr. Hunter still lives here.

"You've come well, Master Me. You're welcome."

"Welcome aboard. Dear Me."

"Mi ~"

Mee stands up for Nan. Actually, isn't the Lord of Mount Brocken Me?

Serve a chilled ale. Both Mr. Tooth King and Mr. Rodem are nimmari.

The children of the white wolf and the black leopard gathered together at Me. You think you can get something. I answered that expectation and offered you some cookies, Mee.

Mee, you're surrounded by little ones. You're very busy with pepper, and Serra's trying, but there's a lot of them. Lou-kun and Pelo mixed up in it for a fuss. Rarely is Smiley sitting on the ground dealing with your children.

"Is that why you came here today?

"What is that?

"It's a strong sign that showed up east. All five of them."

Apparently, Rotaringia's brave summons. Still, you called the five of us? I told Mr. Tooth King and Mr. Rodem about the brave summons.

"Hmm, is that what brave people are for?

"That's not what I was hearing."

Hmm? What do you mean?

"That wasn't a big sign."

"Each and every one of them won't even reach the foot of the Oak King."

"The brave man heard that the demon king was afraid, but it was a debacle."

Um, what do you think? If it's the Zest Guild Length's guess, it could have been initialized after it was altered. Like me. Well, in my case, it was built from scratch.

"Aren't you a big stretch?

"Well, Lord Nero might make sense."

"Well, if you don't, you'll be crushed."

You're a pussy...... pussy...... Lou-kun came on my lap. Are you tired of playing?

"When we put out our reconnaissance on the Goblin side, we heard from Killer Spider Queen that we had joined hands with a man who had God's family, Lord Nero?

"That's right. It's not like we're fighting each other now."

"Sure, if we can get through there, our next target will be us."

"We have also formed an alliance with them. I'll just protect you for the moment."

Yesterday, the dragon cavalry should have launched an attack on Goblin's home base. I wonder what happened.

"They're attacking the demon king on the west side across the street. It depends on the allowance."

"I hope it won't be a big fight to attack the demon king who is quiet because of this..."

"If you suck, the demon kings of the south will move too. It's annoying."

"Should I let Hildenburg know?

"Well, it's good either way. You must have noticed the dragon over there."

Because the Grand Duchy of Hildenburg has a covenant with the dragon, he says he has finally noticed.

"So, what brings you to Lord Nero?

"It's a deal with Mr. Pato. I thought I'd ask someone, but I don't think so."

"That's a good thing. Unlike us, fairies struggle."

"Don't the Tooth Kings have what they need?

"No! If we had this mountain, we wouldn't be defeated. If you insist, I want some booze!"

"Sometimes I get enough from the fairies."

"Okay. Let's take that as consideration."

"Oh, can you do that!"

"We can demand full consideration because we will be able to safely get through Mount Brocken. I'm renting a relay for Feilong."

"Lord Nero, thank you. If possible, it would also be helpful to receive the blanket used by Lord Nero. It's easy to spend this time, but in winter, the little ones have tough things to do."

Apparently, there seems to be something else, if you think about it. Shall I think about it for a moment?
