Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

138 Divine Cat Me, Hire an employee of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

Because soy sauce and miso take a long time to bottle, it will be handed over two days later and I will only receive the thirty bottles that I have now.

I had ten mounds of rice and six hundred kilos (1 kilo = 1 kilo) of rice stored in my bag, and I was able to purchase three sets of mortars and pestles. Now you can have the cake. I wonder if the cake can be sold to the hunters because it can be used as a preserved food to some extent, like for the calculation of uncatched raccoons? Think about it.

Come on, let's go home and make some cake. There are also fillings, kimchi powder and soy sauce. Who...?

When I returned to the inn, the manager told me that he had shown the customer to the room.

Mr. Dragon... I was thinking about the cake and it was completely out.

When I enter the room, two men and women are sitting on the couch, and a fuzzy little white dragon is flying through the patterned universe. The two of you who saw me come up from the couch to thank me. Ask the maid for tea. I'll hold Me too and sit on the couch. Pelo, Serra, and Lou seem to get milk and sweets from maids at the table to eat.

"I will see you for the first time, Master Me, Lord Nero. I'm Alex, this is Claudia, and little is Strahl."

The little dragon that was flying in the sky came down and hugged me.

"Kyu ~"

"Mi ~"

Me and the little dragon face each other and stare at each other. When Mee peppers the face of the Chibi Dragon, the Chibi Dragon happily begins to cuddle and thrill at Mee. Looks like we're getting along.

"I've heard from Mr. Martial King (Leo), what can I actually help you with?

"Before I explain, let me tell you something about Strahl."

A beauty says Mr. Claudia. Mr. Alex is handsome, Mr. Claudia is beautiful, and Strahl looks super cute at first glance a winged dog. Dragons. Is this what they all do? Are you fighting with me? I forgive the beauty and Moffmoff, though.

"Strahl is one of the children of Lord Martial King (Leo). Lord Nero asked me to be adorable because I would leave it with him."

Hmm? Deposit? Could it be………….

"Do you mean Strahl is a force multiplier?

"Kyu ~?"

"Mi ~?"

"Yes, that's what I'm asking."

"Strahl is still young, but the son of Lord Martial (Leo). There are limitations, but you can use a powerful brace. It is a difficult force for people to use, but he also said that if you are Lord Nero with me, you cannot use it in the wrong way."

"Mi ~"

What an overrated, thank you. It's impossible for me to be a little civic of a cautious person to go for heaven. Even if they told me to, I don't want it.

"Nice to meet you, Stral. Laru-kun, can I?

"Kyu ~"

"Mi ~"

I know about the force multiplier, but what are you two supposed to do?

"Lord Leo has long believed that we should learn more about people."

"So we learn about people."

"That's when Lord Nero came to Lord Leo."

"In short, what do you want?

"I want to live as a human race and learn about people."

"On purpose? Living the lives of people with many freedoms and few constraints?

"" Yes ""

That's what I said. I put out two big bags. It's big, and it looks heavy.

"Half the reward for Lord Nero, half of it as our payment."

"Lord Leo told me not to let civilians live and be extravagant."

Looking at the contents of the bag, one contained gold coins and the other contained jewel-like crude stones. Whoa. Don't make me luxurious. What level are we talking about? Well, it's good to work. Just fine, so let's build the Wilhelm branch of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

"Mi ~"

The delegate's consent was also obtained.

"Then we will take the form of saying that we will hire you both to our Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce. May I?

"There are no differences"

"I'll leave you to Lord Nero."

"Now, you're one of those people I'm going to be doing this with, so please don't just talk in a formal way. I don't need a lord."

"Okay, let me do that"

"I've been talking normally since the beginning, haven't I?

That's what Mr. Claudia looked like. Then it's fine.

"Do you two have water skills?

If I don't have one, I just need to hire someone who does.

"I have flames, ice, water skills."

"I have flames, atmosphere, soil skills."

They say dragons have had flame skills since birth and will start to have some other attribute skills. By the way, braces are inherent skills, so they can't use braces even if they have flame skills, too bad. By the way, Laru-kun has flames, light skills. They say light skills are pretty rare. Is Laru-kun actually amazing?

"Kyu ~"

Since Mr. Claudia has ice and water skills, I can count on Frozen for ice confectionery. Now I see what I can do. We have enough money thanks to Mr. Martial King (Leo), so let's find a good place later.

I can't believe it. Why don't we put that aside and make a cake that we call a welcome party!

Mee, it's caked ~.

"Mi ~"

It's a filling.

"Mi no..."