Five days have passed since the opening of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce stall.

The stall is in full swing. It appears to be fully recognised by the people of the city thanks to the Grand Duke, little by little but also with regular customers. Two thirds of the customers said to the woman, the rest to your child, and the man. If you took the stuff in front of me, I could take it home too. Obsessive from the sisters of each nearby guild...... because I received a very hot request.

Both Mr. Alex and Mr. Claudia are used to it, and since yesterday we have left the stalls to the two of us alone, but there seems to be no problem. So it is time for us to return to the Kingdom of Lumiere. There is one thing I need to try before then, so I am out of town and come to a good place without worrying about my eyes from around me.

"What are you going to do?

"AF Experiments"

Mow the grass in one part of the meadow, lay the sheet and place the metal plate of AF's transfer device on top of it. A little further away, he gathers consciousness in the necklace of the transfer device, and imagines in his head something like a symbol drawn on the plate he placed earlier, and he becomes conscious when he flies to the place.

For a moment, I stood two mels away from the metal plate I imagined if I thought my eyes were distorted. Mee's eyes are dotted, too, watching nearby.

"I want to do Pero too!"

"Once it's verified."

Repeatedly verify the metastasis several times. What I found out is that it must be transferred to the front side with respect to the surface of the plate. If the plate is knocked down, it will shift downward toward the front and will not be thrown into the air.

The next thing that happened was to try transferring more than one. Me and Me at first, and Pero at the next, I tried to increase it the way I said they were with me, but I could transfer it without any problems, even including Serra, Lou-kun, Lar-kun and Smiley.

"Mi ~!"




"Kyu ~?"

Smiley hubble shows grumpy tricks. Even though we got the transfer device, I felt a little better when I told him that Smiley was necessary for us and that he was a valued companion.

But that's exactly AF during AF. It is a cheat item along with an unlocked necklace. Thank you, Martial King ~ ♪

Go to the stable on the premises of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce branch under renovation, ask the carpenter to make enough indentations to have the board in the front column, put in the transfer board and get the lid sturdy. Now you can come here at any time. Wouldn't it be perfect if we put it in the house of the king's capital, Beluna, and Mount Brocken!

The necklace on the transfer device tastes bad when you lose it, so I'll have it stored by Mee.

"Mi ~"

I'll take care of it. When I mumbled for her because she was cute, Lou-kun and Lar-kun mumbled too ~ and stopped by. I can't help it ~. We're all gonna munch together!

After dinner that day, we all meet.

We'll tell the two dragons we're going back to the Lumiere Kingdom.

"Well, there's no other way."

"That's right. Nero has something to do."

"I have the transfer device that Mr. Martial King gave me, so I'll be back once I get to Mount Brocken."

We need to find out how far we can fly. Because I don't know if I can fly from Beluna, the king's capital, to Wilhelm, the principality.

It takes time for the two of us to complete the branch, so we need to move to a different inn from here until then. I can't stay here on my own...... I will also tell you that as soon as I have the living space for the branch, I will move over there. There will be no problem if you leave the stall at the stall of the branch.

I work five days and take a day off. The two of them are here to study people's tribes, so let them be free on their day off. I'll pay you right, too. It will depend on future sales, but for the time being I decided to pay a third of the net income from street sales. Claudia is also asked to keep a book.

Me and Me will take charge of the ingredients for the time being. When this happens, I need someone to do my affairs professionally. I don't know much about that hand then. We need to do something...

Tomorrow I will greet the Grand Duke and leave Wilhelm the day after tomorrow. It was a great pity to tell the manager that, and he was going to have a farewell party tomorrow night. I appreciate it, but seriously!

The next morning, I head to the market with everyone to buy fish and seafood. After that, he went to the bazaar and bought fruits and vegetables from the region. When I was still walking around the bazaar, the pearl vendor asked me to buy a black pearl, so I told him to wholesale it there because I would leave the store next time.

Black Pearl King Mee, what are you going to do with these black pearls?

"Mi no..."

Mee, I don't need it anymore - I look at you, but I have to do something more than this happened. Pearl powder is like cosmetic or healthy food... Black pearl powder, can you sell it?

What a thought to come to the royal palace.

"Divine Cat Shop, looks like it's thriving."

"Thanks to the Grand Duke, the people of the city remembered me."

"Mi ~"

"What, you didn't just show your face?"

In front of the Grand Duke, there is a plate with filling dough and miserable dough. The Royal Palace has come to buy it every day since then.

The Grand Duke seems to like to have hot tea while eating miso dough. I still cheek the dough with Pero. Eat the pelo...

"And what are the requirements that came today?"

"I think I'll go back to Beluna for once because the branch also has a point of view. I also have a request from Mr. Martial King."

"Um, it's not about the brave ones. I'll look into it, but I think we'll seal off the information. The Hunter Guild seems to be taking a leap forward, but it doesn't seem to have any information like this."

Why is the Hunter Guild craving information on the brave? That seems to be to wipe out the brave. Because he is a brave man who could fall into darkness, a request for a Dark Brave Crusade will come to the worst Hunter Guild. They're going to make a request for the Hunter Guild as well as the Dark Guild, though.

"I wish I could see him before then and persuade him..."

"Mi no..."

"I can't do any more than involve a country called Rotaringia. I'm sorry, Nero, but I think I'll have to ask you to do your best..."

"I can't help it. That's why they chose you."

"I have already sent it to Annelise because I wrote a sentence. Try to be as convenient to you as you can, Nero. If it is the request of Lord Martial King, it will be the same as the request of this country. It's a shame to stand out and help."

"That feeling is enough. Thank you very much."

"Uhm. I'll wait for the good news"

The brave are compatriots, so you want to help if you can.

"Mi ~"