Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

225 Divine Cat Me, delighted with Jahn.

Yale store is a long line of snakes, hard working but not diminishing at all. Kaya's juice is in line, too, but Jan, you're helping me, so I think I can handle it.

I look around as I give him the ale. Looks like Mr. Martial King hasn't arrived at the boulder. I see Mr. Jin and the others in line instead. Looks like Mr. Sieg is with us.

"Yep, Nero, you. Non needs to get back to work. Can you make it easier?

It is the Zest Guild Chief who has spoken out. Is it okay to drink ale to get back to work? I can't refuse if the Zest Guild Manager tells me, so I put out a replacement condition instead.

Edamame seems to sell at the booth of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, but no one puts it in front of Me. So Mee, I'm punching you and tapping the table Tessitesi. The customer moffs me because he looks so cute, and he doesn't - he looks at me. Zest guild chief buys edamame in that place, puts edamame in front of me, opens his mouth and waits.

With a full smile on my face, I just waited and pushed Edamame with a cute meatball. The edamame in the saya flies with Pawn and enters the mouth of the Zest Guild leader. Zest Guild laughed at Nico and Mei's head. So Mei did it ~ ♪ He looks like he's done it.

The customer who was watching this wants her to do it herself and waits with her mouth open with edamame in front of her. Mee, it's time!

"Mi ~!"

Thanks to Zest Guild Leader, you'll ride the waves with this. Me, you have a very good smile.

At the booth of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, the fried seemed to sell well from here and from the stirrups. I guess I just said fried potatoes after that. Thanks to Me, Edamame will also start coming out. That sounds pretty good.

Yale is starting to calm down. I also made a place to sell wine next to the ale office this time, so I was hoping it would be somewhat dispersed. Because the wine is expensive compared to ale, people don't line up around ale.

Kaya's line was broken too, so I'll take over later. Jan will enjoy the festival with you. Let's then take a look at the status of the booth at the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, which is played from here in an invisible place. It looks like vouchers are starting to be used in this booth, so I don't think there's a problem. Then I asked Lu and the others to come here for the event of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, so I also asked them to take my place with my brother-in-law. After a while, Mr. Lou and Mr. Jana are coming this way.

"What do you say? Over there."

"That's a big deal. I let the grownups do it, so I stuck it down!"

"I hope so……………………."

As a result of discussions with everyone, the wheel throwing is limited to your children. Because of their out-of-pocket profitability, adults can't enjoy getting hit with their finances. There's a way out, but we have to leave that area to the morals of the city people. Then, it looks like there are no special prizes out there yet. Do you want to go out in the three days of this festival?

Now that Mr. Lou and the others are ready, prepare a mortar and pestle in front of the booth of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, and serve steamed rice out of Mee's bag. Rice cake in the combination of Mr. Lou and Mr. Jana. Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce event, rice cake tournament!

As I follow the rice cake on the top, the gallery grows. I think most people don't know what they're doing. Originally, the custom of eating cakes was limited to parts of Hildenburg, so it's natural not to know. But when it gets more and more like a cake, some people start to realize it. I think the majority of those who realize it are Mr. Hunter. Because there is the most demand.

Make and distribute freshly sliced rice cakes in small pieces, and cook and simmer rice cakes and sauces, vegetable soup and potage, and miso soup for free. Exclusively for your children. As a matter of fact, the most expensive of these becomes the kimchi powder cake. I have to use sugar so it is really expensive. Well, it's a festival, so I don't care. Drop the fruit and get your name.

The rice cake keeper also got the rice cake with the jump in participation, and when you're a kid, Mr. Lou assists you. The smile on your child's face when he eats his own cake is dazzling.

In the meantime, Mr. Letty brought his poor children behind the booth. Slam kids, I guess. Everyone is thin. Mr. Letty is feeding the slums the rice cakes he distributes for free. I think I got a glimpse of the dark part of Beluna. I served him drinks and let him have fried and fried potatoes when he left. I can't believe I'm doing this... I feel like I'm powerless...

"Mi no..."

Looks like Mee was staring behind the slum kids going home feeling the same way.

Aside from that, the rice cake tournament has also come into good shape, so it is forbidden to distribute the rice cakes to adults as well. He pushes me along with the voice saying ooh, so he asks me to make a line and distribute it to whoever wins.

By the way, it looks like the brave man spread the word and the goo, par was the same, the choke was the thumb and index finger choke whether the brave man was from the province. I don't know about the hanging, but when I get my hands on it, the hanging sounds like Goo is the shield Choki is the sword parlor is the armor to tell you. Very hard to say......

But Mee is thrilled for some reason. You like it, don't you?

"Mi ~"