Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

226 Divine Cat Me, isn't it too Freedom?

The sale of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce booth looks like an eel climb thanks to the buzzing of the rice cake tournament. The booth around seems to be selling well thanks to the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce event.

The wheel throwing booth ends today with nine bells ringing. It's time for your child to go to bed. Mr. Katya will take Jan and Kaya home to us.

The rest of the members take turns helping the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce booth. Looks like Lou's going somewhere where Jin and the others are and having a drink with him. Jin and the others are paying to drink at a table where they can sit instead of standing up. One cup of food on the table. Occasionally, we see Pelo and the others come and rob us of food by calling us lookouts.

After the wheel-throwing booth is over, Soufang's sister and brother go to MoffMoffSpace and moff the cats. Pelo talk.

When the festival was coming to an end, Yuri, who had finished her hunter guild work, told me that she would come and help, but that she would be tired, so I told her to enjoy just a little time at Jin's place. And yet Mr. Yuri looked lonely. Is that a mistake?

"Mi no..."

In Jin's seat, Zest Guild Commander and Pamir are also present. Mr. Pamir's here to pick up Terra, so I understand, but why is the Zest Guild Director here, too? Well, time will only give you a few drinks just for time. Is the job good?

If you go to the nursery and Moffmoff space, the nursery is already finished but Moffmoff space is busy. Wouldn't that be the busiest part of this festival if you did poorly? As much as I think, I enjoy Moffmoff regardless of the age of the man or woman.

The cats are quietly moffed and sometimes embraced. Surprisingly, both Balo heads seem to be popular. Is it because you have a quiet, loving face? Many hunter-like people have gathered at Smiley's place to try to touch Smiley, but Smiley is intimidated by the feeling that she should not touch the lady's body on her own. You are strictly forbidden to touch Mr. Smiley except for your son. Mr. Smiley kicked me to death.

On the other hand, the four wolves are quietly mopped because they get food, but they are crumbling without the shadow of seeing their usual Rin face... what's wrong with the wild living! Pelo, Serra, Lu-kun and Lar-kun drive normally. Pero and Serra can touch you when they get food, and Lou and Lar are just happy to have you play. Kai and Terra are sitting close to each other and wielding their affection with a cute smile to all of you.

That Kai and Terra look at me and they come running tough and climbing. Not the loving ones. My gaze around me hurts, though. You just think if you try Kai and Terra, they can take you to your sister Mee's. Take those two to your sister's place.

First, say hello to your sister. Ky and Terra are sleazy with Me, and Me is very busy with Pepper. The customer also looks dusty in this sight. Watching and soothing ~.

Where the zero bell rang, the festival ends today. Ask Yuri to take everyone home first. I keep the carriage in the carriage storage area behind the commercial guild, so I'll have everyone and the cats on it. Mr. Lucas will be asked to come back.

When the customer stopped being around to catch the tide, the cleaning began with the staff of the commercial guild who were waiting and the hunters who were being asked to clean it. We are also very busy cleaning jocks. Mr. Ilse cleans the booth at the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

Before one of the bells rang, he managed to finish and Mr. Lucas, who had come to pick him up, arrived on his way home in a hiccup carriage. Mindful of taking care of Mr. Smiley, he enters our house and heads to the bathroom, where Pelo and his brother-in-law stand with a bath towel. When I wondered what I was doing, a wet cat jumped out of the bathroom.

"If you don't dry your hair here, you can't go that way!"

Pero directs the cat to the brother-in-law and wipes the cat with a bath towel with the brother-in-law... you can't take a bath for the time being. After all, it seems better to divide it between men and women. This is how I decided to call the carpenter.

When I go to the living room, Jana works in cat brushing. Jin and Glenhardt are drinking again, and Rosalinde and Sieg are moffing the brushed cat. Lou-kun and Lar-kun want you to play with the cat and push your nose against the cat, but the cat hasn't dealt with you at all.

In the meantime, Mr. Letty is holding the other cat beside her and burying her face. Something seems happy. It's not a bad idea to interrupt, so I don't think I saw it.

Serra was eating so much food at the festival, she's eating a night meal. Don't be afraid of hungry demons. Eat before you go to bed and you'll get fat. Serra stared at me......

Still, where am I? Too Freedom, I'm standing up. What am I supposed to do?

"Mi ~"