Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

241 Divine Cat Me, Become an Interviewer.

When I told the head of the Helda Guild that Mr. Glenhardt was coming as deputy to the city, my eyes were wide open and I was stunned.

"Baron Brocken, who are you..."

Come on, who is it? Me, you cat supplies summoner? Deputy representative of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce? Baron Brocken is a temporary figure, and his identity is a mysterious hunter.

Okay, jokes aside, let's do what we have to clean up. It is the treatment of those who worked in the mansion where Auraf lived. We're kicking them all out and staying at a safe house, so let's gather them up at the bureau for an interview.

Rent a meeting room at the bureau and interview one person at a time. The first interviewer was a butler. I heard the story, but I can't talk. I'm not a bad person. I know this butler was giving me good thoughts, too, but I'm just going to give him my palm back and strangle Auraf. Well, I wanted to say what about you, but I'll put up with you gut. You can't. This guy...

The next interviewer is a maid of honor, an aunt with a good width. Neither can this...... I am Aunt Zamas and a bad mouth of Auraf's family has begun. If my husband is my husband, my men are my men.

"Mi no..."

Seven maids, three male servants, call them all at once because they are troublesome. To the three maids. It seems that the male servants were not dissatisfied with the Auraf family. The other four say they had no choice but to work for a living. What's the difference?

From a beautiful maid who just said she wasn't dissatisfied with Auraf, I feel a hot gaze as hissy...... what is it? Unfortunately, when the maids told him that they would re-employ him if he had no problems with his normal salary, the opposite voices of dissatisfaction were raised by those who said he was not dissatisfied with Auraf. So what!

One of the maids, who was unhappy with Orlaf, stopped by and explained it in a small voice in her ear. In short, these people who raised their voices of dissatisfaction said that maids and servants were the exclusive whores and male whores of every famous Auraf family. Seriously... aren't you rotten?

I don't need it.

"Mi no..."

That said, I ask these people and the butler, the maid director and the two women who were in the office to give me the deposit and go home so that there is no later rot. The remaining four were rehired.

The last interviewer was my youngest, a gardener or whatever. Servant of the store. Still, it's not weird when I say boy. I have one cat with me for some reason. The boy had nowhere to go, so he came to the ground to ask me to hire him. Apparently, Auraf had picked up the orphan and made him work for free, feeding him only rice. He's dragged his right leg slightly, so when Aurough asked him if he had been hit, he seemed to have been since he was a little girl. I tried to give Mee some mineral water but it didn't heal. After all, I can't seem to get old wounds.

When I reassured him that I would pay him properly and hire him, he cried out. His name is Pharaoh, and the cat he was with is licking tears and comforting him. Good girl. When I heard about the cat I was with, the Auraf family had a cat and this boy was taking care of him.

Beautiful cat with a slightly twisted atmosphere like a sham cat. Reaching out to stroke you...... I can avoid the leeches. Plus, trying to stroke my head, cat punch! Oh, my God!

I've come to this world and every animal loves me... Ignore me even when I'm about to ring. Such a twisted sham cat, palo, to you sleazy, deredere. It's a tundra! From today on, your name is Tundre!

"Mi no..."

They say the cat's name is Corne. I will continue to tell Pharaoh to take care of you.

Gather the re-employment group and tell them that a deputy from this city will be here shortly to live in this mansion. Ask to clean the mansion and tell them to buy new furniture and utensils. He said you lived in a warehouse full of gaps outside, so I instructed you to move into a servant's room inside the mansion.

The maids were given a room for each of the servants, and those who wanted to use the furniture used by the Auroughs decided to use it. Palo, I put a big bed in your room that takes up half the room... because it's my hope. Give the maid the money for the moment and ask her to wait for Mr. Glenhardt's arrival. We need a butler to manage the mansion and the money, so let's talk to Mr. Lucas.

This is good for the first time about the mansion. Let's head to the commercial guild next. As soon as we entered the building of the commercial guild, there was a fuss in the guild up and down. Surrounded by people like the chief and female staff, they were led to a separate room where tea and sweets were prepared.

Mm-hmm. Tea tastes good. Confectionery tastes better with mee cookies. I know it's an expensive treat, but I can't help it.

"Mi ~"

When Mee was also eating Mee cookies crunchy, a woman came in who looked like a guild leader.

"Welcome out. Baron Brocken."

"Did I ever see you anywhere?

"No, I started seeing you this time."

"Then how do you know me?

"Well, Baron Brocken seems to like jokes."

Guild chief says there's no one in this city who doesn't know me. They got famous about yesterday's catch. I did it.

"Mi ~"