Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

256 Divine Cat Me, give me the engagement ring.

It's very quiet at dinner because everyone isn't here. The only people I'm eating with are me, Mr. Letty, and Lou and Lar.

Lou-kun and Lar-kun stop by the window and worry about the outside as they drink tea talking to Mr. Letty about the future orphanage. Looks like Yuri's back from work.

After a while, when Yuri walks into the living room, Kai flies towards Me with his face out of Yuri's rich breasts.

"Kai's confidence as an owner is shaken……"

"Ha ha... Me is your sister, so I can't help it"

"Mi ~"

Katya makes Yuri some tea.

"I came to see the Zest Guild Chief today."


"Shou left the office, so there's no other way."

"Oh, you know, I'm having trouble with my reasons for leaving the office...... haha"

"Am I good?


"It's hard being my wife, isn't it?

"... Do you remember? Nero, when you helped me in the labyrinth. I was so happy. My heart was determined by the words of the proposal that followed. Nero, I'm trying to keep up with you. Nero, are you the one who's good for a woman like me?

"Mr. Yuri, you're beautiful, you're smart, and most importantly, you're sweet. It's a waste of my time."

"But I'm an elf. Now that you're a member of the aristocracy, isn't it inconvenient for me?

"Is that so? Well, even so, I don't care because it was originally an outlaw."

Yuri's eyes are full of tears.

"I'm a bummer, thank you."

"Mi ~"

I wonder why Mee replies there...... is she a sister-in-law?

"Wait a minute!"

Oh... Also, you got a tough guy up your hands...

"How do you marry that woman while you have someone to say me? Boy."

"Mr. Letty and I don't have that kind of relationship, do we, while there's someone to say me?

"I gave all my body and mind, and even though I was with him in the bath, he said it wasn't that relationship... the boy is a livestock!"

"We'll take a bath...... it must be bad for Mr. Letty to forget to hang the bills! It's an accident, an accident!"

"Hmm? Was I? Well, suppose I can't help it, what happens to my position? If the woman is going to be a real wife at least I'm going to be a concubine... with a three-meal nap. Boy?"

This guy is insignificant and genuine... Is that it? No, that's where it is! It will still come with almost a three-meal nap! I'm going to use it to explore the labyrinth!

I'm wiping my tears and laughing. Give Mr. Yuri the ring.


"Marriage is difficult if the situation is not settled, so now I want you to wait for the engagement."

"Okay. Lady Rosalinde tells me to go back to my hometown once, too, so Nero, it's fine with your thoughts."

"So it's an engagement ring. It was Mee who chose me."

"Mi ~"


Yuri turns to a surprise look. You think Mee chose the ring to be AF?

"Nero... this is."

"Don't tell me, do you?

"Yes. I'll take care of it for the rest of my life."

"Boy. Don't I have anything for my concubine?

Who is the concubine? What are you giving it to me on your own, Me? Pouncy, God's bracelet of protection? Well, is that good?

"You know me better than a boy. Apprentice, boy."

No, I'm annoyed. Thank you, Mr. Letty! That's also a potluck God bless, but it's a clean AF, right? You're the second one to give Mr. Letty AF, right?

For some reason, Mr. Yuri and Mr. Letty sit beside me sitting on the couch. Hmm, that's what you say about flowers in your hands. It feels like it hits my arm again because we both have plenty of breasts. On my lap I even ride Me, so this is just Harlem! Well, I'm on the boy Kai with Me, and there's Lou and Lar at my feet.

Come on, I'm ready. After a job, do you want to take a bath and go to bed?

"If you want to take a bath, I'll come with you……"

"That's my job as a concubine."

"It doesn't matter!"

"As I said before, can you do something 'peachy' or 'peachy' to an elf lady!"

"I will be your wife, Nero! You can do" Peppy "things or" Peppy "things!"

"Well. Did you hear that, boy? The elf lady is going to do something" peachy "or" peachy. "

"Huh!? You, you've fitted it!"

Hmm. Didn't you need to renovate your bath by sex?

"Mi ~"