Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

264 Divine Cat Me, I encounter a subspecies of monsters.

Tell everyone it's lightning skills. Don't tell Me about your Divine Thunder skills.

"Come on, legendary skills……………"

"Nero... Aren't you the brave one?

"I knew brave men were thunder."

"Shall I teach you how to master it?

"" Please. Nero instructor! ""

"" Are you serious……… "

"Can you remember Pero, too?


"I think it's possible to remember Pero and Sella, but is it difficult to use them?

You'll need scientific knowledge. I don't think I can use it unless I have a higher education. So I guess only the brave = otherworlds use thunder skills.

"Too bad......"


Let Soufang's sisters and brothers remember their thunder skills. Why don't you get a taste of the pain, the experience that you've been through? Cook Cook.............

"Mi no..."

I will continue my exploration and encounter long-tailed apes many times, but while Mr. Jin is wearing long-tailed apes as a shield, my brother-in-law and sister-in-law will attack and defeat them without difficulty. They say long tail ape is not worth a lot as a material. The fur will be good quality protective gear, but there's a rock Lizard that will be more protective than that on two levels, so is it about core to sell?

Nevertheless, the three tiers are considerably wider than the two tiers. In this minute, maybe if we go down to the lower level, it will get wider. If we don't look for a three-tier safety zone first, we haven't even had lunch and we have to secure a place to sleep today.

I haven't found a hidden room yet, but I'm finding a little money and some weapon protection. It's not in a chest, but it's left unconstructed, so I don't know if I need to look closely. Especially since the money is scattered, there must be a few things you've missed.

Approximately eight hours into the labyrinth. Once we talk about going back to the two-story safety zone and resting if we can't find the safety zone, the rear sera roars. Looks like the monster's coming this way.

When trying to set up the system, Lou and Letty can also tell us that the monster is approaching. I know it's a coincidence, but it looks like it's been pinched. Lu and Jin, Pelo, Letty and Toshi and Serra will be avant-garde and Kaolin and I will cover both in the meantime.

Monsters appear almost simultaneously from front to back. They are both mixed up in a different way when I think of the three long tail apes......

Long Fang Ape A presence that is a subspecies of Long Tail Ape and becomes the leader of the herd. and could be appraised.

"Please note that Mr. Jin has a long fang ape!"

"Shit, it's a subspecies."

He's strong enough to say he's going to be the leader of the herd. Long-tailed apes encountered in places that are not labyrinths appear to be monsters attacked by groups, and do not act alone or in small numbers. He said if he was attacked by a long-tailed ape in the woods, even a bent hunter would have to flee. That's a lot of violence.

I don't say that in the labyrinth, it's easy to fight if you say it's easy to fight because you act alone or in a small number of ways. Sometimes, however, the structure of the labyrinth is sandwiched or cornered by a trail like this one. If any skilled party finds itself in such a situation, it will not be able to make a calm decision and make a mistake.

Yes, you have to be calm. Long-tailed Apes are good at making quick moves. Then it even has the power to push it. Sure, the movement is monotonous, but tough when it comes to dealing with as many as six at a time.

First, I'll try to build a wall with dirt skills in front of Mr. Letty's side in order to interrupt the long-tailed ape movement. Yes, you smashed it with one blow. I can't think of soil skills in the labyrinth. It only seemed to be a thin wall because of the lack of soil.

Then the air cannon is in the rear guard because of its atmospheric skills, so the avant-garde can't get in the way and hit it... it becomes a friendly fire. Water skills are a waste of water. Then it becomes a gun or lightning skill.

Covering with guns...... Mee, I'm hitting God Thunder on Long Tail Ape with a series of cat punches......

"Mi, mi, mi!"

Three bodies sank in no time. You don't want me? No, no, the guys who sank on the floor leave it to Mr. Letty and the others to turn to cover Mr. Jin and the others. Mr. Lou and Pero are dealing with Long-Tail Ape, and Mr. Jin is dealing with Long-Fang Ape.

Kaolin is using a bow to attack two long-tailed apes to cover them, so I'll cover Mr. Jin. Mee seems tired and feels good over her shoulder. I'm quite reluctant when I aim at Long Fang Ape's face with a laser pointer. Jin cut off the hands and legs of Long Fang Ape where his enemies turned on me instead of Jin, but he came at me without a problem. Hi-no!

Shoot the gun and attack, and it still won't stop. What a tough guy! Mr. Jin broke in between me and Long Fang Ape, but I get a strong kick and step on a lot of good. Ooh, I just got here in front of you - the gun's out of ammo... Oh, my God, I'm calm. There is no obstacle in front of me. I hit him once. I got an air cannon from close range on the boulder, so I roll around and blow it away.

Mr. Jin is just a nearby blow. Long Fang Ape has returned to heaven. Looks like Mr. Lou and Pero also stabbed the long-tailed ape with Kaolin's support. When you're done and you see it, you win? Well, it's like half Me knocked you down.

"Mi ~"