Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

275 Mee the Divine Cat, meets Yun in the labyrinth.

As I walked downstream down the river, I saw something village like it. It looks like a village surrounded by an unexpectedly harsh enclosure, and when you approach the village, you can hear it from the top of the watchtower.

"Who are you people? Where'd you come from?

The one who has been calling me is the Fox Beast Man. It also looks like a Real Animal Face (Yun). Yun and I are quite rare. You've never seen me before. It's Moffmoff. Will you touch me?

"I'm from a cave in the middle of the mountain."

"Mi ~"

"What!? So you're telling me you're from outside?

"If you mean outside the labyrinth, you're right."

"Mi ~"

"Hey, wait a minute! I'll get the chief!"

After a while, the gate opens and several fox beasts come out.

"The chief wants to see you guys. But you have to disarm to enter the village."

I came this far and gave my weapon only to request disarming because I had no option of saying I would not see him. Even if something happens, my spare weapon is as much in my bag, so I don't have a problem with it.

There are quite a few people in the village. I don't know if our line is unusual, but I'm watching you guys. They lead you through it to a building in the middle of the village and into a room with an enclosure in the center.

"Welcome aboard. Dear strong men. I am the head of this village."

An old fox beast man sat across the enclosure and spoke to me. Mr. Fox Beast, who guided me, prompted me to sit beside the enclosure. Honestly, I don't really want to go by the enclosure because it's hot, but I had no choice, so I took off my coat and then sat by the enclosure. Looks like the other members sat about five steps behind me. You traitor......

"This is in the labyrinth, isn't it?

"Come on. You're in the labyrinth. I thought it was just an old story about people coming from outside."

How old is the story? The chief said that no one had come from outside in the last two hundred years without joking, and he thought that people were coming from outside the chief himself or something. Still, the fact that people come from outside has been handed down as an old story, so many people have been visiting the land.

"Didn't we want to go outside ourselves?

"They say if you go outside, there will be disaster, and you're no match for the orcs blocking the entrance to it. Why? He said a few people tried it in the past, but he didn't come back alone."

It's a pain in the ass to tell if you've been hit by an orc or if you've been out there and never been back.

When there were many visitors, it was said that many different races lived in large cities and were lively, but when visitors stopped coming, they said that the city had become obsolete and at some point started to build and live villages by race.

It seems that the place that used to be the city has a way down to the lower tier. They say several races are now contending over control of the place. Apparently the dominant one now is the monkey beast man, who is arguing with the werewolf beast man and the bear beast man, and the monkey beast man is coming by force to force things to be subordinated to the fox beast man and other beasts. So you were so strict.

Monkey Beast has control of the old city, so I don't know how, but they're using the monsters in the lower tier as their own power. The Fox Beast Man and other Beasts are on the defensive side of the war, but the Dog Beast Man, Cat Beast Man, Beast Man, Raccoon Beast Man, etc. are in alliance and can be protected somehow.

Conversely, the pride and strength of the wolf, the Bear Beast Man, seems to be aiming for the tiger to drive out the Monkey Beast Man and become the ruler of the land.

This has been a problem. Is there room to negotiate with the Monkey Beast Man to get down to the lower level? It feels harsh as far as I can hear it. I never thought an event like this was waiting for me. What are you gonna do, Mee?

"Mi no..."

Everyone looks in trouble, too. Um, let's talk to the long one a little longer.

"Our aim is to descend into the lower hierarchy. Can't you handle it?

"Mi ~?"

"The monkey beast man won't make it any better, will he? Monkey Beasts don't have much power, but among the Beasts, they are a smart tribe, and when visitors were coming, they said that the Monkey Beasts were in charge of the city. I guess they didn't abandon the glory of the past."

The monkey beast man used a lot of dirty hands to bring the original city under his control. That's what I'm saying. The other Beasts stopped trusting the Monkey Beasts, and the Monkey Beasts stopped trusting the other Beasts and went on an outrage to tell them to be subordinated to the Monkey Beasts.

Because the Werewolves and Bears are powerful, they are fighting verbal warfare such as becoming monkey beasts, but since they are a high pride tribe, they do not think about fighting together, and the battle situation seems inconceivable.

"What kind of monster is Monkey Beast Man serving?

"It's a monster called Scorpion Rogue and Pilbug Swiper."

They say it's bipedal sasori and decadent rubber. They don't stand teeth with the weapons they have because they have a hard outer skin. The blacksmith skills are low, and it's a double-punch condition because a skilled blacksmith says there are many clever monkey beasts at hand.

I wonder how they use monsters? Is it a highly intelligent monster? And you're a nasty opponent.

Okay, well, what do we do, Mee?

"Mi ~?"