Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

296 Divine Cat Me, I bought the head office of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

The first store bought by Wilhelm Branch is 80 million, and the land bought later is 50 million lets, so it is roughly less than fourfold. It's not a price you can't buy, but it's instant money. It's five thousand pieces even if you pay in gold.

Mee, I have about 2,000 pieces in my bag. I think there are two thousand and five hundred pieces even if I combine the items I received from Mr. Tsuruo, and about a thousand more pieces if I go back to ours. Or do you want to get it out of Baron Brocken's assets?

"Cash is hard on boulders."

"You can also get a loan from a commercial guild because you are a storekeeper or the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce?

"What is Storage?

"Anything from artwork to merchandise will be assessed here. Especially spices. We'll be happy to take care of them."

Chengcheng told me to give the rest of the spices as well. You don't want to sell it because you want to make curry flour. I don't have a choice, Me. Can I have my wife's hand?

"Mi ~"

Since Mee's understanding has been obtained, I will give the person in charge some of the jewellery raw stones I received from the King of the Fiery. The rep looked surprised and looked at the stone, but he ran out of the room hah. After a while, I'm bringing a woman in to show her the stone.

"That's a great quality primary stone. I started seeing things this big. What Dwarf tribe did you get it from?

"It's a trade secret."

"Mi ~"

"Well, if it's all this stuff, it's natural."

Lucky you convinced me of something on your own. A woman chooses it by stipulating it from some of the raw stones she has put out. I stopped my hand at about 70% of the raw stone I put out.

"That's enough for this extent. What about the rest?

"Can I ask you for a buyout?


The person in charge is sweating all over his body and wiping his sweat all over him.

"Always a surprise to the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce."

"Mi ~"

Me, it's Nico's face to do it. The contract, spices and gemstone money came out of the commercial guild at a later date. That's when you first noticed that you bought it without looking at the store at all...

"Mi no..."

Ha ha... I know where it is so why don't we go? The location is on the south side of Central Square, in the same line of corners as the Hunter Guild, in the best location conditions. The store is made of three floors of bricks, which is a big word. I think it's about three times the size of the Wilhelm branch. Since it is a corner, it faces the street and there are windows and entrances and exits on two sides, so it looks like there are two stores. It's connected inside, though. Behind the store are employee quarters and even horse barns in the warehouse. This one's gonna need renovation, but it's really huge. But is it really good to buy a place like this...... Well, I can't help it because I bought it.

"Mi ~"

Mee seems to like it. The representative of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce is Me, so if Me is good, is that good? Well, this is the headquarters of the petition godcat chamber of commerce!

"Mi ~!"

I have to go back to our house and tell Mr. Lucas and Mr. Katia about this. Lou-kun and Lar-kun jump back at us. He was peppered all over his face and played and was attacked, so he just threw a little ball at him.

After playing, when I come into our house, Mr. Lucas introduces me to two strange men and women. He was introduced by Wilhelm's commercial guild and worked for the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce. They both have small parents in their early twenties but run chambers of commerce. The two of them have no place in the small chamber of commerce because they are not heirs, and came here at the invitation of this commercial guild. Nice to meet you.

"Mi ~"

Explain this matter to Lucas and Katia in the office of the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce. Was Mee tired or nagging her cat round on a small cushion?

"Is it a gemstone crude to spices………"

"Is this the head office in Wangdu for 500 million……………"

I don't know, this alienation... the two of them have the same look that they went to another world.

"When I say I bought it, it doesn't mean I can use it right away, so I need to be ready."

"You don't have enough people..."

"What do you do with the Divine Cat Shop?

"As far as people are concerned, I bring two excellent people from Wilhelm. Well, I don't think that's enough... The Divine Cat Shop is located in front of Central Square, so we can either create a divine cat shop booth inside the Shop or renovate it to look like Wilhelm."

I'm going to move two of the four dragons to the head office. Mr. Dragon is brilliant and no more crime prevention, as he plans to send two people from Beluna to Forte to the Wilhelm branch as well. For the time being, let's get the two of us here to work hard on Mr. Ilse, Kaya and the dragon.

Then, Quint tells me that he hired a craftsman for the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce. This is Mr. Zergado with the head. I'll be here in a little while, so please. Katia seems to be talking to the Artisan Guild, so she can arrange the Artisan at any time. You're starting to take shape as the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce.

Mr. Johannes from the Church of God, Flora, said he had received a letter, and Mr. Lucas would give it to him. When I read it, the current clergyman suddenly collapsed while enjoying himself with a woman in the clergyman's office. Looks like he spared the supraabdominal death, but he was half-heartedly dislodged from the church headquarters, and it says that Mr. Johannes became the clergyman in a roll-up.

The fact that he became chief cleric also allowed him to proceed freely with the orphanage case, and he's sending people soon. Forte also said he would send someone from Beluna to be dean to work with the other church. I'll have to thank you later.

Since the renovation of the orphanage seems to be over soon, Mr. Letty, we will have to remove it from the labyrinth exploration and ask the orphans to focus on it. I'll leave the selection of the slum child to Letty to bring to the orphanage. He asks that sick children and young children be placed in orphanages as a matter of priority. Otherwise, we will have to deal with the children by cooking them out for the moment. I feel painful about my lack of power......

I can't help it in a hurry, I just have to do what I can. But I'd like to save a few lives.

"Mi ~"