Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

300 Divine Cat Me, I'm going out with Pal.

The next morning, he rendezvous with the Celion Guild Leader behind the Hunter Guild. We exchanged greetings with a rave of origins entering the labyrinth today and a party of mid-level hunters called the North Wall.

"I don't care what you think, I just look like an apprentice except for Mr. Zikmund...... Guild Manager, I guess you'll be fine?

"Don't worry. All these members are better than you."


It feels like you don't believe anyone. Such a man greeted me. The lower back is fitted with a revolver. He said it was someone who was at a previous workshop on atmospheric skills. Recently, he finally had permission from the chief celion guild, and he asked Mr. Zergado to build him a gun. He was thanked for his user-friendliness and power to enter the current party.

With that said, Mr. Zergado, you said you sold two guns. Looks like this guy's one of them.

When I try to get to the labyrinth with the transfer device because I've said hello, Pal is holding Me down disappointingly. What are you doing?

"Mi no..."

"Miu ~"

Apparently, Pal wants to follow Me. You seem to be clinging to Me so that Mr. Eva doesn't pull you off. Mee, troubled face.

"Pal, the labyrinth is a dangerous place. Fell, why don't we leave a message with your mom, huh?


I don't like it... and Eva's persuasion is ineffective either.

"What shall we do?

"You don't mind if I take you, do you?

"But the labyrinth is a dangerous place. I was worried that something would happen to Pal..."

"It's okay because me and Me are watching Pal very closely."

"But Nero, aren't you in danger?

"I don't think there's any danger in this member."

"Mi ~"

"So is that, Pal. Never leave you, Nero."

"Miu ~"

If you put Mee and Pal in the hood part of your fixed position coat, Mee will have a little face on her left shoulder on her right shoulder. Pal's a girl too, so she's got flowers on her hands.

"I envy Mr. Nero..."

"Toshi, we'll buy a hooded coat too."

"Sister... I don't think I'll make it."

"Ki no. Serra, I'll hold you!"


Sister and brother Soho…………………….

"What is this lack of tension..."

"Chief Celion Guild! Nero and the others are always like this, sss."


Mr. Lou and Mr. Jin over there! Does that mean I'm not always nervous? You have moderate tension, don't you?

"Mi no..."

"Miu ~"

Come on, let's go.

I was dropped off by Eva, who was just in tears, and flew to the city of the labyrinth with a transfer device.

In the city of the Labyrinth, Hunter Guild Outpost, staff and Inn for Hunter are created on a steep pitch with the beast man's carpenter and the guild staff seconded.

Everyone on the North Wall sighs at the twist of the original through the transfer device.

"I thought it was a frown..."

"It's a city………"

"Oh, it's the city..."

Chief Celion Guild was dispatched to speak to the guild staff and set out to instruct them about the future.

On my left shoulder, Pal, who has not usually gone far, is excited about the outside landscape and beating my shoulder with a thump. Miuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu is ringing. It's ringing in my ear, so I'm a little tickled.

I've said beforehand that there are no monsters in this hierarchy, but the twists of the Original Plains and everyone on the North Wall are walking around vigilantly. Our members are walking around eating cookies and dough without any vigilance. What a contrast.

"Is that an excursion…………?

"Chief Celion Guild! Nero and the others are always like this, sss."


Yes, it's always like this. I won't deny it.

"Mi ~"

When we reach the cave in the middle of the mountain, our members feel nervous about the boulder. Once we head to the safety zone, we take a break, and in the meantime, it looks like the leader of the Original Plains and the leader of the North Wall and the head of the Serion Guild are going to see the oak leader.

The Celion Guild Chiefs came back by the time our members finished gearing up.

"Jin, do you guys always knock that one down?

"Otherwise, you can't move on. Guild Length"

"How can you defeat such a thing at a party……."

"We can't even have two parties..."

Oh, my God, it looks like Oak Leader stood up. I am completely weak.

"Dude, where did the big attitude of the middle-class hunter just now go again? I feel sorry for him. I've beaten him by myself."

Uh, Mr. Jin, you can't say that.

"Even if Mr. Jikmund says so, it's too much to say that such a kid would defeat the oak leader by himself!"

Wow and the others are making a scene. There are even people who look at me with a mockery. It's a little annoying.

"Nero, do it"

See, this is what I thought would happen.

"Mr. Nero, it's going to flash!"

"Beyond people's knowledge, I'll show you!"

Sister and brother Soho...... Shut up.

"Nero and the princess can afford it"


Um, can't pull it off? Pass Pal to Kaolin, a little prep exercise.

"Are you seriously going to do this? Nero, you."

"Well, I'll just try. But what I saw here is useless. It's my special attack to keep. I still don't know if I'm going to succeed because of the low success rate."

Kaolin naming, purple electricity. I've been practicing a few times since, but it's hard. I don't activate just my lightning skills. Mee has God Thunder skills and special moves.

So, do you want to try? Me.

"Mi ~!"