Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

315 Me the Divine Cat, meets a mysterious man in the labyrinth.

"Ha, help me!"

A scout-style man comes running from behind the labyrinth for help. Obviously suspicious.

"Monsters are attacking me in the back and I'm in a state of distress! Help me!"

"Nya-na! Nyan, get the reinforcements out of here!"

"" Ooh! ""


"Mi ~?"

Hey, you guys... where are Jin and Lou going too? Until Mr. Letty...... what's wrong?

"Nero, what are you doing? I'm going to help!"

I'm not going to help... hey? Me.

"Mi no..."

Who are you going to help? Mr. Pero. We're the only ones in this labyrinth except the beasts, right? There's no way there's a hunter here.

I don't have to know if it's just the Peros, and it's too weird that they're usually trying to go help Mr. Jin, even Mr. Lou and Mr. Letty. I thought there might be something, and when I see Pero in the appraisal, he is out hypnotized.

I see. Is that why you said that?

Hang Mee's mineral water on the pero.

"Niña, niña! ……… Ni?

Pero is such an adorable trick, looking around strangely and twisting his neck. Apparently, it's back to sanity. I've tried it, but mineral water works for hypnosis. Seriously, all-purpose.

Force other members to drink mineral water with or without. Everyone's got a frightened face.

"Duh, what's wrong? If you stay like this, your buddy gets hit by a monster. Please help!"

"Enough farce. We're all out of hypnosis."

"Mi ~"

The man's face suddenly turned into a faceless expression and stared at me.

"I didn't know my hypnosis had been solved...... interesting"

"Hey, who are you?

Mr. Jin, I ask the mysterious man with Dos' resourceful voice, but the man looks at me as if he said where the wind blows.

"It didn't work for the young people there from the beginning? Very interesting."

Does it feel like you're in your own world? I haven't listened to people at all.



Pero and Serra, who cut the paralysis, launched an attack on the mysterious man. If you have the agility of Pero and Serra, this distance should chop you up and instantly kill you.

"" Nha!? "

There's supposed to be a mutilated man's body there, but for some reason, there's Pelo and Sella being trampled on by a man. Why ~?

"Mi ~?"

"Hey, what's up?"

"Ni ~?"

The mysterious man is still thinking with Pelo and Serra on his feet. What the hell happened? Asking Jinsai and Letty if they saw the mysterious man's movements, they both shook their heads sideways.

"I have no idea what I did. A monster?"

"I was in that state when I realized it. Boy."

Yeah, I didn't see it at all either. Even though Pelo and Serra's movements were somewhat visible, they were in that state the moment Pelo and Serra approached the mysterious man. It even seemed as if it had been in that state from the beginning.

I'll try to appraise the mysterious man, but I don't see anything. This is the first time I've said I don't see anything. Usually you're supposed to get some information, but it's like there's nothing there. Yes, it's as if you're seeing it in a mirage or even a phantom...


"Hmm. More and more interesting"

As I was seen as worthy of a mysterious man, I gradually gained an idea of who this mysterious man was.

"Are you the caretaker of this labyrinth?

"Do you want to get there... who are you? I can feel like one of our countrymen... but no, you're not."

The mysterious man got to something, and seems to have denied the answer himself. What's so refreshing?

Other than me, I have a chimp camp for my interaction with this administrator. Originally, in this world, there was no caretaker in the labyrinth... I couldn't help but say that there was no Dungeon Master. I think you may realize that I am the one who expects you to be.

"Administrator, what's wrong with coming out on your own?

"Not so much as a glitch, but there's a lot going on. Besides, I've been interested in visitors to the land for a long time."

I might also be interested because it does make me the first customer in 200 years. But isn't that because you've been closing the labyrinth for 200 years? I noticed it when I thought.

"It's a glitch that the labyrinth didn't come out on the ground?

"Are you... are you still a compatriot? Or a descendant out of the stars? Sort of good. I would have put you guys in a trap and ended it, but I changed my mind. Come to the depths. If you do, I will give you a lot of knowledge and treasure. I wish I could come..."

"I've been informed. Our purpose is to get to the bottom of it, so there's nothing wrong with that."

"Is that so… then let's wait in the back. I have as much time as I can."

That said, the administrator slowly disappeared. Whatever, unexpected harvest. After all, administrators existed. There's so much I want to ask you. I was in a downward mood. The motivation made me feel like a MAX all at once.

"All right! We'll do our best for the deepest!

"Mi ~!"

"Wait! Nero, I don't know what's going on! Explain it!

Yeah, it's a pain in the ass......

"Him, I had a terrible eye………."


Pero and his brother-in-law are helping him. I can't help it, guys, get together - we'll start the meeting.

"Mi ~!"