Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

316 Divine Cat Mee, encounter the most vicious monster.

This isn't a safe place, so let's be brief.

"Now start explaining ~ su"

"Mi ~"

"Actually, it's just a tease……."

"Well... for once, have you seen the heavens?

"Mi no..."

Yes, I don't like it, Mr. Ginn. That's a promise, isn't it? Mr. Letty, with that beautiful face, will you stop looking at me like I'm freezing? Something's freaking me out. I'm not m... right?

Jokes aside, explain to everyone what we know as of now. I'm eating dried fruit, Pero. Are you listening to me? Don't look at Pelo like you're jealous, too. Listen to me!

"So you're saying there are people out there besides us?

"I don't know if you're a person."

"The market is set for dungeon masters to be outsiders. It's my sister's specialty."

"Humhum. Let me explain. There are two types of Dungeon Master. One is the Demon King. The other is the dungeon itself."

Yes, yes, thank you for the explanation. Give your reward dried fruit.

"" Wow ""

Pero, I don't look envious. You must have more than you can eat...


"Demon King…………………."

"The dungeon itself......"

Mr. Lou, you look pale. Jin and Letty seem to be thinking about what Sou-san said. Sure, I think that's what you'd think if you liked Lanobe like Soho-sister.

But I don't think this is the case. I think a lot of the answers were hidden in the admin's story.

"Don't be afraid, let's go to the bottom. You said you'd reward me when you got there."



"" Treasure! Treasures! ""

"Mi ~!"

"I guess I'll have to go......"

Mr. Jin and Mr. Lou gave up their faces on the back with Pelo and the others. Mr. Letty is faceless.

So we set out for the bottom line. We found a safety zone in about five hours to explore. I've decided to take a break so far today.

Buried maps are about a fifth of this hierarchy. We're lucky to have found a safe zone. Tomorrow we'll go down to the lower level. No stairs. Can we find a way? Really, it's getting wider and I don't like it.

The next day I also started exploring in the morning and was lucky enough to find my way down to the lower hierarchy around noon. Seven tiers of enemies are slimes, with colorful slimes appearing.

Unfortunately, the slime of this world is not only the weakest, but the most vicious monster. First of all, physical attacks don't work. Next, prey on anything, melt it and eat it. It is extremely troublesome to have attributes by color. The most troublesome thing about it is that it doesn't pay anything back when you knock it down. Defeat it and it melts dry and leaves nothing. As much as the only salvation basically wouldn't have attacked me if I hadn't gotten my hands on it from here... it should have been.

"Toshi! They're coming from behind!"

"Don't look around and take them down properly!"

"Mi ~!"

"Hie, on behalf of someone………………………"

Absolutely admirable, Soufang brother is using labyrinth pine lights to destroy impending slime with flaming skills. It's something I used to leave in Mr. Fox Beast's village, but it's something he liked about Pelo and walked with it this time.

"I can't help it. Only Toshi and Nero can take down the slime."


The weakest point of the slime is the fire, or the opposite attribute of the attribute of the slime. Toshi, who has flame skills, is in an unrivaled state except for the slime, which has fire attributes. I'm taking down slimes with fire attributes with my water skills. For once, I leave it to Toshi because there are slimes that I can defeat even with my atmospheric and earthly skills, but they are troublesome.

By the way, when no one was watching, I tried using lightning skills and they worked well with flame skills. I didn't see anything ~.

I heard you had a warm personality, slime, but when they find us, they try to cheat us, crawl over and prey on us. It's a different story.

Lou and Letty came up against each other and realized that they were apparently eating together. This place is in the labyrinth, so we don't have anything to prey on, so are we eating together? In the first place, do you need a meal for a labyrinth monster? The labyrinth is a wonder space.

Yes, it's a wonder space. As I said earlier, knocking down shouldn't leave anything behind, but rarely does the slime that Toshi knocks down leave a vial and disappear.

A variety of primary antidotes have been found in the elementary potion, elementary qi restoring drugs, and even inferior agents in the hot and cold. There was also one intermediate potion inside. Some items cost more than 100,000 lets when they become intermediate class drugs. In short, it is worth more than one gold coin. For those who have the skill to defeat Slime, this place will look like a mountain of treasure.

By the way, I took down the slime that left the intermediate potion. What do you care if your lucky skills do a good job?

The junction explored while knocking down the slime, this hierarchy is visible from the map as being a third of the upper hierarchy. Narrow is easy and good, on the other hand, it is also a hierarchy where you cannot rest unless you find a safe zone. I can't believe they sneak up and prey on me from nowhere while I'm asleep.

Besides, even if I rest, Toshi and I are the only ones who can take it down, so I see it's my turn to sleep. We need to find a safe zone as soon as possible.

Me, which do you think it is?

"Mi ~?"