Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

322 God Cat Me, I still love gems. 'Cause it's a girl!

There is a blue metal golem.

I wonder if Talos is the place in the previous world. Even so, it wouldn't be a monster that could be defeated as much as it attacked his heel.

This time the metal golem countermeasure is to stop the golem movement. The things to prepare are a few cheap iron spears. It's tough on boulders alone this time, so I'll have Pero and the others take control of it.

"You just need to calm down, right?

"Yes, please. Just stay away from the golem."

"What are you up to?

"Is that an experiment in science?



"I love experimentation!"

More of an experiment in chemistry than science, I guess? Well, let's not try it.

Pero and Jin distract the bronze golem, and Soufang's brother is even more distracted by his flaming skills. In the meantime I turn behind the bronze golem. The bronze golem doesn't seem to notice me at all. Thanks to Pelo and the others for making a good deal of bronze golem enemies.

Softly bring the tip of the spear closer to the side of the bronze golem. It's okay, I haven't noticed this one at all. So, do you want to go at once?

There's a spear tip on the side of the bronze golem. Let the spear tip discharge with lightning skills. The tip shines so blue and white that it cannot be seen with the eyes. This feels affordable. Stop discharging and take a distance from the bronze golem. I can see the spear pulling on each pattern beside the bronze golem. Success?

"What the hell!"


"Eyes ~, eyes ~!"

Thank you for your promise, Sister Soufang.

Okay, let me explain. This attempt used lightning skills to electromelt to secure the sides of the bronze golem! This should prevent the bronze golem from using his right arm well. If we do this to other parts, the bronze golem is going to be impassable. Well, plans are pending.

"Mi ~?"

Oh, Mee, don't come near because you're in danger! I tried to say, but contrary to expectations, the bronze golem doesn't even work with Pickle. Why?

Mee, after I tap the bronze golem's leg Teshitesi, I run up the bronze golem's body and sit with a doya face over my head.

"Mi ~"

Apparently, the bronze golem is out of function. Why is that?

"Hey, Nero. What the hell is going on?

"Is this what the boy is after?

"What? It stopped working."


Come closer and stand in front of the bronze golem and the bronze golem won't move. Was the weakness of the bronze golem on the side, not the heel?

"I can't take the spear off the golem."

"Heh heh heh. I really can't take it."

What the hell happened? Well, wouldn't it be nice if it turned out to be O'Rei?

"It's not good! Explain it!"

Is it Dejavu? Like we've had this kind of interaction before?

I can't believe I'm taking a break and explaining to everyone what I'm trying to do.

"Is that possible?

"But there's actually a spear tip on the golem."

"Is it arc welding?"

"Certainly a chemical force."

Yes, the chemistry experiment did succeed. But the goal was to seal the movement of the golem, and I didn't imagine stopping it from functioning.

"Mi ~"

What's wrong, Mee? What, gemstone crude? You didn't knock him out, did you?

Mee, with a decent look, I'm going to the feet of the Tobotobo Bronze Golem and beating Teshitesi and Bronze Golem's feet without force...... is that it!?

A mountain of jeweled stones would have been given to the Martial King... the maiden heart is complicated. I can't help it. It's for me, why don't you just do it for a second?

Imagine approaching a bronze golem that has been transformed into an object and using soil skills to drain foreign objects from the golem.

Um, it makes me feel tired all at once. Again, it's hard to manipulate metal with soil skills. As he struggled badly with his earthly skills for about five minutes, a raw stone of calancholy, energy core and some kind of gem fell from the body of a bronze golem.

"Mi ~!"

Mee, I'll bring you the jewel's raw stone, which I'm glad to drop. It's a ruby stone, my favorite gem. Good for you.

"Mi ~"

The energy core is picked up by Soufang's younger brother. Is something wrong?

"Mr. Nero. There's a crack in the energy core. Didn't this stop the golem?

"Because of thunder skills?

Are you saying that the intention to stop the golem movement by electrofusion was to destroy the inner energy core by passing on the metal, which is the material of the golem? Is the energy core that brittle?

I have never used lightning skills directly to the energy core before. Well, of course, but it's in the body of a monster, so I can't aim it directly. But the energy core of the monster I've defeated using my lightning skills so far has been safe. Thanks to the wall of meat?

Mee, get the unbroken energy core out of your bag and put it on the floor.

"Put your core where you are, what are you going to do?

"What, what?


Mr. Jin and Pero and the others are looking at me with a strange look.

"I'm going to do some experiments."

Well, what happens? Mee, what do you think will happen?

"Mi ~?"