Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

333 Divine Cat Me, listen to the administrator.

The administrator started talking while brewing new tea.

The universe was created in this world, and so were many galaxies. And life is born on many stars. But after a few months, no intelligent life was born.

God, who looked forward to the birth of intelligent life, lamented that intelligent life would not be born.

So one of the divine men, a member of God's family, wished to God.

"I ask you to allow us to descend into the lower realm and create civilization."

God should not put his hands on the creation of heaven and earth or the birth of life if it were meant to be. That is the insanity of the gods. However, since divine men are family members of God and not God, they can also be said to be extraterritorial in some ways.

"Fine. Let me try."

Having obtained consent from God, the divine man took the entire clan and descended on a certain star. There are many of the most livable stars of all, later named Mayaris.

The place where the Divine Man descended is the biggest continent on this planet, apart from the continent where Nero and the others live. It built the town of the divine man there and made it the stepping stone for the evolution of this star. The first thing the divine man did was establish scientific civilization by the divine man.

The divine realm where the divine man was is connected to many worlds, some of which have progressed so close to the power of God that science. Applying its scientific power, it sought to create a new intellectual life form in this world and build civilization.

But there's no way it's going to work that way. Besides preparing the environment in which the divine men live, it is best to study life. The end of the name "life expectancy" begins to come to the first generation of divine men who have descended into the lower realm after a long period of time.

Only the families of God are more long-lived than other species, but they are not immortal. Death comes if their life expectancy also runs out. He went down to the lower realm and raised the number of second-generation divine men, but the divine men began to realize that the death of the first generation of divine men had increased many of their knowledge so far, but that their experience in harnessing that knowledge would be lost.

In order to bury that loss, the genetic manipulation that we were studying without trying to use our own bodies as experimental benches would yield the result of conditional immortality during the fourth and fifth generations of divine men.

"Are you immortal? You're with me."

"Mi ~"

"Our immortality is not the same as its family members. I could make an immortal body, but I'm not immortal. He's immortalized by transferring his spirit to his new body before his life runs out."

"You're like cloning technology. I think they're studying the same thing in my world."

"The immortality we got is full of fakes, faults, so to speak."


"You're mentally ill. Living long feels painful and wants to die. That's something we should talk about..."

Having overcome the loss of time, the loss of experience, the Divine Man creates a new life that is not divine due to developed genetic manipulation.

The first to create it was an elf, a degraded version of the divine man. The divine man gave knowledge to the elves and ordered them to build a civilization based on harmony with nature. The elves gradually spread their prints, but felt that they were still not civilized enough. The divine man created the dwarf that gave the divine man his skills and gave him the impetus to the development of civilization.

A situation occurs where the town of Elf and Dwarf is attacked by a monster that appears out of nowhere, an arrow tip that seems to be going well. The Divine Man searched desperately for what the previously undiscovered monster had evolved from, but found no trace of it.

Here, the Divine Man launches an artificial satellite into the universe and observes the entire star on a regular basis. Then the divine man will know. There are so many monsters appearing all over this planet that monsters are arguing with each other.

"Monsters aren't the life that manifested itself in the evolution of species, are they?

"Mi ~?"

"That's right. Suddenly, he appeared on this planet."

"Even now, is that how it increases?

"Some of them now breed as seeds on this planet, but some of them still show up from nowhere."

"Demon King, etc..."

"Mi no..."

"The Demon King…… strange to say."

Over time, both powerful monsters and the number of appearing monsters increase. Elves and dwarves alone can't fight monsters, and the spreading print begins to be pushed back.

So the divine decided to build a new species. The beast man who was given the strength of the divine man and the ability of the original beast. Unlike elves and dwarves, beasts have multiple species, and each race has its strengths and weaknesses, making them highly versatile and able to adequately counter monsters.

As we gradually spread the prints over and over again, the same problem emerged for those who created them as for the Divine Man. Life expectancy. Unlike divine men, they are long and centuries-old. And the brilliant ones who grew up with it will not be able to beat their life expectancy, nor will they return to the earth.

On the other hand, it has been found from continuous observation that the stronger the monster, the longer the life expectancy will be, and when it gets stronger, not only will the life expectancy increase, but the intelligence will also rise and become a monster with cunning thoughts.

Now, after this, there will be more powerful monsters, and the divine man who thought that the civilization that grew up so far will disappear will build a single system. Yugdrasil System for the Evolution of Species.

"Yugdrasil System?"

"Mi ~?"