I woke up my sleeping Me and had the rest of the AF out.

The pal I slept with woke you up, too, so I'll get you some mee cookies and mineral water to apologize for.

"Miu ~"

"Mi ~"

Now, the rest of the AF is a barrier ring and a ring with an unusual recovery speed. The barrier ring is meant to be given to Mr. Lou.

I'm supposed to be a scout, but it looks like one of our members is going to be a leader and avant-garde. As a scourge, Pelo and Serra seem to be better. I dare to activate the trap and say that Pero is excellent at fitting himself into the trap... I think something is wrong.

"Whatever... you're getting silly. Nero, your life is important."

"Commander Guild! Not much of a way to say that!"

Me and Pal, I was surprised by Eva's voice and solidified it and the cookies were pounding from your mouth......

"But, Eva. Just because it's here, it's far more than Noon's ever made. Most are national treasures……………………"

"That's right...... now, Nero, you're really in danger"

"I guess it's the Secret Service and the escort for that. Even if he became a nobleman, one or two of the escorts will always accompany him. Hey, Nero."



I hadn't thought about it at all. Ha ha...... Chief Celion Guild and Mr. Eva are watching it with a very cold eye.

"I will do good……."

"I'll do it right. I won't! Nero, you must have an escort! Me too!"

"Mi ~?"

That way! But, well, Eva must be thinking of me a little bit too... right? Let's spoil it and accept the advice.

You can use me (your servant), Mr. Gramm, as an escort. First of all, no one would normally think about it and beat this guy (Dragon). Mr. Letty would have been a good candidate for his wife for once, and I don't like it when it's hot. That's why I can't always call him an escort. Why not? I said it twice because it matters.

That night, Jin's transfer also became a dinner party. Details abbreviated. Why? The single-stage of the belly demon every time. In addition to that, Mr. Gramm joined the fight. Mr. Sykes' master in "Grand Phil" always laughs bitterly. I left the oak meat on my way home because of the inconvenience caused, and I was greatly frightened. Never mind. Because there are a lot of them.

The next day, Mr. Jin traveled to the labyrinth of White Ya. The rest of Pero, Serra, the brother-in-law and Mr. Lou are asked to return to the King's Capital with their horses. Mr. Letty wants me to send him to Wang Du on a transfer plate to work in an orphanage relationship.

Me and Me and Mr. Gramm will stay in Quint and clean up the relationship with the Labyrinth Beast.

Yeah, well, I gave everyone their share in the labyrinth last night.

I gave Mr. Lou the barrier ring and the money as he had initially done. With the money I gave him at Mr. Lou's request, he said he wanted to buy and refresh the equipment from the weapon protection collection I have, so he gave up his weapon protection equipment of his choice at a friend's price. Later I was surprised to see Chief Celion Guild and Mr. Eva look at that. Because it's super first-class from top to bottom.

Finally, I have officially said that I want to work at the Divine Cat Chamber of Commerce, so I accept. As planned, I intend to entrust the merchant corps between Beluna, the capital of the King, and Wilhelm, the capital of the Principality.

I gave Pelo and Serra the skill orb and money. Both were returned unwanted. Looks like it wasn't the treasure I was hoping for. Probably wanted something delicious. Maybe the cocoa and sugar cane I got made me happier. I can't do this until I can mass produce it.

So I decided to give the two of them money each month, incorporating a penny system. Really, I'll save something else, including what I've been saving.

Mr. Letty has been asking for money and kittens. Kitten? Apparently, Mr. Yuri envied me. Also, let's ask Pero.

I gave my brother-in-law Soho a skill orb and a ring with a large abnormal state recovery speed and money, but she asked me to replace a ring with a large abnormal state recovery speed and a skill orb, so I exchanged it.

The reason is that Toshi learns signs blocking and abnormal state recovery skills, and Kaolin learns abnormal state recovery and hazard avoidance skills. Thanks to the glitch of ghosts in this labyrinth expedition, he said he could remember.

And he wants to use the skill orb to master lightning skills. Oh, my God, lightning skills are elementary skills. He said if Toshi had confirmed the skills he could remember to try, he would have been out. This is what happened because the skills you both remember on your own are not in the primary skills.

Hazard Avoidance is the top skill in intuitive skills, an excellent skill possessed by Mr. Jin. I've never heard of abnormal state recovery speed skills. It would be a degraded version of AF's ring, but this would also be an excellent skill everyone wants. I want it too. Some of my remembered skills are hazard avoidance, but I don't have abnormal recovery skills. Too bad.

But what is lightning skills elementary...... Well, I thought Mee had superior compatibility for lightning skills because she has Divine Thunder skills, but is it elementary......

Besides, it's a shame to think that Soufang's sisters and brothers will learn their thunder skills without savoring that pain. No, let's make him do it and make him remember. I know how to remember, so the skill orb can be used to remember another skill.

"I don't like it. Absolutely, Mr. Nero, you're hiding something, aren't you?

"When we talk about lightning skills, you look bad."

Gu...... here, these guys.

"Mi no..."

Mee, where did you learn to pose like that!

You shouldn't remember anything too weird!

"Mi, mi ~"