Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

342 Divine Cat Mee, once again, you're a jerk.

Kuh...... the persuasion is over for nothing.

I decided to get my skills too because I regret it.

It's a memorial strengthening and Kaolin's mayhem.

My body feels just a little lighter thanks to my physical strengthening. I can see it's clearly different from earlier. This performance despite not increasing proficiency. I look forward to gaining proficiency.

I chose Kaolin's Hundred Flowers mess because I bought a hidden potential. Ability to accelerate plant growth. I'm wondering if it might help a lot. I especially want to help grow the sugar cane and cocoa that I got this time.

Well, the distribution of the loot is over, so dissolve it. Pelo and the others are shopping for a trip today and heading to Wang Du tomorrow.

I'll send Mr. Letty to the king's house and then we'll head to the village of the Beast Man.

Before going to the village of the Fox Beast Man, I decided to hunt for an oak to see Mr. Gramm's strength.

"Can we take him down, whether that's what he looks like?

"Mi ~?"

As usual, the spare oak leader stands in the center of the square.

"Are you insulting me?

"Mi ~?"

"Because I've never seen you fight like that. Do you need a weapon?

"I don't want it. I want you to take a good look at me. My strength."

"Mi ~"

Mr. Gramm, I walk to Oak Reader unconstructively. When the oak reader moves only his neck and looks at Mr. Gramm, he looks wide open and takes a step back. Oak leader, it looks like you know what they're capable of. I have no idea, though.

Oak leader, I'm going backwards and backwards, but it's already on the wall. What are you gonna do? When I thought, I pulled out the inverted sword and hung it up on Mr. Gramm.

"Like a pig... did you think you could scratch me?

Mr. Gramm, I'm taking the sword down with one hand. Are you out of your mind to see the white hot air coming out of the great sword you took?

"Mi no..."

Mee, you've been evacuating into my clothes. The temperature of the square is slowly decreasing. It wasn't the hot air that was coming out of the oak sword, but Mr. Gramm's cold air seemed to have frozen the sword and generated ice fog.

I don't like the cold, Mee, it looks like you're just gonna watch the game with your face out of my clothes.

The oak leader is holding a bottomless foetus to Mr. Gramm in front of him, causing his expression to catch on. Looks like a normal person. Normal...... no, handsome people. Knock... However, the motivation emanating from that body is unusual and abnormal.

Is it the oak leader's will to keep his hands off the Great Sword?

And when I think about it, it's apparently frozen in the kachikachi.

"Fuh... that's a mutton fish."

"Mi no..."

"Eh, yep. No way!? No way..."

"Fresh luxury meat is frozen meat...... wasted"

"Mi ~"

"Oh, is it my fault...?

Well, to be honest, I'm a little disappointed. I thought I was going to take one shot with Gatsun, like Mr. Martial King. So is Mee, isn't she?

"Mi ~"

I didn't know that would be a small step…….

Come on, I'll go next.

"Oh, wow."

I came to the square with five heavily equipped oaks.

This is it. Me and Me, we're gonna fight. Thanks to my physical strengthening, I feel like I should do something about it.

"Me and Me are going here."

"Oh, wow."

Mee, move to my shoulder, activate Divine Thunder and start supplying me. Yeah, I can hold more of Mee's divine thunder than before. This is something you might expect.

Fill complete. Do you want to go, then?

"Mi ~"

The orcs are already ready to fight and forming well.

Step out lightly into such an enemy formation.

Even though we were about ten mels away, the orc giant is right in front of us. Drop your hips just a little and uppercut to the jaw of the oak. It's commonly known as frog punch burst!


Oak dancing through the universe with a voice that doesn't speak. I don't know what happened to my buddies dancing in the universe, and I fly and kick into the whole bunch of stingy orcs. And a continuous spinning kick. The second spinning kick missed the sighting. Don't be unfamiliar. It's a little embarrassing.

Fighting kick on the shield of the oak, who is regaining his mind and shielding him. The shield flew away. Put your hands on the stomach of a lucid oak and shed a god thunder. Pussy, give me a smoke and fall in.

Looking at the rest of the damn oak, a slightly bigger mee god thunder punch hit the oak j end.

"It was a pretty good move, don't you think?

"Mi ~!"

"Supply and Divine Thunder Punch at the same time, Me too!"

"Mi ~"


Mr. Gramm, open your mouth so much that your jaw is coming off. Pokémon condition. Still handsome is handsome. A handsome creature is... a beard!

"It's so refreshing, shall we go back?"

"Mi ~"

"Ma, wait! Give me a chance now!"

"No, no, I know enough strength. Besides, there's enough souvenirs for the Beast Man's village."

"Ta, please. Dear Me, give me a chance!"

"Mi no..."

Mee, once again, he said he was a jerk... Well, I feel the same way, so I hesitated to pay attention to Me.

"I'll do it!

Mee's permission has been granted, Mr. Gramm, and I'm motivated. Will you be all right? Something spreads anxiety.

Mr Gramm is somewhat unfortunate. I hope I don't empty it......

Don't you think so, Mee?

"Mi, mi ~"