Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

344 Divine Cat Me, be the base of your heart!?

The day after the banquet ended with fun and I slept slowly. Discussions begin in what can be described as a building, on the site of the town.

From the outside you can hear Tontenkan and the sound of the Hunter Guild outpost and the building of the lodging. A peek at the Hunter Guild outpost showed that it was coarsely made and brought in desks, chairs, etc.

It seemed like I could start right away, but there aren't many hunters in Quint right now with arms worthy of this labyrinth, so it looks like the opening of business is still ahead of me.

According to Chief Celion Guild, he speaks to the skilled hunters who remain in the Wang capital and elsewhere. A well-armed hunter can earn this labyrinth, and as a hunter guild, you'd almost say you don't have a hand in missing the profits coming out of this labyrinth.

"Dear Me and Nero. We're all set."

"Mi ~"

Discussion venues will be as round-table as before. The elder of the Fox Beast man bought me a moderator in front of me to get out. By the way, Mr. Gramm is standing behind me and Me.

"So shall we get started? First, I've decided where you're going."

When I started talking, the representatives of each beast man listened to me with a serious look, just because I had to miss a word about this story.

One street, provide a description of the village's planned location along the street northeast of Nixe. There was a river pouring into Lake Flora at the foot of Mount Brocken, which also told us about the climate and its proximity to this place.

"How many people can emigrate?

"It's no problem for everyone here to migrate."

"I don't think that even if I migrate, I'll be able to feed myself immediately. What do you think of that area?

"Until I can be self-sufficient, I will be responsible for providing food, etc."

"Mi ~"

"What do you want in return?

"Of course, if you can be self-sufficient, you'll pay taxes. Rest assured that even if you are able to become self-sufficient quickly, you will be exempt from taxes for five years"

"What is tax?


Ooh... Right. There was no way I knew what it meant to say taxes to these people. Because I've been living a completely self-sufficient life for hundreds of years.

So, let me talk to you about taxes. That's quite a difficult explanation. I'm going to pay for it because I'm going to let you live on your own land. Then you won't be convinced.

Promise assistance in basic human rights, provision of welfare and education instead of collecting taxes. Even though it is feudal, the basic thing is to rule in accordance with democracy. This applies to all of Blocken territory.

You won't understand it when you say it in terms of democracy, and there's no way you can put it into practice right away. I'm going to gradually move from feudalism to democracy while I'm alive.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't think feudalism is bad. If the person standing on your head is good, there is no problem. But I also know from history that it doesn't work that well. or so I would say NO if they asked me if democracy was absolute. I'm not the best, but I just think it's the Better. Just choose that if there are any other good governing laws.

Now, it is suspicious that the beasts who are here now understand my words, but I think they conveyed the thought that they would provide a place to live and a meal and safety for themselves. Follow up, it would be good if you understood.

"Mi ~"

Mee also seems to think that democracy is better than feudalism and authoritarian politics.

"As I've heard before, how do you get around?

"There are more than five hundred people thinking of migrating..."

"The old man says he'll stay here, but the young man wants to take all of them"

After all, there are people left... if possible, I want them all to emigrate. Later, in some years, the entrance to the ground could be closed again. The next thing you know, you may or may not come out of the ground for years or decades.

The janitor said it's good to stay if you want to, but if many residents migrate from here, people who say they want to stay with the old people alone. If the entrance to the ground is closed, there is a risk that life will cease to be made. Somehow, I wonder if it's something I can't convince.

"I have an AF that I can move to in an instant, so no problem"

"Mi ~"

"What is AF?

That's right -. When I briefly described it as a tool created by the Divine Man, the administrator of this labyrinth, he was honest enough to convince me. I guess if you try them, the Divine Man is equal to God as well. But I don't doubt it at all.

Tell them that resettlement is possible at any time because they are ready to emigrate.

From there, discussions began among the beasts, and half of the first men to emigrate decided to go to the village where they would emigrate, prepare themselves, and then move in sequence.

The departure is in five days. I'll have a lot of things ready by then.

For the moment, gather tools that are not available mainly in this Beastman village, such as tools for farming in large tents and carpentry tools that you will need.

The discussion has come to an end, so I tell her that I want everyone to move. The next time the entrance to the ground is closed, tell them that you may never be able to get out of the ground again.

The last time I saw the administrator of this labyrinth, they didn't care about getting out of here, which was a tough way to put it, but from the administrator's point of view, it doesn't matter if there's a beast man in the labyrinth or not.

I got a slightly sad look from the delegates, but from now on, I wonder if a god cat who says Me properly can be the base of your hearts?

I don't depend, Flora, but so does God, right?
