Kami neko Mii-chan to neko youhin shoukanshi no isekai funtouki

Mi ~ Chan's Wanderings of the Other World That Pick Up

Nero, Mee steps on me.

When I fell asleep on the couch in our living room, Jana talked to me.

"Dear Nero, what's wrong?

"I would have been busy moving lately. My back hurts a little."

"Then I'll give you a massage. I'm good at it."

"Heh, well, let me ask you a favor"

"Leave it to me"

On the couch, I was supposed to get a massage in my bedroom bed because it was difficult to do.

"What are you going to do?

"Mi ~?"

Just now, Lara, who was cleaning my room, and Me, who was watching it, are looking at it strangely. That should be it too, if you look at me showing up rubbing my hips with Hung Hung and Mr. Yana with a rough nose, you'll think what's going on.

"It's a massage!"

"Yana! Dear Nero, even though there is someone named Yuri... Nero was also a man..."

"Mi, mi no..."

What? What are you looking at with those white eyes? You're not mistaken. How do I look at it in this situation? Especially Me!

"My back hurts, so I just asked Jana for a massage............?

"Is it true? Jana."

"Huhuhuhuhu... The time has come for the Cat Clan's Secret Goldfinger to shine! …"

Oh, I just said 'nya'. I knew someone from Cat Beast would say it too. Mr. Lara, he finally seems to trust me and cleans up the bed for ease of massaging.

When I wore it a little thin and lay down on the bed, Mee came to my face and licked my face pero, let me tilt my neck with the cotton ~ bu? I ask.

Well, is it up to Jana's cat secret and her goldfinger?

"I'll start, then."

Jana, your whole body begins to gently rub. Mm-hmm. It just feels good.

"The secret is to start by warming your body."

So it improves blood circulation. Sounds like a proper, full-fledged massage. I think I can count on this.

He rubbed my whole body and made my body pound. Jana started to move her body so I thought it was the real deal from here, she started rubbing it off her soles, not her hips...... Goldfinger?

"It hurts!"

"Mi, mi no..."

"This is a lot of fatigue."

"Yes, it hurts! Oh, my back hurts!"

"First of all, rubbing loose from the back of the leg, said to be the second heart, is the secret massage of the Cat Clan! This hand of mine glows and roars. I cry out brilliantly to make the Lord healthy!"

Hey, Jana, haven't people changed? Me and Lara don't pull... Ouch! So it hurts!

Is it practically enough to be stuffy? But for me, the torture felt so long also n...... treatment.

"Well, I'll go next."

Now a normal massage, please. I'm not pretending! You're making sense, Jana, and you're starting to mock your whole body. They lie down, lie on their backs, and rub them as they roll in the corn. This feels good.

Drowsiness strikes me when I get depressed. What about sleeping with a massage? I think so, but that's how good it feels.

When I get upset, I notice that the feeling of rubbing my hips has changed. It feels like it reaches the core of your body even though you are pushing the affected area very mildly. Fumifumi, do you feel like a pean?

Fumifumi, pean. Fumifumi, pean. Hummy, hummy, hummy? Is that you, Mee?

"Mi ~!"

I can't see it because it's depressing, but it looks like Mee is humming me with that soft meatball on her hips. Blessed to be trampled by Me. But what's a pean?

Oh, no way, really? No, you are! This is Electrotherapy Using Divine Thunder Skills! Although it's not strange to know because you were in Japan Mee... Mee, are you a genius!

Get your whole body fumigated and peaned by me. It's so refreshing! Get up and thank Me Chutsch. There was Jana looking at it resentfully......

"The Cat Clan Secret lost to Master Me………"

No, no, it's not that pessimistic. The sole massage hurt but the others felt very good. It's true.

"Shall I thank Jana too? Or mundane?

"Mi ~"

"I don't need it!"

When I heard this story, did my residents become captivated by Mee's electrotherapy? Jana's massage seems to be popular, but it goes without saying that that sole massage gamed our punishment.

"Mi ~"

Pero, get the components.

The supreme food, then fried! Just thinking about the crisps and the jewels. Who's the jerk......

Nero makes a lot of fried chicken from Sunnya, and Pelo and the others go get chicken.

Always a member of the support team, the leader is Pero Nha. Brother Lou and Serra are new to the sub leader, and Minara Hunter Jan-kun is joined by Kaolin and Toshi.

It's wild cocoa you're after. Cocco also lays eggs, so he's kept in the village and in the city. But wild cocktails have a rough temper. Anyone nearby is in danger of coming at me, even if it's more than my size.

It's easy to find them because there are plenty of them out of the city and heading to the meadows. If you look for a grass a little long, you'll find it soon.

Neither Pelo nor Brother Lou have signs detection skills, but in times like this, I'll leave them to Serra. Sue sucks to be around Pelo's side, and when she comes back, she tells me where Kokko is. It's amazing to Serra.

There's a cocktail in the grass over there.

"Ooh, Dr. Nanko. Awesome."

"How do you know ~?"

Brother Lou, naturally I know. Jan-kun doesn't know.

"It's not like it's a pero. Sera."

"What, are you Serra?

"Selah, wow!"


Serranha, until we got out of town, she was hugged by Kaolin in her cat form, but now she's back in her black leopard form. Sunnya Serra, Kaolin and Jan-kun. So what is it, Mandarin? So what is it?

Ask Serra how she is approaching the grass she found. Looks like we have two cocktails. Kaolin and Jan-kun are looking for an arrow in the bow. Pelo and Brother Lou, no, Serra's trying to jump out for you when you take it off.

I heard a hum and an arrow stabbed me in the cock. Kaolin's target Cocko was a mess, but Yang's unleashed arrows were shallow or Cocko was still raging, so Brother Lou didn't jump out and stab the stop. Quick move, Brother Boulder Lou.

"Excuse me......"

"What, you're hitting it right. This guy was just a male and healthy. Don't worry about it. Enough work."

"Ha, yes!"

Brother Lou, no, someone well done who can also follow up properly. Seems to be quite popular with women in the Hunter Guild, the momentum that separates Pelo from popularity. I've been flirting with Jana lately, too.

Store the cocktail in a cat bag, then look in the grass and you'll find two eggs.

"You're an egg."

"Let's pudding ~"

"I hear that if you hatch a wild cocoa egg, it becomes a cocoa that people are used to."

"If you hatch it and keep it away from the ranch, you'll increase it on your own, won't you?

"It's a mass production of pudding."

"Pudding, pudding!"


"Wouldn't Grandpa Ben know more about it?

Then I'll take it home.

After that, he went hunting for cocoa and got ten eggs. I thought it was time to go home.

"Ah! That's Oggi, isn't it? It's delicious meat ~"

Kaolin said so and let go of the arrow.

"Bye, fool! That's not Oggi! Ragged Oggy!"

Mm, that's not good. Raging oggie is a variant of oggie. Because of the muscularity, the meat is stiff and delicious. And very ferocious...... look, why don't you just blast off with a very angry face and come this way?

"Everybody avoid it! If we meet properly, we're at a disadvantage!"

Brother Lou pulled Jan-kun and ran away. Serra is going on too. What happened to Kaolin and Toshi?

"Hey, sis, I'm getting away!"

"Because... I thought it was Oggi..."

Yay! We need to get out of here... Yay! They can't help it!

"Hello! Run away!"

"Oh, I can't move my legs……………."

"Nah, nah!"

Oh, no, no! Jan-kun releases an arrow from a remote location and stabs it in the Oggi, but it doesn't work at all. With blood climbing completely on your head.

Ginger, ginger, I'll do it!

Dash with all your might toward the rampage oggie. Remove the cape and shake the cape to look like a wasp and a rampage oggie. Raging Oggi's blood-running eyes caught my eye. Scary.

Moves away from the kaolins in the linear shape of the raging oggi. Raging Oggi seems to have turned Pelo into a goal, so Kaolin and the others are relieved. I also saw Brother Lou not running and going under Kaolin. Well, now, what are we going to do... even think about it.

No more rambling oggies in front of you. Raging oggie looks more like he's after a cape than a pero. Shall we give it a try?

The cloak is slammed and the oggie is slammed, and the slammed oggie is slammed.

Are you dressed like a pero now? Gradually, I'm starting to see how Oggi is moving. Hilarious - Hilarious! Since I can afford it, I have to pull out the love knife tiger thoroughfare and cut it off after a hilarity.

Dossoon! So after repeated cuts, Raging Oggy fell. Oh, Pero's victory!

"Dr. Nanko!"

"Wow. Thank you for your help, Dr. Nanko."

Toshi and Kaolin came crying and hugging me. It's hot and painful to get away......

"Dr. Nanko is a benefactor of life. Let me call you Master!"

"Master Nanko ~"


"" Such a killer. ""

"No need for disciples!"

"Then make it a child!"

"Parenthood ~"

"That's right. Give it to the kids!"

"" Oyabi! "

"What are you guys doing..."


"Should I be a child, too?


Thus Kaolin and Toshi became Pelo's children. Shabby to.

Speaking of which. I warmed the eggs I had taken. I asked Lou-kun and Lar-kun when Pelo was in trouble. Three days later, the chick was born safe!

Grandpa Ben is raising them in a painting on the ranch now. I'm looking forward to having eggs!

You can eat pudding all you want!