Kanna no Kanna

Episode 136 The grudge of rice is heavy, but it cannot be changed to the weight of life

Although I have been to the Imperial Palace many times, this is the first time that I have traveled to the passage following the Emperor's Audience Room. No matter where you go, even the Imperial Palace, which has a high quality interior, was even more sophisticated.

"Well, I'll stay calm"

Chloe glances around, whilst moving his tail without a spot. I, too, wander.

In addition, behind us, facets of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon line up and follow. The feeling of fierceness is not odd because of that intimidation.

"I understand my feelings, but calm down, we're not kids."

Compared to me and Chloe, Fima was calm.

"But it's a fima. Chloe and me were once in the guild and heard the etiquette of the aristocrat, but they didn't know the manner of the royal opponent?" I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I'm worried about my overseas style. " It's another matter whether you can do it. "

Nevertheless, his attitude was imposing. It is a behavior that you are used to in this air. The three servants have no stagnant movement.

"I know you're nervous, but your Majesty doesn't care about the details. Don't worry if you don't openly be rude, so don't worry. I understand ... Kanna."

Regulus We walk at the top of our people, but said while looking back. It was safe, but ... wait a minute.

"Hey, why did I just name it?" "It's probably the most anxious factor."

I was answered immediately.

"... Isn't it trustworthy?" "Remember the reaction when I told her Majesty's name. It would be stranger to trust that."

……………… I couldn't refute.

Regulus continued with a sigh.

"Well, I'm a man who can read the air for some reason. I really want to believe that he's not a stupid idiot in front of His Majesty ... I want to believe it."

I smiled and hit my shoulder. Looking at it, Chloe was thumbs up.

"Come on at Donmai, Mr. Kanna."

Before adding the word "Donmai" to the HINOSERU.


I was irritated by Chloe's grinning face and grabbed her head and tightened.

"I'm happy, but I'm so angry that you're told." "Waghaaaaaa! I'm sorry and unreasonable!" !! "

It seems that in our exchange, Fima shrugged and shook his head.

──Go! !

Quiet talk rest …….

The trace of the punishment "I could see it from the entrance of the passage, but it was impressive when I saw it close .... I was there." I gazed at the large door in front of me while rubbing the back of my head. A gorgeous double-sided door that gives a truly “big boss” feeling.

A place where the royal family can show their faces.

He added a punishment, but muttered.

You said, "I'm worried if I can meet your Majesty again."

Jokingly, "Is it okay to go home?" The next time you scoff at the stupid, it's likely you'll be hit with a big sword on your back. I'll miss my life, so let's keep silent.

"... Um"

Regulus Abune! Hand stretched over the handle! ?

Regulus While he was thrilled by the crisis of life he felt seriously, he shouted at the big door.

"I'm Regulus, the Imperial Army of the Diagars, Commander of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon! I'm here at the command of the Emperor! Open the door!"

As the voice reached the bottom of the belly, the doors that opened between the audience at short intervals opened on both sides. As expected, I was a little nervous. Chloe has a strong face, and Fima also has a slightly hard look.

Led by Regulus, I proceed during the audience of Emperor Diagar.

Heavy pressure に At the moment you stepped on, an intense attack came.

"Wow !?"

The instinct of impulsively expressing spiritism was suppressed by reason. He clenched his teeth and endured the spiritual power that seemed to overflow.

"Mr. Kanna, what's wrong? I'm sorry for her complexion." "Large ... it's strong."

Chloe worries.

Regulus: At first glance, neither the Fima nor the others were nervous, but nothing more or less.

Overpressure ── Is it only me that feels this?

Density I stopped spiritism immediately because there was no sharpness that would pierce it. Still, there is a heavy pressure to crush the body. He wasn't killed, but at least as good as Schreia.

"I'm going, Canna."

Regulus Prompted by a whisper, I put my heart on the roots that are about to shrink. He knew that his knees were shaking and he stepped forward.

During the audience, it was even more luxurious than the passage just before. Both width and height are quite wide. There are dragon statues sitting on the wall at equal intervals. The dragon's picture is drawn on the ceiling as high as you look up, and the power is terrible.

Regulus Eventually, I was walking ahead, but stopped. He removed the sheathed sword from his back and knelt down with one knee standing while standing aside. From behind, the Knights of the Phantom Dragon kneel as they remove their weapons. (Fima was calm) We followed in a hurry.

… When meeting a royal family or royal family, were they raised up before permission to be treated as profane? If you look at the Faima and Chloe sideways, there is no doubt they are lying down.

"Regulus, the leader of the Knights of the Phantom Dragon, has arrived." "I'm having trouble.

It is a good atmosphere to look up.

I look up to see the emperor's figure.

直 前 But just before that, the intimidation I had felt until then was even more important and attacked me.


Sweat erupted from the whole body at once.

After all there is no killing. However, if you are timid, you are incontinent or intensely pressured to lose consciousness. You can not move as if a transparent chain was entangled in the trunk.

Needless to ask who owns this intimidation.

Questions emerged in my head, but there was a feeling that gradually rose.

It was not frightening, but frustrating.

(I'm so angry that I'm getting sick, I'm sick of the time I'm eating and I'm angry!)

I know that I can't put it into words. Real was immediately turned around, and it was evident that Real was cut in half with a stripped sword.

Because of the emperor, when I put my emotions in my eyes, I looked up and glared at me with a sharp gaze.

The first thing that caught my eye was a straight scar running from the left eyelid to the right cheek. Features like a beast with a sense of reason while incorporating a wild taste. On both sides of the head are two black horns that grow heroically, a testament to the dragon people. You can also see the trained body through a gorgeous dress.

"Huh ........."

The "man" sitting on the throne smiled like a joy when she looked at me.

"Under my serious intimidation, do you not let me shrink, but raise my spirit?"

The lord of a nation doesn't really intimidate one adventurer! And appealing again with an eye for emotions.

Regulus I was looking forward, but after hearing the man's words, I noticed the situation. He tried to turn around in a hurry, but the man controlled it by hand.

"That's a long time ago, the guy who turned my eyes on me. He's a more entertaining man than I heard."

The pressure man said that he was leaning but disappeared. I spontaneously exhaled on the spot. He seemed to be suffocating without knowing.

After expelling the air that had accumulated in my lungs and breathing fresh air, I turned my head again to the man, the emperor. I don't feel intimidated anymore.

He said.

"I am the Emperor of the Diagar Empire @ Kerion Diagar"

Penn, is this person similar to someone?

After hearing the emperor's name, I thought vaguely.