Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki
Let's find out about the seven.
We first decided to find a place to stay.
The nearer to Demon King Castle, the more luxurious the inn is, but the security of the city doesn't seem bad. Apparently the Adventurer Guild is also in the center of the city, so I'm going to keep the Inn close.
As I walked around looking around, Lusha said, "That!" He raised his voice.
"Hiroki, isn't that the Adventurer Alliance?
"Oh, yeah."
On the way home from Demon King Castle, I discovered the Adventurer's Guild before I found the Inn.
There's a sword and shield sign, and the adventurers are in and out. We also want to gather information, so when I went inside, I felt a little different air than usual.
The adventurers in the guild must be strong. I was properly gazed at, but never particularly tangled up.
Somehow, it feels like the city at the end of the game.
- Oh, does it fit because there's a Demon King Castle?
Indeed, the quality of the adventurer would also be at its best.
"The creation of the Adventurer Alliance feels similar everywhere. Shall I even look at the bulletin board request until the counter is empty?"
On the bulletin board, although the request is affixed… the number is not so high.
It is the dungeon that connects this city to the outside, so there are no mountains or woods around it and few requests to crusade demonic relations. Speaking of herbs, collecting items, collecting demonic materials, etc.
There doesn't seem to be much we can do when we hear what Lusha's asking us to read.
"Hmm, sounds pretty difficult. I want dragon tears. This is an escort to the kingdom of the Beast Man, and there are too many difficult requests!"
"You mean that's the city with the Demon King's Castle? It might be a good idea to read this book now and take a level in the dungeon."
"Right. I think that would be nice, too."
Talking about that, the counter was just empty.
When Lusha and I go to the counter, the receptionist smiles and responds.
"Hello, are you new to this Adventurer Guild?
"I got to the city today."
"Well, did you? Welcome to the City of the Demon King."
Nodding at the receptionist's words, I take the first book out of the chest.
It's a book out of a dungeon crate on its way to this city. I couldn't read it, so look for someone who can read it first.
"Is this...?
"Actually, I couldn't read the letters, and I thought if you were a Demon, you could read them. Because I'm human and they're elves."
"Is that what happened? Let me take a look."
The more I say, the more I nod, the receptionist looks inside. But I couldn't seem to read it and tilted my neck. There are letters used by the Demon Clan, and I thought it might be a tattoo, but it doesn't seem like it.
"Sorry, I can't read it. There's a magic library next to Demon King's Castle, so you might want to check it out there."
"Is it a library? Okay, I'll go."
I knew I couldn't seem to read it, and the receptionist drips a little.
I'm still staying in this city, so you just have to take a moment to find out, so I smiled and nodded.
And the next thing I want to ask you is about the Demon King.
"I come to this country and I don't hear many rumors about the Demon King... who is he?
"Are you the Demon King? Well, you never showed up, so we city dwellers don't even know. I'm sure only a few people have seen it"
As I was asking, he hasn't really shown himself.
... I can't believe you want to see me with the Demon King. Is that another dream? That's enough to make me think so.
From what I can imagine from the receptionist's appearance, I don't feel that much Demon King Faith...... Maybe I should ask you a little more objectively about the Demon King.
"I heard that the kingdom of man summoned the brave, what about the devil tribe? Honestly, I don't think it's a good idea to be at war."
For once, I also subtly tell you that I don't want to defeat the Demon King as much as I do the King of Man.
"Oh, I see you do. But I don't think this one's particularly ready for battle or anything like that. Modern demon kings don't really like to fight..."
"Does it feel like the human side is turning..."
"That's what's going to happen."
Doesn't that mean only humans are bad?
I want to sigh heavily for a long time. [M] But I'm glad you heard that the Demon King is not belligerent.
"The Demon King sounds kind of nice."
Lucha sneaks up on me and laughs, "I wish I could see you".
I snort at it, but I think that's the hardest part. The only thing that's going to be a handover is Pinot's master, so the hope is faint......?
For the first time, I heard what you wanted to know, so me and Lusha went to the magic library.
As I was asking, there was a magic library near Demon King Castle.
Is there not a lot of windows to protect the book from sunlight? On a thick gray wall, two knights stand in front of the majestic gate to confirm the entrance.
"Pretty tough place, huh?"
"That sounds like a lot of valuable books."
"That sounds like quite a lot compared to a human library..."
The Demons will have more information about precious things such as plants with magic and magic powers. Even Apricot Grass couldn't have known without a book written by the Demons.
A few people were lined up in front of the gate, so me and Rousha would be in that line.
Looking at the previous person, he's apparently checking his ID. If you have a lot of valuable books, you can't have a suspicious one.
...... hmm?
Identity card?
"Me, did you have that...?
"Huh? If you sign up for the Adventurer Guild, anyone should get it."
"Ahhh! Is that it!!"
Though I was dodgy for a moment, I thought I did have an ID in Rusha's words.
This is the ID I got when I signed up at Adventurer Guild, but I don't remember ever using it.
"... that? Didn't you need it to get in and out of every country?
I think I got that explanation.
Then Rusha laughs and says, "It's a little different."
"All we need is when we enter the human continent. I don't need another country. 'Cause the borders are huge, too, so you can't cover them all. Even if there is, it's the entrance to the city."
"... I see"
I must have forgotten too.
Acceptance was fine, and me and Rousha were able to get inside the magic library.
The wall of the magic library is about 10 meters long, and one side of it is filled with books and comes only with a very spectacular word. Among other things, some books are chained and not easy to see.
It's a space where many people choose to read books and have a peaceful atmosphere.
There is a counter in the center and a secretary.
The white robe looks like a uniform, with the book logo depicted in the back, while simple. They don't have any restrictions on the species either, and they seem to be working beastmen and such.
"Oh, I have terms and conditions"
Rusha sees the terms on the wall right at the entrance and tells me what it is so I can figure it out.
"There usually seem to be four kinds of books here: books, magic books, first-degree books, and special books. Available for loan are usually books. The magic book is the one that's chained up. I can't lend you this, but it looks like you can read it if you apply."
"Well, don't worry about it."
I'm sure it contains valuable information.
"What about first-degree books, special books?
"Looks like we need special permission.... I don't think you'll ever see a single adventurer."
"Uh, you know what?"
I guess it's like you need an aristocratic identity, you need merit, you need letters of recommendation from noble people.
While sighing with Lucha, I decided to look into language related first for now. Exactly, this would usually be in the books.