Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki
14 No! Temple of Transfer
The temple of Hunter is in a mountain about an hour's walk from the village of Churchill. Clerics and witches are in charge, and training grounds are also set up.
"Oh, is that the temple?
As I walked down the mountain road, I saw the temple.
The slender and tall building is sculpted with wings, and there is a target on the side so that you can practice your bow. There are some archers in and out, and the way it looks can range from someone who looks happy to someone who's about to cry.
... The crying child, I'm sure, couldn't make the transition.
After all, becoming a top position doesn't seem like a glimmer.
"Ugh ~ nervous......"
"Lusha said it would be fine. Look, let's go."
"... yeah!
Upon entering the temple, there was an immediate reception.
"Welcome. This is the Temple of the Hunter. Is that a transfer?
"Yes! It's Lucha from Archer"
"Master Rousha, right? Hunter, may God bless you. Please wait in that chair with a donation as we guide you."
The witch at the reception prompted me and Rusha to sit down in a chair. Since the witch has taken her seat off, she talks to Rousha about what she has just been told.
"How much do you want for a donation?
I had no idea about the financial aspects. But when I think about the temple, I can also understand that there is a donation.
But I've never had anything to do with that before, so I don't know the market. That seems to have been the same for Rousha, worried.
"There was a man who became a hunter in the village of Elves, because he said he offered the temple his hunted prey..."
"It's not money, it's stuff..."
But now the witch clearly said donations, didn't she? I'm probably the first one to tell you clearly because I have trouble with all the supplies.
When someone I know in Rousha handed over their prey, was it an animal? Then it would be about 30,000 to 50,000 lots if sold. Ten thousand feels like less, and a hundred thousand feels like more.
"Hmm... why don't you take a break and give me 50,000 lots?
"Yeah, I think it's good - oh!
"Hmm? What's going on, Rousha?"
"I haven't redeemed my money...!
To what Rousha told me, haha.
The money we have now is' Lotto 'on the Loquat continent and' Rico 'on the Apricot continent.
"The currency of the Tangerine continent is' Jen '."
"But Hagoo used Lotto, didn't he?
"It's a harbor town with interactions with Loquat, so they're dealing with Lotto, too. Because it was a boarding carriage to Churchill, and it included the cost of the inn and so on, and I didn't spend my money... I was accidental."
We weren't thinking that much because we were both floating around about a new continent or Rousha's transfer. I got there when I got to Tangerine. There are a lot of beasts out there, so I was unwittingly obsessed with seeing it...... no, it's nothing.
Currency can be exchanged in Adventurer Alliances.
Hagoo would have had a big guild in Harbor Street, but Churchill is a small village so there is no Adventurer guild.
"There's nowhere I can possibly redeem it, so it would be better to sell the item for money."
"Right. Shall we go back to Churchill Village... Ah, the witch is back"
Apparently ready, the witch came here.
"Thank you for waiting. Ready to pray...... what's wrong?
I guess it was because we looked like we were in trouble, the witch leaned her neck and looked at me and Lucha alternately.
Well, let's just say it's not even a deceptive issue.
"Actually, I'm from Loquat, but I forgot to exchange currency... I'm embarrassed, but I don't have Jen in my hand."
"Well... you did. Didn't you have any trouble on the road?
"That's what I came straight here for, and I didn't even shop. Hagoo in Harbor Town can also use Lotto because of its interactions."
Explained, the witch also smiled as she remembered "it was so".
"It's a long way to go to the Adventurer's Guild, so I was talking about selling some items in Churchill Village."
"Thank you for your concern. But we are also only concerned about donations. We're not trying to force ourselves to get money."
The witch who said that has shown a little thought and made a certain suggestion.
"Then may I ask you one favor instead of a donation?
"" Please?
"Actually...... I'd rather pray for a new job before Master Rousha doesn't come out of the middle of a new job without giving up. I have asked you several times...... Now the head of the temple was out, too, and the same adventurer to each other...... could you please persuade me?
Ahhh, isn't that a nasty one? This.
I know the witch is asking about us as she twitches, and you're in real trouble.
You just need to be careful, but if it feels like hearing it, it would be a troublesome type of Kramer.... but either way, I can't transfer Lucha without that adventurer...
"I will!
Right, we'll have to do it - 'cause, Mr. Rousha!
Not long after I thought about what I was going to do, Lucha was responding with an acknowledgement. No, either way, I feel like it was best to take it, okay?
Lucha will want to change careers soon, too.
"Well, let's try to convince the adventurer."
"Thank you. Dear Lusha, Mr. Hiroki. Now, before we go during prayer... let me explain about the transfer."
Speaking of which, you didn't hear the exact way to change careers.
I was originally Priest, so I didn't have to change jobs. If I were a healer, I would have had to go to the temple of transition, like Lusha, and it would have been tough.
"It's easy, so don't be nervous," the witch prefaced and explained to me.
"Here, in The Temple of the Hunter, Archer can transfer to the Hunter. However, with regard to its terms of transfer… it has not been revealed by God"
"Yes, we read that in a book too"
Lucha nods, and I remember a book I read in a library on the Devil's Lands, too.
"To change jobs, you need 'wind cut feathers', right? If you are a person with it and you are highly recognized for your skills and abilities, you will be able to transfer..."
The witch smiled happily when I told her what was going on.
"Yes, you're right. Follow the wind cut feathers you brought to the arrow and let go with a bow. By doing so, we are supposed to be able to convey Archer's qualities to God."
"What, are you releasing an arrow?!?"
"Yes, because that is the prayer of this temple"
Look here, with the kind of face Lusha asks for help.
Yeah, I get it. I guess you didn't think I was going to shoot you in the bow for a new job. In fact, I didn't really think about that either.
Here's the thing, if you meet the conditions, you just say it's something that you can change jobs with... Are you too poisoned by the game?
"In doing so, we are told that God will look at the arrows and judge them. Admittedly, the profession of status changes to Hunter."
"Good luck......"
Rousha's long ears fall back to him.
"? What have you done? I don't think it's that hard..."
All I can do is laugh bitterly at Rusha for responding somehow. Given Lucha's hitting power, I guess she's scared because she's going to fly off to weird places.
"'Cause it's okay. I think Lusha's strength is one heel as a hunter, right?
"Hiroki...... thanks. Yeah, best of luck!
"Now, let's come between prayers. Now we have Anna of Archer and two of his people"
The witch walked out, so we follow.
The interior of the temple is very high ceilings and the floors are beautiful marble. It's so polished and so beautiful that it shows our faces.
Coming in front of the big door after several turns, the witch knelt on the spot.
"This is where we pray. Only Archers wishing to change careers and their party members are allowed to enter the room"
"Okay. For one thing, you just have to convince the two adventurers inside, right?
"Yes, please. We priests and witches don't like to argue, so we don't like it if we can't talk..."
So you don't mind letting me out at worst......
Even so, I'm a healer and I don't have the strength, and Lucha's a girl. I could have asked for Freuds, but he's not here right now.
I hope we can somehow persuade you by discussing it first. Oh, my God, I was thinking until the door between prayers opened. Yes, until it opens.
"You're not in the mood, Anna! You should be able to do more, get in the mood and let go of the arrows!!"
Aren't you a bloodthirsty man who can never make sense of this...